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OPOSICIONS 2009 THE TEACHING PROGRAM & THE DICACTIC UNIT: introduction Curs orientació Oposicions 2009- CCOO Carmina Fallada Pouget. LEGISLATION. LOE (Organic Law of Education) of May 3, 2006. Specific decrees in Catalonia :

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  1. OPOSICIONS 2009 THE TEACHING PROGRAM & THE DICACTIC UNIT: introduction Curs orientació Oposicions 2009- CCOO Carmina Fallada Pouget

  2. LEGISLATION • LOE (Organic Law of Education) of May 3, 2006. • Specific decrees in Catalonia: • Compulsory Secondary education: Royal Decree 143/2007 of June 26. • Post-compulsory s.e. (BAT): Royal Decree 142/2008 of July 15 * At www.xtec.cat, under ‘estudis’, on the left-hand menu.

  3. LOE (chapter III) The Education Administrations will establish the curricula for the different types of education regulated by this Law, of which the basic aspects highlighted in previous paragraphs will form part. Schools will develop and complete, where relevant, the different stages and cycles, using their autonomy, as stated in Title V, Chapter II of this Law.

  4. Different levels of specification (nivells de concreció) The LOE Decree 142/2007 PCC PA THE CURRICULUM

  5. What is a curriculum? Your teaching program has to be based on the curriculum for compulsory secondary education. But… What is a curriculum?

  6. A curriculum is… Chapter III (LOE). Curriculum refers to the objectives, basic competences, contents, pedagogic methods and assessment criteria of each area of education regulated by the current Law. Decree 143/2007. • S'entén per currículum de l'educació secundària obligatòria el conjunt de competències bàsiques, objectius, continguts, mètodes pedagògics i criteris d'avaluació d'aquesta etapa. • Per a cada matèria, aquest Decret determina els objectius, per a tota l'etapa, així com els continguts i criteris d'avaluació en els diferents cursos. • Els centres educatius desenvoluparan i completaran el currículum d'educació secundària obligatòria. El currículum elaborat pel centre formarà part del seu projecte educatiu.



  9. The Basic Competences En la imatge es veu un nen amb una pilota i davant té el seu pare amb el diari vestit de bany, amb una cigarreta, tot fent un cafè, i el nen li diu al pare: • Prefereixes que estudiï pels exàmens de setembre i memoritzi de forma automàticaconeixements sense importància o que surti a jugar i recullivivènciesque m’acompanyaran la resta de la meva vida? Transcripció de la conferència d’en Joan Mateo (8 de setembre de 2004)

  10. Capacity to use • knowledge & abilities in • a transversal and interactive • way in different domains • and situations… ..to be a good citizen and solve daily problems in different situations. Basic Competences Contents Attitudes, values & norms Concepts Procedures

  11. The B.C.s: new challenges Develop the b.c. so as to: SABER (declarative knowledge; savoir) SABER FER (skills and know-how; savoir faire) SABER SER I ESTAR (‘existencial’ competence; savoir-être) SABER ACTUAR (savoir faire; act autonomously) OBJECTIVES CHANGES IN • Contextualization of learning • Active role of learners; we learn with others • We need to be able to communicate in order to ‘savoir-faire’. • Self-assessment (self-correction) METHODOLOGY How can we assess competences?? ASSESSMENT

  12. Why does the LOE talk about ‘competences’?

  13. The European Reference Framework OBJECTIVES 1)identify and define the key competences necessary for personal fulfilment, active citizenship, social cohesion and employability in a knowledge society; (DEVELOPMENT OF BASIC COMPETENCES) 2) support Member States’ work in ensuring that by the end of initial education and training young people have developed the key competences to a level that equips them for adult life and which forms a basis for further learning and working life, and that adults are able to develop and update their key competences throughout their lives; (LONG-LIFE LEARNING) 3) provide a European-level reference tool for policy-makers, education providers, employers, and learners themselves to facilitate national- and European-level efforts towards commonly agreed objectives; (COMMON REFERENCE LEVEL)

  14. THE TEACHING PROGRAM What is a classroom teaching program/didactic syllabus?

  15. A classroom teaching program is… .. an instrument that teachers use to set up, develop and evaluate the teaching-learning process of a group of students. - it is the last level of specification of the curriculum. - it is made up of a set of ordered and sequenced didactic units.

  16. TEACHING PROGRAM REFERENCES(adapted from Roser Canal’s) PC (projecte de centre) LEGISLATION (Decree 142/2007) EDUCATIONAL AIMS THE TEACHING PROGRAM Teachers take the decisions CONTEXT (highschool, city…) TYPE OF CONTENTS STUDENTS’ EDUCATIONAL NEEDS OPEN AND FLEXIBLE

  17. THE TEACHING PROGRAM: ACTIVITY 1 BRAINSTORMING: What parts should a t.p. have? PAIR WORK: useful vocabulary for the t.p.

  18. PROPOSAL: PARTS OF A TEACHING PROGRAM 0.0 Cover page 0. Table of contents/index • Introduction • Basic competences • Objectives • Contents • Methodology and activity types • The ICT • Assessment and recuperation • Students with specific educational support needs • Didactic units • Material/resources/(bibliography) • Bibliography • Annexes

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