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Theo Dillaha, Program Director SANREM CRSP

______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007. SANREM CRSP Annual Report. Theo Dillaha, Program Director SANREM CRSP

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Theo Dillaha, Program Director SANREM CRSP

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  1. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 SANREM CRSP Annual Report Theo Dillaha, Program Director SANREM CRSP Office of International Research, Education, and Development, Virginia Tech

  2. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Outline • Highlights • Issues • Annual Meeting Overview

  3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Context • Over half way through SANREM Phase II • Bridging Awards completed • Long-term research activities 14 months into their 3.5 year programs

  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Bridging Awards

  5. Globalization, Agricultural Growth, and the Environment: Consolidation and Continuity of SANREM Research in Southeast Asia PIs: Ian Coxhead, Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Gerald Shivley, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. Partners: University of the Philippines Los Banos; Hue University, Vietnam; Nong Lam University, Vietnam. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  6. Globalization, Agricultural Growth, and the Environment: Consolidation and Continuity of SANREM Research in Southeast Asia Research on economic and environmental features of commercial tree crops, especially coffee, in Vietnam Refine economic and environmental policy analysis tools for use at landscape and national scales. Consolidation and dissemination of lessons from SANREM II research in the Philippines. Provide SANREM SE Asia metadata to the ME. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  7. Globalization, Agricultural Growth, and the Environment: Consolidation and Continuity of SANREM Research in Southeast Asia Accomplishments: 1 M.S and 1 Ph.D. students graduated 1 short course 2 Fulbright exchanges 3 refereed journal articles 1 book 3 book chapters $465,000 in funding obtained from other sources to continue SANREM research ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  8. Sustainable Land Use and Biodiversity Conservation in the Andes: Scaling-UpSANREM-Andes Research PIs: Robert E. Rhoades and Virginia D. Nazarea, University of Georgia ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  9. Sustainable Land Use and Biodiversity Conservation in the Andes: Scaling-UpSANREM-Andes Research Development of watershed visualization tools for LUC modeling and scenario planning, including climate change issues Creating guidelines and methods for biodiversity conservation of Andean crops Delivery of SANREM-Andes data and meta-data for the SANREM knowledge base. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  10. Sustainable Land Use and Biodiversity Conservation in the Andes: Scaling-UpSANREM-Andes Research Accomplishments 1 PhD student 2 workshops 1 refereed journal article 7 books (English and Spanish) 4 book chapters CD Toolbook Database of SANREM-Andes Project Two radio programs (NPR and Earthwatch radio) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  11. Analysis Required for Payments for Watershed Environmental Services (PWES) PI: Douglas Southgate, Ohio State University ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  12. Analysis Required for Payments for Watershed Environmental Services (PWES) Estimate the price increases that the customers of potable water systems would pay (WTP) for the sake of conserving water sources Estimate the compensation required in upper reaches of Ecuadorian watersheds for land users to alter resource use for the sake of watershed conservation. Identify legal issues associated with the implementation of PWES Delivery of SANREM data and meta-data for the SANREM knowledge base. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  13. Analysis Required for Payments for Watershed Environmental Services (PWES) Accomplishments 1 refereed journal article 1 book chapter 1 conference proceedings 1 workshop ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  14. Metadata Development for the SANREM Knowledge Base PIs: Conrad Heatwole, Gene Yagow, Brian Benham, Margaret Merrill, Virginia Tech ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  15. Metadata Development for the SANREM Knowledge Base Define a metadata structure for SANREM resources that facilitate access to and dissemination of materials Catalog SANREM Phase I and II resources Develop a SANREM Knowledge Base user’s manual ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  16. Metadata Development for the SANREM Knowledge Base Accomplishments Assisted SANREM ME in designing and developing the SANREM Knowledge Base data structure and user interface Archived 400 resources from SANREM Phase I and II SANREM Knowledge Base User’s Manual ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  17. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Biodiversity in Agriculture SymposiumPunta Cana, Dominican RepublicMay 31-June 2, 2006 • better understand the importance of biodiversity and why it is essential for provision of ecosystem services; • explore how biodiversity conservation can be integrated into agricultural development activities;  • demonstrate why biodiversity conservation is essential to sustainable development; and • explain how agricultural development projects can be designed to meet USAID Biodiversity Conservation Earmark requirements. Brought together over 100 biodiversity conservation and agricultural researchers and development specialists to:

  18. Payments for Environmental Services Associate Award Cooperative activity between SANREM and BASIS CRSPs (Doug Southgate, Paul Ferraro, Margie Huang) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 • Participate in the Global Event for Payments/Rewards for Environmental Services, Jan. 2007, Lombok, Indonesia • Prepare regional synthesis papers on approaches to Payments for Watershed Services in Africa, Asia, and Latin America • Assist BASIS in developing a Sourcebook on PES for USAID personnel • Conduct a one-day Policy Seminar on PES for USAID personnel • PES Knowledge Base

  19. Technical Assistance to Madagascar Mission ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Sarah Karpanty, Charles Welch, Theo Dillaha • Assess forest recovery after an illegal forestry operation and update restoration plan. • Train Madagascar Ministry or Water and Forests personnel in forest restoration and erosion control practices. • Potential Associate Award?

