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January 25, 2002

January 25, 2002. SMART GROWTH IN RURAL IDAHO TOWNS. Institutional and political factors that influence growth in Idaho’s rural towns. Generally, few physical assets Lack of municipal capacity Outdated or boilerplate policies and ordinances All growth is considered a good thing

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January 25, 2002

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  1. January 25,2002


  3. Institutional and political factors that influence growth in Idaho’s rural towns • Generally, few physical assets • Lack of municipal capacity • Outdated or boilerplate policies and ordinances • All growth is considered a good thing • Local control is paramount

  4. Other factors that influence growth rural towns in Idaho • Slow rural economy • Less concern about design, more concern about function • Lack of understanding about how function and design interact • Less willingness to buck the system • The highway runs through it

  5. Different needs for different rural towns The Resort Community • Protecting their economic resource, usually a view shed • Affordability for long time residents and service workers • Transportation system overloaded, especially during commute

  6. Different needs for different rural towns The Resource Dependent Town • Resource economy very slow • Willing to put up with the consequences of new growth for jobs • Less likely to impose restrictions on development

  7. Different needs for different rural towns The Bedroom Sprawl Communities • Residential growth dissipates the traditional tax base and erodes economic support of agriculture • Loss of small town character • Disconnect between new residents expectations of services and what’s available

  8. WHATA Regional Multi- Partner, Multi-Faceted TCSP ProjectWHO - Six Signatory Partners:Regional MPORegional Partnership of Local Elected OfficialsStatewide Citizen-based OrganizationTwo State UniversitiesA Local Transportation Agency+ 17 additional agencies and organizationsSix benchmarks (or Primary Tasks) #5Design solutions in real settings among diverse stakeholders through demonstration projects

  9. Where is the Treasure Valley

  10. Rural Growth the Treasure Valley 17,000 acres of agricultural land in valley will convert to “urban” residential use in next 20 years.

  11. Demonstration Projects The Demonstration Projects were selected from community generated proposals and completed by Treasure Valley Futures partners lead by the IURDC with local public involvement. TVF team lead each community in a two to four month design process. Community issues and goals were discussed and incorporated with the goals of the TCSP Program. One to three day design workshops were held with hands-on activities to create alternative land use and transportation plans for the sites. Follow-up activities by the TVF team and communities have included Comprehensive Plan reviews and amendments, ordinance language proposals, developer contact, formation of action committees among others

  12. Demonstration Project #1 • Ustick Area, Boise, Fall 1999 • What: Creation of a neighborhood “heart” at the original historic Townsite of Ustick with civic, retail, and residential elements in a pedestrian-supportive environment on what is planned as a major transit route.

  13. Demonstration Project #1 Status: West Valley Neighborhood Association has drafted a Specific Area Plan for adoption by the City of Boise and has successfully worked with developers to integrate residential developments in the desired pattern. Highway District has approved alternative street section standards.

  14. Demonstration Project #2 • Kuna, Spring 2000 • What: Reinvigorate Kuna's Central Business District with civic additions, i.e.; new high school, city hall complex, commuter bus center and museum. Integrate visitors center for the National Birds of Prey Conservation area south of railroad tracks. Keep activities centered on downtown, provide for a transit stop and allow balanced growth.

  15. Demonstration Project #2 Status: Kuna Futures and the City of Kuna are working to find federal funding for the railroad bridge, and have committed to sites for the City Hall and visitors center.

  16. Demonstration Project #4 • Meridian, Spring 2000 • What:Redevelopment of Old Town Meridian, as well as areas south of the rail tracks, including provisions for a transit station, new City Hall complex, convention center, close-in housing choices to support a vital city center and future rail corridor transportation.

  17. Demonstration Project #4

  18. Demonstration Project #4 • Status: Meridian has formed an Urban Renewal District and Development Corporation to fund improvements through tax increment financing. Their redevelopment plan will be based on the TVF recommendations.

  19. Demonstration Project #5 • Star, Fall 2000 • What: Visioning centered on the historic resources and downtown including a public plaza/commuter transit stop fronted by a future City Hall and surrounded by mixed-use retail/residential. Goal to protect future transportation choices (primarily ped/bike).

  20. Demonstration Project #5 Important Resources: Stop on traditional trolley system

  21. Demonstration Project #5 Making connections in Star: Star street patterns Proposed pathway system for Star

  22. Demonstration Project #5 Status: Comp Plan and ordinance review underway to incorporate principles for pedestrian supportive environments including neighborhood centers and housing developments with small blocks and alleys

  23. www.tvfutures.org www.idahosmartgrowth.org email: isg@idahosmartgrowth.org

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