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SSCG8b: The Student will describe the nomination and election process.

SSCG8b: The Student will describe the nomination and election process. Bell Ringer. And THE WINNER IS…… Based on what you have learned in class and what you know by watching TV and other sources, how did President Obama win reelection?. facebook.com/ DemocracyClass / Twitter @ RockTheVote.

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SSCG8b: The Student will describe the nomination and election process.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SSCG8b: The Student will describe the nomination and election process.

  2. Bell Ringer And THE WINNER IS…… Based on what you have learned in class and what you know by watching TV and other sources, how did President Obama win reelection? facebook.com/DemocracyClass / Twitter @RockTheVote

  3. Videos: History of 2012 Presidential Campaign: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c5_7#/video/politics/2012/11/05/evc-campaign-in-two-minutes.cnn

  4. The National Convention • Both parties hold a national convention, and at this convention, the party nominee for President is officially announced • National conventions occur on the elections in which a President is nominated (every 4 years) Obama Speech from 2004 National Convention http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c5_7#/video/politics/2012/08/02/video-vault-dnc-2004-obama.cnn

  5. 2012 National Conventions Democratic National Convention Charlotte, NC Republican National Convention Tampa, Florida

  6. Getting Elected… • In order to be elected, most people first win their party’s nomination (during the primary election/caucus season) • Then, they run against candidates in the general election. They campaign before both election events • During the primary, Democrats run against Democrats, Republicans v. Republicans • During the general election, Republicans run against Democrats • Third parties can be on the general election ballot as well. Usually they do not run in a primary election

  7. Super Tuesday • The Tuesday in which the greatest number of states hold their primary elections

  8. What happens in Georgia? • Georgia’s Primary Election • Open Primary • A runoff can occur later in the summer • Runoff = 2nd round of a primary election where one winner is chosen to go to the general election • Georgia’s primary was held on March 6th, 2012 (Super Tuesday)

  9. National Elections • National elections are held in November of every even-numbered year • The “Tuesday after the First Monday” in November • States can set other dates for State-wide elections (like Governor), but most hold their elections at the same time as the national elections

  10. Becoming the President • The Electoral College officially elects the President of the United States http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c5_7#/video/politics/2012/11/02/pkg-cnn-explains-electoral-college.cnn • After the General Election occurs in November, electors cast their “official” vote • Each state receives a number of electors that is calculated by their representation in Congress • Senate seats (2) + House seats (depends on population) = total electors each state gets • In GA, its 2 + 14 (House seats) = 16 Electoral College Votes

  11. 2012 Election CNN Statistics and Video: http://www.cnn.com/election/2012/results/main?hpt=hp_c3_1 http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c5_7#/video/bestoftv/2012/11/07/exp-pathway-to-victory.cnn

  12. 2012 Election Night Speeches http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c5_7#/video/politics/2012/11/07/election-obama-victory-speech.cnn http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c5_7#/video/politics/2012/11/07/election-romney-concession.cnn

  13. Election Diagram • Directions: On a piece of construction paper, create a diagram that shows the election process for National Elections in the U.S. government • Your diagram must include: • The Primary contest step (election step) • Includes: Open primary elections, closed primary elections, and caucus meetings • National Convention • The general election step (election step) • Electoral College • Also include: • A definition of the step with a picture representing each one. • Who the candidates are running against in 2012and the winner!

  14. Closing Answer the following questions: Why is it important for YOU to vote? How do you Vote? facebook.com/DemocracyClass / Twitter @RockTheVote

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