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WELCOME. Frederick. Carroll. Fall 2013. DISTRICT 7 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. Howard. District 7 Personnel. David Coyne District Engineer John Huchrowski Assistant District Engineer - Construction Sue Palmer Assistant District Engineer - Maintenance . CL2105177.

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  2. Frederick Carroll Fall 2013 • DISTRICT 7 • CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Howard

  3. District 7 Personnel David Coyne District Engineer John Huchrowski Assistant District Engineer - Construction Sue Palmer Assistant District Engineer - Maintenance

  4. CL2105177 $2,500,001 - $5,000,000 EST AD 12/10/13 EST BID 01/16/14 EST NTP 03/24/14 Safety and Resurface MD 140 West of Sandymount Road to West of MD 91

  5. CL3695130 $1,000,001 - $2,500,000 EST AD 06/17/14 EST BID 07/17/14 EST NTP 09/24/14 Geometric Improvement – MD 32 at MD 97

  6. CL3815149 $0 - $100,000 EST AD 12/17/13 EST BID 01/23/14 EST NTP 03/31/14 Contaminant Settlement Pond at the Mount Airy Salt Storage Bins– Near the Intersection of I-70 and MD 27

  7. FR1045177 $2,500,001 – $5,000,000 EST AD 12/03/13 EST BID 01/09/14 EST NTP 03/17/14 Safety and Resurface US 15 North of Angleberger to Owens Creek Structure in Northern Frederick County

  8. FR1415179 $100,001 – $500,000 EST AD 11/05/13 EST BID 12/12/13 EST NTP 02/17/14 Sidewalk – MD 17 - Eagle Bay Drive to Cedar Street

  9. FR2255181 $500,001 – $1,000,000 EST AD 05/13/14 EST BID 06/19/14 EST NTP 08/29/14 Rideshare Facility Expansion – I-70 at MD 75

  10. FR3275184 $5,000,001 – $10,000,000 EST AD 06/17/14 EST BID 07/24/14 EST NTP 09/29/14 Community Safety & Enhancement – MD 144 West of Royal Oak Drive to Bye Alley

  11. FR5715170 $50,000,001 – $75,000,000 EST AD 04/15/14 EST BID 05/22/14 EST NTP 07/28/14 Interchange Construction – US 15 Monocacy Blvd. Interchange

  12. FR6085181 $1,000,001 – $2,500,000 EST AD 11/05/13 EST BID 01/16/14 EST NTP 03/24/14 Rideshare Facility – MD 17 at Ventrie Court

  13. FR6335177 $1,000,001 – $2,500,000 EST AD 12/03/13 EST BID 01/09/14 EST NTP 03/17/14 Safety and Resurface – I-270 NB North of MD 80 to North of I-70

  14. HO2945181 $1,000,001 - $2,500,000 EST AD 12/17/13 EST BID 01/23/14 EST NTP 03/31/14 Rideshare Facility – MD 175 at Snowden River Parkway

  15. HO3175170 $30,000,001 - $50,000,000 EST AD 01/14/14 EST BID 02/20/14 EST NTP 04/28/14 Widen and Resurface – US 29 South of Seneca Drive to South of MD 175

  16. HO3785187 $1,000,001 - $2,500,000 EST AD 10/07/14 EST BID 11/27/14 EST NTP 02/05/15 Geometric Improvements – US 40 at Rogers Ave.

  17. HO4575177 $2,500,001 - $5,000,000 *EST AD 12/17/13 *EST BID 01/23/14 *EST NTP 03/31/14 Safety and Resurface – I-95 From the PG County Line to North of MD 216

  18. HO4725176 $5,000,001 - $10,000,000 *EST AD 12/17/13 *EST BID 01/23/14 *EST NTP 03/31/14 Geometric Improvements – MD 32 - Day Road to West Friendship Road

  19. THANK YOU & Drive Safe

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