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Maximizing the Use of Administrative Registers for Statistical Purposes

Explore the history and active role of the Statistical Office in utilizing administrative sources for economic and social statistics, along with the benefits, weaknesses, and future challenges. Close cooperation with owners of administrative sources and the legal basis for data usage is discussed.

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Maximizing the Use of Administrative Registers for Statistical Purposes

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  1. New sources –administrative registers Genovefa RUŽIĆ

  2. Content • History / active role of the Statistical Office • Benefits and weakness of administrative sources • Intensified use of statistical methods • Legal basis, agreements • Close co-operation with the owners of the administrative sources • Adaptation of existing statistical process • Different and additional knowledge is needed • Future challenges Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 2

  3. History / active role of the Statistical Office In the 1980s established 3 basic registers: Business Register, Central Population Register, Register of Spatial Units. In the 1990s turned them overto the relevant government authorities. Nowadays encourages to establish newadministrative registers: Register of Secondary Education, Centralised Register of Tertiary Education. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 3

  4. History / active role of the Statistical Office Encouraged the useof other administrative sources: Comparisons between the data from administrative sources and Household Budget Survey; Quality of administrative data were promising. Increased usein: Business statistics, Agricultural census, Social statistics – EU-SILC, Register-based Census,.. Approximately 50 different administrative sources are used for statistical purposes. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 4

  5. Use for the Economic statistics Short‑term business statistics: VAT declarations for the estimation of turnover from 2007 - substantial decrease of the response burden, only 5% report also with questionnaire; Structural business statistics: almost entirely rely on annual accounting statements, only the investment survey is conducted; National accounts: annual accounting statements, income tax declarations and VAT declarations are used to estimate approximately 80% of the total value added; Branch statistical surveys: employment figures are obtained from the Statistical Register of Employment- the special employment survey was eliminated, deletion of questions on the number of employees in all branch statistical surveys. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 5

  6. Use for the Social statistics EU-SILC: 10 administrative sources: Income tax, Social Assistance, Family Allowances, Pensions,…; Interview lasts only 30 minutes. Register-based census 2011: 4 core sources: Central Population Register, Household Register (Ministry of the Interior); Real Estate Register (Surveying and Mapping Authority); Statistical Register of Employment; 6 statistical surveys; 6 other administrative sources; 14 mio EUR savings in state budget, elimination of response burden. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 6

  7. Benefits and weakness of administrative sources Benefits: Reduction of the response burden; Quality – the statistical process could be unified and controlled by the same rules in all stages and the subjective influence on data is prevented; Savings – for the field collections. Weaknesses: Definitionsof variables are not always in line with the statistical definitions – more methodological work is needed; Data from different sources are not available at the same time – complex integration. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 7

  8. Intensified use of statistical methods Administrative sources usually use different concepts and definitions: Several methodological solutionshave to be prepared to put them in line with the statistical definitions – some examples; Shifting the work load in the preparatory phase; Some statistical surveys are needed anyway, limited in number and content. Administrative data sources thus cannot always fully replace classical statistical surveys. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 8

  9. Legal basis National Statistics Act: Administrative register must make use of valid standards (e.g. classifications which are national standard, unique identifications of persons and businesses); The right to obtain individual data from all existing records and the permission to link them. Regulation on European Statistics 223/2009 Agreements with the owners of administrative sources are recommended. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 9

  10. Agreements Agreements in order to: Assure the regular transmission of data, irrespective of the changes in the government (minister, responsible person); Clarify what, when, who transmit the data – protocol; Raise the awareness of the owners to consult the statistical office before any potential changes in the administrative source. The role of Director-General – to lead the most delicate negotiations with the most challenging institutions (tax, agriculture,…). Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 10

  11. Close co-operation With the owners of the administrative sources in order to: Highlight the importance of the reuse of data for the statistical purposes; Make clear that the transmissionof individual data cold be done only in one direction; Get their interest to improve the quality of data – some examples (dwelling number, relationship to the head of household,…); Within the government in order to: Encourage the establishment of the new administrative registers– i.e. Real Estate Register, Household Register; Through e-government and statistical advisory committees. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 11

  12. Adaptation of existing statistical process Centralized one pointfor the acceptanceof administrative sources; Creation of the list of administrative registerswith correspondent persons responsible for the content, technical issues; Issues of confidentiality – controlled access to individual data, personal identification number transformed into statistical number; Sources should be checked and edited before any integration – administrative sources are not perfect; Linkageof data at the micro level, priority of sources, imputations, sometimes manual editing. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 12

  13. Different and additional knowledge is needed Project teamfor the most complex integration, i.e. Register-based Census, Agricultural Census; Small team of persons (approximately10) with different knowledge; Dedicated project leader; High level support to the team; Regular reporting(monthly); Methodological meetings (mixed levels, knowledge)to approve some methodological issues (to harmonise approaches). Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 13

  14. Future challenges Undesirable changes or abolishment of administrative sources due to the reduction of administrative burden by different institutions; More coordination and co‑operation with different institutions are needed: Possible solution: an appropriate legal framework that establishes the control rights of the NSI (e.g. the need to consult the NSI before changing any of the features of the administrative data; SORS developed mechanisms for coordination through: Statistical Advisory Committees; E-government. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 14

  15. To sum up High-level political support; Legal basis, plus agreements with the owners; Active roleof the statistical office and its DG in encouraging the establishment of newregisters, their maintenance (improving quality) and in preventing of undesirable changes or even their abolishment; Administrative sources might give even better data, reducerespondent burden and decrease costs (for field collections), however, more methodological work is needed; the work load is shifted in the preparatory phase, burden is shifted to the NSI, additional knowledge is needed, motivated staff with high level support; Adaptation of existing statistical process. Zlatibor, 7-8 July 2011 15

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