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Activators and Summarizers

Activators and Summarizers. Inviting Thinking and Affirming Learning. What is an Activator?. Warm-ups Bell-ringers Starters The first activity that your students do. Why are Activators important?. Invites thinking Focuses attention Eliminates off-task behavior

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Activators and Summarizers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Activators and Summarizers Inviting Thinking and Affirming Learning

  2. What is an Activator? • Warm-ups • Bell-ringers • Starters • The first activity that your students do.

  3. Why are Activators important? • Invites thinking • Focuses attention • Eliminates off-task behavior “Your first priority is not to take the role. Your very first priority when the class starts is to get the students to work.” - Harry Wong

  4. When do Activators occur? • As soon as students enter the classroom. • Activators should be completed in 5-10 minutes. “I have to get students engaged within ninety seconds of entering the classroom.” -Rick Wormeli

  5. Anticipation/ Reaction Guide Fast Write Dump and Clump Possible Passages The First Word You Ought to be in Pictures BrainPop.com Quote of the Day Recall/Review Brain Teasers Quick Draws Optical Openers Puzzles Riddles Vocabulary Examples of Activators

  6. Organizing your Activators Daily Weekly

  7. On-line Resources • http://educ.queensu.ca/~science/main/profdev/starters.htm • http://www.lcc.ukf.net/teasers/brainteasers.htm • http://puzzlemaker.com/ • http://www.brainpop.com/ • http://www.scientificpsychic.com/mind/mind1.html • http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/archive/index.php?f-92.html • http://712educators.about.com/od/warmups/Warm_Ups_Questions_to_Begin_the_Day.htm • http://www.internet4classrooms.com/subject_area.htm

  8. What is a Summarizer? • Closer • Conclusion • “Ticket out the door” • The last activity that your students do. • Summarizes and assesses the learning of the day.

  9. Why are Summarizers important? • Assesses learning. • Helps create a link to prior knowledge. • Summarizes thoughts • Brings closures to your lesson “By teaching summarizing techniques, teachers can enhance students’ ability to synthesize and organize information in a way that captures the main idea and supporting details.” - Robert Marzano

  10. When do Summarizers occur? • At the end of each class. • Summarizers should be completed in 5-10 minutes.

  11. Cartooning Epitaphs Exit Slips (Ticket-out-the-door) Final Countdown/3-2-1 Review Four Corners Free Form Mapping Learning Frames One Sentence Summaries Shape-Up Review Vanity Plates/Bumper Stickers Window Pane Summary Examples of Summarizers

  12. Organizing your Summarizers Daily Weekly

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