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Unit 2 Vocabulary

Unit 2 Vocabulary. Pronunciation . Noun. Aegis. Protection; patronage; sponsorship. Pronunciation . Verb. Apprise. To inform of; to make aware of by giving oral or written notice. Pronunciation . Adjective. Bibulous. Fond of or inclined to drink; absorbent. Pronunciation . Noun.

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Unit 2 Vocabulary

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  1. Unit 2 Vocabulary

  2. Pronunciation Noun Aegis Protection; patronage; sponsorship

  3. Pronunciation Verb Apprise To inform of; to make aware of by giving oral or written notice

  4. Pronunciation Adjective Bibulous Fond of or inclined to drink; absorbent

  5. Pronunciation Noun A group of people hired to applaud a performer or performance; enthusiastic or fawning admirers; an opera hat Claque

  6. Pronunciation Verb Deracinate To pull up by the roots; to root out, uproot, or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of

  7. Pronunciation Noun Exegesis An explanation or critical interpretation (especially of a text)

  8. Pronunciation Adjective Indigenous Originating in the country or region where found, native; inborn; inherent

  9. Now… Using those seven words you just learned, choose FOUR that you will draw a picture representing the word. Just like last time, you can not blatantly say what the word is!

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