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Muon Speed Analysis

Muon Speed Analysis. Clara Woods, Kyler Natividad, Julia Rathmann-Bloch. #phobic_penguins. Top Detector DAQ (Data Ac quisition module) 3 Bottom Detectors. Overview of Experiment. How fast do muons travel? How accurately can we measure their speed?. 7 ft + 0.14 ft.

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Muon Speed Analysis

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  1. Muon Speed Analysis Clara Woods, Kyler Natividad, Julia Rathmann-Bloch #phobic_penguins

  2. Top Detector DAQ(Data Acquisition module) 3 Bottom Detectors Overview of Experiment • How fast do muons travel? • How accurately can we measure their speed? 7 ft + 0.14 ft

  3. Plateauing Why do we plateau detectors? Plateauing detectors is a way of testing if they are functioning correctly as well as finding the perfect setting for optimal use. What we’re looking for is a nice long place where the graph flattens out. As you can see, detector A has an amazing plateau graph, which tells us that it’s working very well. The other three detectors also plateaued, telling us they were legitimate.

  4. Background research Distribution of Muon energies at sea level Using Excel to analyze data http://sites.psu.edu/georgecoba/wp-content/uploads/sites/3300/2013/04/Muon-Speed-and-Lifetime.pdf http://hep.physics.wayne.edu/web/quarknet/summer/2011/WSUQuarknetSummer2011/studentpresentations/session1/Muon%20Speed%20Study%20(GPS).pptx http://www.jurp.org/2012/MS138.pdf Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics University of Minnesota WSU Quarknet

  5. Hypothesis Model/testable prediction: Most of the muons will be travelling at the speed of light: c = 3 * 10^8 m/s. We expect a few to have a lower speed. Aftera preliminary experiment we found data that largely suggests that we will get most of our muons at the speed of light. From our solid angle, we calculated our expected count rate to be about 13.5 per minute. Our original experiment gave us a rough count rate of about 10 + 3 per minute. Solid Angle of a Pyramid http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.1396

  6. Analysis Overview 1A68F930 BE 00 3C 00 00 00 00 00 198BD108 193048.022 170714 A 12 0 +0072 1A68F931 00 00 00 00 22 00 24 00 198BD108 193048.022 170714 A 12 0 +0072 1A68F931 00 3A 00 3E 00 3C 00 39 198BD108 193048.022 170714 A 12 0 +0072 277A1655 80 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1655 2B 00 28 00 00 00 29 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1655 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1655 00 3E 00 3A 3A 00 00 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1656 00 00 00 00 00 27 00 22 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 Raw Data from DAQ Quarknet Analysis to get rid of extra information Final Graphs Speed Analysis

  7. Calculations: 𝞓t = t_topdetector - t_bottom detector v = d/𝞓t We set the DAQ to only show us four fold coincidence, meaning that it will ignore an event that does not trigger all four detectors. Analysis Timing data for detector A (1.25 ns resolution) GPS data, we are not using this 40 ns timer C D B 1A68F930 BE 00 3C 00 00 00 00 00 198BD108 193048.022 170714 A 12 0 +0072 1A68F931 00 00 00 00 22 00 24 00 198BD108 193048.022 170714 A 12 0 +0072 1A68F931 00 3A 00 3E 00 3C 00 39 198BD108 193048.022 170714 A 12 0 +0072 277A1655 80 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1655 2B 00 28 00 00 00 29 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1655 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1655 00 3E 00 3A 3A 00 00 00 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 277A1656 00 00 00 00 00 27 00 22 26F50B48 193057.014 170714 A 12 0 +0040 *All used numbers are in hexadecimal

  8. Preliminary Data Second peak with a negative time difference (the bottom detector is triggering before the top detector) Three more days of preliminary data to confirm original results Our first day of experiment

  9. Possible physical explanations for the second peak Lower-energy backsplash from muon interactions Hidden source underneath floor

  10. The resolution is actually 40 ns Ultimate solution The time of each event is found by adding a 40ns clock with a 1.25ns clock. The 1.25ns clock loops every 40ns. Our original analysis used the 40ns clock as a 10ns clock. This caused a -30ns offset when a muon is detected as the 1.25ns clock returns to 0.

  11. Re-Calibration Before we had gotten rid of all false signals and could publish final results, we had to make one more change. We had realized that our detectors were giving us different time delays, so we re-calibrated to get rid of those effects.

  12. Results Muon Number vs. Time Difference c = .984 ft/ns Average speed = 0.968 +0.009(stat) + .02(systematic)ft/ns

  13. ~30 ns Additional experiments

  14. Different edges Average of falling and leading edges Falling edge only Leading edge only

  15. Threshold data 0.400 V Threshold 0.350 V Threshold We found no difference in precisionbetween different threshold voltages

  16. Conclusions • We found muons traveling at an average speed of .968 ft/ns + .009(stat) + .02(systematic)ft/ns • Light travels at a speed of .984 ft/ns • The muons we measured were traveling at 98.4% + .9%the speed of light

  17. Extension experiments • Shielding to see better spectrum • Change distance for increased precision • Measure which sky angle produces the fastest muons • Speed as a function of altitude

  18. Many thanks to: Stuart Briber Vicki Johnson Jason Nielson TanmayiSai Brendan Wells All our speakers and our fellow interns #phobic_penguins Thank You! Any Questions?

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