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Nuclear Education and Training Capabilities in Spain

Nuclear Education and Training Capabilities in Spain. CEIDEN F+. July 2012. Outline. Nuclear sector and its regulation in Spain. Study of capabilities of the Spanish Nuclear Industry for a New Nuclear Project Making a Spanish map for nuclear R&D

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Nuclear Education and Training Capabilities in Spain

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  1. Nuclear Education and Training Capabilities in Spain CEIDEN F+ July 2012

  2. Outline Nuclear sector and its regulation in Spain. Study of capabilities of the Spanish Nuclear Industry for a New Nuclear Project Making a Spanish map for nuclear R&D Increased relations with Latin America in the field of nuclear R&D CEIDEN F+ Current programs at CEIDEN R&D Technology Platform

  3. BACKGROUND CEIDEN F+ • E&T working group constituted since the beginning of CEIDEN association (1999). • Original E&T working group composed basically of universities and focussed in Education • In 2011, upon CNS proposal, the Management Council of CEIDEN approved the updating of the E&T group, which was denominated “CEIDEN F+”

  4. TERMS of REFERENCE of CEIDEN F+ • SCOPE: nuclear education nuclear training nuclear knowledge management (KM) • CEIDEN F+ co-chaired by: • CIEMAT. National research centre + TSO of the regulator (CSN) • TECNATOM. Nuclear services company & leader in nuclear training. • Every Spanish organization involved in nuclear E&T invited to participate in CEIDEN F+

  5. CEIDEN F+ members Regulatory body: CSN Research center and TSO: CIEMAT Universities:UAB (Barcelona), UPM (Madrid), UPV (P Vasco) Engineering and services companies: TECNATOM, Thunder simulation, Indra Utility: ENDESA Uranium mining and fuel manufacturing: ENUSA Industry association: Spanish nuclear industry forum

  6. Goal and activities • Goal: to coordinate all the Spanish organizations involved in nuclear E&T, to allow or help the participation in national and mainly international initiatives in this field to improve our international position • Main current activities: • Updating and improvement of the Spanish catalogue of nuclear energy and technology education (Masters) • Making an Spanish catalogue of nuclear energy and technology training capacities • Making contacts with European and other groups to allow the Spanish participation in international projects • Increased relations with Latin America in the field of nuclear R&D and E&T to share information and resources and to better know the main needs on nuclear E&T of the region

  7. CURRENT RESULTS http://www.ceiden.com/programas/ver?id=6

  8. EDUCATION • Task: Identification of the Nuclear Education capabilities in Spain • Development of a “Nuclear Education and Masters Portfolio” and update of this portfolio • Results: Masters Inventory: • Master's Degree in Nuclear Science and Technology. UPM    • Master's Degree in Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development. UPV    • Master's Degree in Sustainable Energy Engineering. UP País Vasco    • Master's Degree in Nuclear Technology and Instrumentation. U Huelva    • Master's Degree in Industrial and Environmental Safety. UP Valencia    • Master's Degree in Energy Engineering, Nuclear energy. UPC  • Master's Degree in Energy Engineering, Nuclear energy. UPM     • European Master of Sci in Nuclear Fusion And Engineering Physics. U. Gent, Carlos III, UPC, CIEMAT y UPM    • Master's Degree in Radiological Protection in Radioactive and Nuclear Facilities. UPV • Master Course in Nuclear Engineering and Applications. UAM y CIEMAT    • Master Course on Electricity Generating Technologies. ETSIIM y Tecnatom  

  9. TRAINING • Objective: Expanding the scope of the Nuclear Education to the Nuclear Training and Tutoring. • Task: Development of a Training Capabilities Inventory of Spain • Available Courses and Development Capability • Current Situation: • Spanish Nuclear Industry Companies have been consulted by the CEIDEN F+ in order to answer a questionnaire • As of today, 12 companies have been submitted their capabilities

  10. Companies • Asociación De Investigación Metalúrgica Del Noroeste (AIMN) • CIEMAT (CIEM) • Empresarios Agrupados (EEAA) • ENSA (ENSA) • ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas (ENUSA) • Foro Nuclear (FORO NUC) • Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción (IB ING) • Laboratorio de la División de Ciencia de los Materiales (LADICIM) de la Universidad de Cantabria (LAD) • LAINSA (LAIN) • PROINSA (PRO) • Tecnatom (TECN) • Thunder (THUNDE)


  12. Results (1/7)

  13. Results (2/7)

  14. Results (3/7)

  15. Results (4/7)

  16. Results (5/7)

  17. Results (6/7)

  18. Results (7/7)

  19. Strengths • Strengths. Selection Ratio • Large amount of hours of available courses • Over 500 horas • Large number of companies with development capabilities in this area • Over 4 companies

  20. Strengths

  21. Tools and Methods • E-learning Platform • Full or Partial Scope Control Room Simulator • Interactive Graphics Simulator (IGS) • Computer-based Training (CBT) • Human Factors Simulator (Field Simulator) • Use of Computer Codes • Facilities for Specific Practices • On-site Coaching and Mentoring

  22. Tools and Methods All TOOLS and METHODS (Regarding availability and capability) are covered by the Spanish Industry

  23. CEIDEN-F+ - ENSTTI Synergies. Example • ENSTTI DEVCO TRAINING PROGRAM • CEIDEN-F+ can support all training areas of the Training Program for NRAs and TSOs

  24. Thanks for your attention

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