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Finalized Systems Code Modifications & New Aggressive Strawmen Suggestions

Finalized Systems Code Modifications & New Aggressive Strawmen Suggestions. Lane Carlson, Charles Kessel, Stephen Efthyvoulos ARIES-Pathways Project Meeting Bethesday, MD April 4-5 , 2011. ASC Overview. ASC has undergone many error corrections and modifications.

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Finalized Systems Code Modifications & New Aggressive Strawmen Suggestions

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  1. Finalized Systems Code Modifications & New Aggressive Strawmen Suggestions Lane Carlson, Charles Kessel, Stephen Efthyvoulos ARIES-Pathways Project Meeting Bethesday, MD April 4-5 , 2011

  2. ASC Overview • ASC has undergone many error corrections and modifications. • Laila’s comments from Jan. 2011 presentation addressed • Laila and Les’ comments on Feb. 2011 interim printouts addressed  major errors and discrepancies have been corrected, believability of code improved • Refined strawmen suggested for ARIES Technology & Physics Assessment of Advanced and Conservative Tokamaks (ACT) • ARIES-ACT-I (aggressive technology, aggressive physics) • ARIES-ACT-II (aggressive technology, conservative physics) • Continuing to update documentation and track changes. • New multi-filtering capability in VASST GUI. • Working on converting DCLL module to generic build structure.

  3. Action Items Completed from Jan. 26 2011 meeting • Fix radial builds discrepancies. Done • Adopt SOL = 10 cm. Done • Adopt 50 MW aux power from 63 MW. Done • Correct FW and divertor surface areas per Laila’s pres. Plasma SA used to include divertor SA. Now, plasma SA ~547 m3 w/ 10 cm SOL. IB FW ~133 m2, OB FW ~375 m2, total ~508 m2, Div SA ~191 m2 (all 6) • Printout all parameters, costing algorithms, material properties. Done • Check number, volume, cost of PF modules including spares. • 50 PF coils total accounted for in volume & costing • 36 “active” (14 top, 14 bottom, 8 central solenoid) • 14 “spares” below bottom coils • Theoretical plasma facing surface better defined (plasma SA + 10cm SOL). Done • Separate pumping powers for He and PbLi in blanket. Working • Clarify in output that heating and CD powers are steady-state. Done

  4. Input Needed, Received for ASC

  5. Generic radial build proposed • Fixed: IB FW/B = 35 cm, OB FW/B = 30 cm • Need to remove customized naming designations. • Generic radial build will allow true modularity of blankets. • Leave room for possible future layers. Work in progress

  6. Laila’s comments from interim printout were addressed • LiPb includes 2.5x BOP factor, discrepancy is due to new lower cost, eutectic mixing. To be discussed • Ppumpdiv ~ 20-25 MW using plate divertor • Ppumpblanket ~ 5-10 MW using SiC blanket with dual-coolant blanket and mechanical LM pump, 90% efficient • Accounts 21.2 Power core building (vol ~ 141,000 m3), 21.7 Hot cell building were zero, now corrected. 21.7 = 21.1*0.34 M$ • Power core support structure is now 20% FPC vol (783 m3) = 156 m3 * 0.2 M$/m3 = 31 M$. Refine? • NWL_ave fixed, now uses 10cm SOL + plasma SA ~= 2.8 MW/m2 • Dual-coolant costing algorithm implemented for Heat Transfer and Transport for Accnt 22.6.

  7. VV HT shield Repl HT shield Divertor FW OB Sepatrix FW IB IB bl Plasma Laila’s comments from interim printout were addressed • Penetration shielding = 25% • Shield thickness vs NWL scale with correct NWL_ave • Updated part compositions and costing. • To do: separate IB and div shield. OB bl + MANY others, documented in “Laila validation re interim strawmen, LCC ed 2.doc” and “ASC Legend 23.xls”

  8. Les’ comments from interim printout were addressed • System of checks and balances - caught many minor errors and discrepancies. • Part compositions and volumes verified by hand vs. computer calculations. • Changed VV composition to composite structure, $43.44/kg, among others. + MANY others, documented in “Validation of 2_11 ASC Strawman (2_23_11) LW, LCC ed 2.doc” and “ASC Legend 23.xls”

  9. Mark contributed SiC blanket pumping power • No He-pumping • MHD pumping power for PbLi in IB FW/B only, OB is expected to be much lower • Blanket thermal = Pn*M+FW Prad • ASC limits use to data range given

  10. Items to address • Support structure volume and mass algorithms. • Main Heat Transfer and Transport (MHTT) - power core and primary loop. • Power conversion system for MHTT - Brayton cycle? • He mass in Brayton cycle? • Direct cycle heat exchanger to turbine? Or IHX for PbLi to He. IHX He volume? Turbine cycle working fluid volume? • Nuclear-grade materials and safety-related components cost factors, PbLi costing details - TBD Laila

  11. Chronicle of error corrections, modifications • Major discrepancies have been resolved such that we are confident issuing strawman results. • Minor work is still ongoing, will be available in subsequent revisions. • Revision # locked at 30 • All above are implemented. • All below are for future work.

