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Why Do We Have a District ?

Why Do We Have a District ?. Rotary District 5490. Who Are We? We are Rotarians. You are part of “The Family of Rotary” Over 1.2 million Rotarians 30,000 Rotary International Clubs Spanning the Entire Globe. What is Rotary? Rotary is Service Above Self.

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Why Do We Have a District ?

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  1. Why Do We Have a District ? Rotary District 5490

  2. Who Are We?We are Rotarians You are part of “The Family of Rotary” • Over 1.2 million Rotarians • 30,000 Rotary International Clubs • Spanning the Entire Globe

  3. What is Rotary? Rotary isService Above Self The primary objective of Rotary is to serve others through four avenues: Club Community International Vocational

  4. What is Rotary?Rotary isService Above Self As Rotarians, we have committed ourselves to the service of others: • Service in our Own community • Service in our World community Rotary International and Rotarians worldwide are dedicated to this ideal of Service

  5. What is Rotary?Rotary isService Above Self Local Community Service Projects • Club initiated, led, and implemented • Improve the quality of life in communities where Rotarians live • Promotes the ideals of Rotary within the Rotarian’s community

  6. What is Rotary?Rotary isService Above Self International Service Projects • Fundamental to the ideal of Rotary and critical to fulfilling the wider mission of Rotary • Club, District or RI initiated with a Wide range of scope

  7. What is Rotary?Lend A Hand President Jonathan is encouraging emphasis for 2003-04 in the areas of: • The Family of Rotary • Health Concerns • Literacy & Education • Poverty Alleviation These concerns affect all communities the world over

  8. The Organization of Rotary International Rotary is Large, Diverse, and Global • Rotarians are members of local Rotary Clubs • Rotary Clubs are members of Rotary International • Over 30,000 clubs • Over 160 different countries RI is the largest and most global service organization in the world

  9. The Organization of Rotary InternationalRI è Zone è District è Club è You Organization and leaders are needed at all levels to fulfill RI’s mission • RI has organized it’s clubs into ZONES and DISTRICTS • Manageable size organizations • Each with their own elected and appointed representatives • RI has 34 zones and 452 Districts worldwide • Your Club belongs to District 5490 (40 clubs) • District 5490 belongs to Zone 25 (includes 13 states)

  10. Why a District?Bridging the Gap A Rotary District is the primary BRIDGE between the local club and Rotary International • Administrative BRIDGE • Leadership BRIDGE The District is there to help your club accomplish what it could not accomplish alone

  11. Why a District?Bridging the Gap The district is there to: • Maintain the BRIDGE between your club and RI • Lend A Hand • Help your club be successful in all they do Your District Governor (DG), Assistant Governors (AG’s), and District Staff are here to build and maintain the BRIDGE

  12. Who is "The District"?The “District” is YOU "The District" is volunteers just like YOU • Volunteers from clubs across the District • As District members, we all have responsibility to make the District successful • Our clubs will be more successful when the District is successful YOU are the District. Each and every Rotarian

  13. Who is "The District"?District Organization The District is organized much like a Club • District Governor • Secretary • Treasurer • Sergeant at Arms • Avenues of Service Chairs • Assistant Governors • Committees / Committee Chairs

  14. Who is "The District"?Who Picks the District Staff? • A District nominating committee selects the District Governor from nominations made by Clubs • The DG selects a team of volunteers from a variety of clubs to assist him in building the bridge

  15. What Does the District Do? Conduit Coaching Collaboration

  16. What Does the District Do?Conduit The District is a Conduit… • Provides administration, communication and Leadership for RI strategies and Goals: • Membership development • Annual RI themes • RI Foundation and Projects

  17. What Does the District Do?Conduit The District is a Conduit… • Manage and coordinate administrative functions required by Rotary International • Club district dues and district spending • Consolidation of attendance and membership reports • Administration of RI recognition programs

  18. What Does the District Do? Conduit The district is a Conduit… • Assist clubs with the administration of foundation grants and provide assistance with grant applications • Help to increases public awareness for Rotary Clubs and Rotarians • Provide district level recognition to Rotarians that are making a difference

  19. What Does the District Do?Coaching The District provides Coaching… • Provides training to the clubs throughout the year • PETS • District Leadership Assembly • Foundation Seminar • More... • Provides mentoring to develop future Rotary leaders • District leadership have experience - they hold a wealth of knowledge to share

  20. What Does the District Do?Collaboration The district facilitates Collaboration... Clubs on their own can accomplish great things ---------------------- Clubs working together can accomplish even more

  21. What Does the District Do?Collaboration The district facilitates Collaboration... • Provides the opportunity for service in ways clubs could not easily do on their own: Group Study Exchange Young Heroes Youth Exchange Rotary Life Club Vocational Fund of Arizona Gift of Life Rotary Youth Corps Interact

  22. What Does the District Do?Collaboration The district facilitates Collaboration... • Hosts major annual events giving Rotarians the opportunity to experience the full breadth of Rotary: • District Conference • RYLA • PETS

  23. What Does the District Do?Collaboration The district facilitates Collaboration... • Provides matching grant money for international club projects • Helps clubs to gain access to technical or financial resources - multiplying their impact of projects • Provides services in a multitude of areas - refer to the “Menu of Opportunities” flyer

  24. What Does the District Do? Conduit Coaching Collaboration

  25. Who is the District Governor? Your District Governor is... A Resource A Coordinator An Educator A Helper A Volunteer ...and most of all, here to serve you and your club

  26. What’s it Like to be DG? • The DG is a volunteer, just like you! • The DG is an officer of Rotary International during the term of office • Being DG is a long-term commitment... • Starting with District Governor Nominee when elected • Then DG Elect the year before office • Then DG • Then followed by being a Past DG for life!

  27. What’s it Like to be DG? • Your District Governor selects a team of volunteers to help with all the District activities • A Rotarian may volunteer to be on the District staff even while serving in a club position • The DG helps the District team as they help the clubs

  28. What are the Responsibilitiesof the DG? • Ultimate responsibility to assure that the Rotary Clubs: • Pay their local and district dues • Report attendance numbers • Fulfill other obligations for membership in RI • Responsibility for the success of district events: • District Leadership Seminar • Membership & Foundation Seminars • PETS • District Conference • All other district events

  29. What’s the “Official Visit”? The DG visits all clubs for an official visit to: • Communicate the message of RI and the District • Learn more about you and your club The DG will try to make other visits to clubs to join in projects, speak about Rotary subjects and assist with special needs and projects.

  30. The District is Here to Help The primary purpose of the District and your District Governor is to... • Help you and your club accomplish your goals, consistent with the Object of Rotary • Insure the outstanding success of each and every Rotary Club in District 5490 The DG is available to any Rotarian or Rotary Club, just call, email or write!

  31. "The District" is YOU Remember ! You have a stake and a responsibility in what goes on at the District – because The District is YOU

  32. Why Do We Have a District ? QUESTIONS? Rotary District 5490

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