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Sugarbeet Cyst Nematode Survey in the Red River Basin, 2001

Sugarbeet Cyst Nematode Survey in the Red River Basin, 2001. Paul Porter Cropping Systems Agronomist, Dept of Agronomy & Plant Genetics, St. Paul. Senyu Chen Nematologist, Dept of Plant Pathology, Southern ROC, Waseca. Population response of soybean cyst nematode to long-term corn-

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Sugarbeet Cyst Nematode Survey in the Red River Basin, 2001

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  1. Sugarbeet Cyst NematodeSurveyin the Red River Basin, 2001 Paul Porter Cropping Systems Agronomist, Dept of Agronomy & Plant Genetics, St. Paul Senyu Chen Nematologist, Dept of Plant Pathology, Southern ROC, Waseca

  2. Population response of soybean cyst nematode to long-term corn- • soybean cropping sequences in Minnesota. • Agronomy Journal. 93:619-626. (Porter, Chen et al., 2001) • Soybean cyst nematode population development and associated • soybean yields of resistant and susceptible cultivars in Minnesota. • Plant Disease. 87:760-766. (Chen, Porter et al., 2001) • Crop sequence effects on soybean cyst nematode and soybean and • corn yields. • Crop Science. 41:1843-1849. (Chen, Porter et al., 2001) • Evaluation of trap crops for managing Heterodera glycines. • Journal of Nematology. (In press). (Chen, Porter et al., 2001)

  3. Sugarbeet Cyst NematodeSurveyin the Red River Basin, 2001 Funded by the Northern Canola Growers Association Bismarck, ND

  4. Objective: To survey sugarbeet and canola land in the Red River Basin for the presence of the sugarbeet cyst nematode.

  5. Sugarbeet cyst nematode: Heterodera schachtii Hosts include sugarbeet, canola, etc. Soybean cyst nematode: Heterodera glycines Hosts include soybean.

  6. Cyst nematode hosts cause the nematode population to increase. Sugarbeet cyst nematodes can reduce sugarbeet and canola yields. Soybean cyst nematodes don’t influence sugarbeet and canola yields.

  7. Our roles: Paul -Site selection Obtain soil samples Senyu - Analyze soil samples Conduct bioassays Jointly - Interpret & report results

  8. Site selection: Dave Gehrtz Interstate Seed Co. Al CattanachAm. Crystal Sugars Co. Tom KnudsenMinn-Dak Farmers Coop. Karen AndolU of M @ Roseau

  9. Site selection form & “Data Sheet”: The Survey is targeting supposed 'hot spots:' field entry points, sugarbeet soil tare dump sites, etc. Our goal is to see if the cyst nematode can be found on land planted primarily to canola or sugarbeet …. Submission of the "Data Sheet" will be our signal that we have the knowledge & consent of the farmer / cooperator.

  10. “Data Sheet”: - Person submitting form - Farmer name and address - Field location - Field history + Crops grown the past 6 years + Whether sugarbeet, canola or soybean had ever been grown on the field.

  11. Persons submitting “Data Sheets”: Paul Beech Jeffery Loeks John Dummer Terry Lunde Jim Coffman Bruce Tiegs Jon Warner Donna Aafedt Greg Richards John Prigge Dan Bernhardson Cory Kritzberger Neil Boeddeker John Halland Chad Wardner Roger Sellnow Kirk Johnson Arron Nelson Kelly Sharpe Curt Meyer Tom Zidon Tyler Grove Marc Connelly Jeff Sveen Maureen O’Leary Cody Kritzberger Tim Leshuk Nick Arends Tom Hermann Jack Call Tim Kenyon Karen Andol

  12. Soil sample locations: Minnesota # Kittson 17 Marshall 11 Polk 10 Norman 5 Clay 2 Pennington 1 Red Lake 3 Wilkin 9 Traverse 2 Total 60 N.Dakota # Pembina 10 Grand Forks 10 Walsh 9 Traill 3 Cass 3 Richland 6 Total 41 Am. Crystal Sugar growers &/or canola growers: Minn-Dak Coop. growers:

  13. Cyst Nematode Survey - 2001 111 112 113 30 33 32 37 38 36 31 106 107 35 93 64 34 89 91 66 68 75 74 48 65 67 47 40 41 61 63 39 42 62 84 49 50 94 104 51 60 82 103 82 85 88 52 151 95 45 150 25 78 53 44 43 24 77 57 58 59 28 83 46 56 55 81 87 27 29 26 70 72 71 79 80 69 88 21 23 22 20 7 8 11 12 18 13 14 6 5 17 15 3 16 4 9 1 2 10

  14. Soil sample locations: Typically, at each location 3 separate soil sample composites were analyzed. Each soil sample composite was from approximately 20 cores taken to a depth of 8 inches from a radius of ~ 25ft. Soil samples collected in May, June & July.

  15. Soil sample locations & land-use history: Total locations 101 Piling stations: 22 Crop land: 79 sugarbeet 63 canola 31 sugarbeet & canola 17 former tare sites 37 soybean 49

  16. Piling station locations: Lyngass McArthur Midway O'Meara Oslo Reynolds St. Thomas Stephen Tyler Voss Warren Ada Ada West Ardoch Argyle Bathgate Crookston Eldred Foxhome Hawes Hitterdal Kennedy

  17. Results: Over 300 soil samples were analyzed from 101 locations: No sugarbeet cyst nematodes were found. No soybean cyst nematodes were found. A nematode from the cyst-forming genus Cactodera was found at one location. Sugarbeet was determined to be a host.

  18. Results: We were surprised. We had expected to find more cyst nematodes. I doubt we missed them – they weren’t there.

  19. Implications for Crop Rotation: – Sugarbeet – SmGrain – Canola – SmGrain – You really don’t want nematodes.

  20. Questions??? Questions??? Questions??? Questions??? Questions??? Questions??? Questions??? Questions???

  21. Cyst Nematode Survey - 2001

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