  12. VASST plots - compare with Kessel Jan ‘11 pres • Same scanning range as Kessel except betaN down to 0.0275

  13. Bt vs betaN, CC A • The operating space for aspect ratio scans: A = 4.0, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0

  14. fBS vs betaN, CC A

  15. R vs Qdivoutb, CC A Qdivoutb < 15 MW/m2

  16. R vs Xnwall, CC A Xnwall 2-4 MW/m2

  17. n/nGW vs H98, CC A

  18. qMHD vs betaN, CC A

  19. Conclusions from aspect ratio scans • Effect of aspect ratio scans: A = 4.0, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0 • as A is reduced the major radius is dropping • as A is reduced the toroidal field at the plasma drops • as A decreases Ip increases • as A decreases the max field at the TF coil is rising • how does the engineering solution change??? magnets, build... 1. 2.

  20. Aspect ratio scans builds • Drawn by systems code A = 4.0 A = 3.0 A = 2.5

  21. April 2011 Strawmen proposed • ARIES-ACT-I (aggressive technology, aggressive physics) • SiC blanket, ηth ~ 58%, βN = 0.04 - 0.06 • ARIES-ACT-II (aggressive technology, conservative physics) • SiC blanket, ηth ~ 58%, βN = 0.0275 - 0.04

  22. Systems code scanning parameters used • Output is ~6.2M points

  23. Hardwired systems code parameters NOTES: • Divertor is He-cooled since heat flux was routinely > 5 MW/m^2 and liquid-metal cannot provide adequate cooling. • SiC blanket is use. • All costing is 2009$

  24. Filtering the data • Output is ~25k points • To find strawmen: apply additional filters - or - visualize in VASST

  25. ARIES-ACT-I possible aggr strawmen * All costing is 2009$ ** H98 is based on total power including radiation

  26. ARIES-ACT-II possible cons strawmen  Average values of ~20 points * All costing is 2009$ ** H98 is based on total power including radiation

  27. Full engineering analysis printouts available online http://aries.ucsd.edu/ARIES/WDOCS/ACT-I.htm

  28. Radial build examples ARIES-ACT-I R ~5.5m, a ~1.25m, NWL_ave ~2.4-2.8 MW/m2, Elongation = 2.2 ARIES-ACT-II R ~6.75m, a ~1.69m, NWL_ave ~2.1 MW/m2, Elongation = 2.0

  29.  All average values Effect of filtering Qdivoutb < 15, 10, 7.5 MW/m2

  30. R vs Qdivoutb, CC A High betaN cases at A < 4, low COE R vs Qdivoutb, CC COE R vs Qdivoutb, CC BetaN

  31. High betaN cases lower Bt BetaN vs Bt, CC COE

  32. Higher fGW allows lower H98

  33. R vs COE, CC: Asp, Bt Database name: ACT-I (aggr phys & aggr tech) Filters: Bt 6-18 T Qdiv (in, out) < 7.5 MW/m2 Pnelec = 1000 ± 15 MW n/nGr < 1 H98 < 1.9 Smallest machines have low COE, A < 4, low Bt

  34. Qdivoub vs COE, CC: R Database name: ACT-I (aggr phys & aggr tech) Filters: Bt 6-18 T Qdiv (in, out) < 7.5 MW/m2 Pnelec = 1000 ± 15 MW n/nGr < 1 H98 < 1.9

  35. NEW multi-filtering functionality (Visual ARIES Systems Scanning Tool) VASST GUI v.7

  36. Screen sharing for VASST demo • Propose use of Skype or iChat screen sharing feature for personalized VASST demo on your own computer • Simply need a free account.

  37. Summary & Future Work • Multiple errors corrected and modifications implemented from feedback, presentations, meeting actions items, interim printouts comments. • Revision locked at # 30 (SVN). • Scans of aggressive and conservative physics, including asp scans, were run and visualized. • Choose strawmen points then issue ACT-I, II detailed engineering analysis for SiC blanket. • Once DCLL module is converted with generic build structure, issue ACT-III, IV.

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