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Albert Einstein 1879-1955

”I have no Special talents I’m only Passionately Curious”. Albert Einstein 1879-1955. By: Tony Vaisanen. Childhood/Family. Was born in March 14. 1879, in a small town called Ulm in Germany Went to school in Italy, Switzerland, and Germany

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Albert Einstein 1879-1955

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  1. ”I have no Special talents I’m only Passionately Curious” Albert Einstein1879-1955 By: Tony Vaisanen

  2. Childhood/Family • Was born in March 14. 1879, in a small town called Ulm in Germany • Went to school in Italy, Switzerland, and Germany • His teacher taught that he would never be good at anything • His mother was a musician • His father was an elecrticalengineer

  3. Special Skills • He was the most successful scientist in the world • He could make people believe in him with words • Physics and math

  4. Found Out • He found out a famous formula E=mc² this equation shows the connection between energy and mass. E-energy; m-mass; c²-a large number, the square of the speed of light • Light comes as a particle what is a photon • Atoms and he calculate how big are they • Space and time are deeply connected • He found out that when you fall you become weightless • Space and time are curved

  5. Theory of Relativity • Einstein was 26 when he developed the Theory of Relativity • Before Einstein peoplethaughtthattime is sameeverywhere and space and timeareabsolute. Einstein developed the theorythateverything is related to eachother he cameupwiththis idea when he imagened a manfallingoff the roof

  6. Contributions • He contributedmorethanotherscientists to physics. Histheories of relativityarewhatwestillhave and accept

  7. Facts • 1905 was his miracle year • When he published many of his famous papers he wasn’t even a scientist back then • He helped to make the nuclear bomb • At the start he was a complete stranger and made the most successful papers in the world • He was the most successful scientist in the world • Died at April 14, 1955. in Princetown, USA

  8. LastYears • Einstein grewold and went to a carehospital in Princeton, USA. HisnursecoulduntspeakGerman, no oneeverknewwhat the famousmansaidbefore he died. He died of heartfailure 6 yearsafterhiswife.

  9. BriefOverview • Born in March 14, 1879 • Got a Violin at the age of 6, failed in music school • Dropped out of school at the age of 15 • MarriesMileva in 1903 • Changedinterestfrommath to physics • DivorcedMileva 1914 • Published the theory of relativity in 1915 • Married Elsa 1919 • Got the Nobel Prize at 1921 in physics • 1930- 1955 searcher for a unifiedtheory of the universe • Died at April 18, 1955 in Princeton, USA

  10. The End Thanks For Watching

  11. Bibliography Wikipedia- www.wikipedia.com Google images- images.google.com History.com- www.history.com ----------------Books------------------ Freeman m.B (1955) the story of alberteinstein By: ranold house

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