  20. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  21. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 SANREM Landscape Systems/Adaptive Management Book • Editor: Keith Moore • Status: Nearing completion with second drafts of most chapters

  22. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 SANREM Knowledge Base • 1600+ entries to date • Contributions by all partners and ME • Approaching sufficient content to be useful

  23. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Cross-Cutting Watershed Modeling and Assessment Activity Details to be provided by Conrad Heatwole

  24. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Long-Term Research Program Focus of this meeting

  25. Soil Management Associate Award Will continue high impact soils research initiated by the terminated Soils Management CRSP. Will develop scope of work over next month. “Probably” similar to SANREM Bridging Grants program. Approximately $200K/year ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  26. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Management Entity Changes • Fiscal Technician • John Lipovsky replaced by Peggy Lawson • Editor/Communications Specialist • Kirk Neal replaced by Deanne Estrada

  27. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 External Evaluation • EEP Members: • Dick Harwood, Chair • Robyn Burnham • Kathy Galvin • Ed Price • Paul Vlek • Evaluating long-term research activities and overall SANREM program

  28. ISSUES Business Meeting Budget: FY2008 of $1.96 million SANREM Program Review and Renewal CRSP Council and NASULGC efforts to increase CRSP and agricultural development/capacity building funding ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  29. Annual Meeting Overview Goals: Share and discuss: Where we are What we have learned How we can improve our research Identify opportunities for additional collaboration External Evaluation Panel review of long-term research activities (with subsequent suggestions for improvement) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  30. Annual Meeting Overview Monday, June 25 8:00 Welcome, Overview of Day’s Activities 8:30 Watershed-based Natural Resource Management in Small-scale Agriculture: Sloped Areas of the Andean Region, Jeff Alwang, Virginia Tech 10:00 Break 10:30 Adapting to Change in the Andean Highlands: Practices and Strategies to Address Climate and Market Risks in Vulnerable Agroecosystems, Corinne Valdivia, University of Missouri at Columbia 12:00 Lunch ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  31. Annual Meeting Overview Monday, June 25 1:30 Decentralization Reforms and Property Rights: Potentials and Puzzles for Forest Sustainability and Livelihoods, Krister Andersson, University of Colorado at Boulder 3:00 Break 3:30 Developing a Participatory Socio-Economic Model for Food Security, Improved Rural Livelihoods, Watershed Management, and Biodiversity Conservation in Southern Africa, Alex Travis, Cornell University 5:00 Open Discussion 6:00 Adjourn 7:30 Banquet, Casa Campestre ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  32. Annual Meeting Overview Tuesday, June 26 7:00 Gender, SA, and NRM Breakfast 8:00 Agroforestry and Sustainable Vegetable Production in Southeast Asian Watersheds, Manuel Reyes, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University 9:30 Cross-Cutting Watershed Modeling and Assessment Activity, Conrad Heatwole, Virginia Tech 10:00 Break 10:30 SANREM Business Meeting 11:15 USAID Update, Chris Kosnik, SANREM CRSP CTO 12:00 Annual Meeting Closing Remarks, S.K. De Datta 12:30 Lunch ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  33. Annual Meeting Overview Tuesday, June 26 1:30-4:00 Individual Long-Term Research Activity meetings and EEP questions 1:30 - LTR-1 and EEP2:00 - LTR-2 and EEP2:30 - LTR-3 and EEP3:00 - LTR-4 and EEP 3:30 - LTR-5 and EEP 4:00 Technical Committee meeting 5:30 Adjourn 7:15 Gather in registration area for transportation to Cochabamba restaurant ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  34. Annual Meeting Overview Wednesday, June 27 8:00 PI meetings with EEP as required or Field trip to Tiraque site if not scheduled with EEP. Gather at 7:45 for departure promptly at 8. 5:00 Adjourn 7:30 Dinner, Casa Campestre ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  35. Annual Meeting Notes Computer and printer available in meeting room area for printing Responsible for your own alcoholic beverage purchases except at banquet (2) Meals are included in your room charge Breakfast (7am) and dinner in restaurant Lunch around pool ______________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007

  36. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Meeting Cochabamba, Bolivia June 24-27, 2007 Questions?

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