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Pilsētu struktūrplāni – instruments pilsētu attīstības vadībai Nīderlandē

Pilsētu struktūrplāni – instruments pilsētu attīstības vadībai Nīderlandē. Andis Kublačovs Latvijas Teritoriālplānotāju Asociācijas Valdes priekšsēdētājs. 2012.gada 29.maijā. Nīderlandes telpiskās struktūras attīstības vīzija – urbanizācijas aspekts. Telpiskās attīstības plāni.

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Pilsētu struktūrplāni – instruments pilsētu attīstības vadībai Nīderlandē

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  1. Pilsētu struktūrplāni – instruments pilsētu attīstības vadībai Nīderlandē Andis Kublačovs Latvijas Teritoriālplānotāju Asociācijas Valdes priekšsēdētājs 2012.gada 29.maijā

  2. Nīderlandes telpiskās struktūras attīstības vīzija – urbanizācijas aspekts

  3. Telpiskās attīstības plāni • Telpiskā plānošana kā process un rīks nākotnes attīstības vadīšanai vairākuma interesēs; • A typical spatial planning document is “a framework for guiding the holly unpredictable”. (Sir Peter Hall) • “For understanding the planning system one should understand the political and economic contexts in which it operates.” (Steven Musson, 2012)

  4. Telpiskās attīstības plānu pielietošana praksē • How binding they are and to whom? • How detailed they should be to maintain readability, reliability and flexibility at the same time? • When it is just a logical specification and when it is already violation of the plan? • How to make amendments if such a necessity appears? • How to ensure continuity of the planning policies?

  5. Nīderlandes plānošanas sistēma

  6. Kas tiek plānots? • Land, lands or area includes soil surface and subsoil at different levels, as well as surface waters, territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone.

  7. Galvenās pārmaiņas plānošanas sistēmā • The guiding principles of the new Spatial Planning Act 2008 (Wet ruimtelijke ordening, Wro) are decentralisation, deregulation and direct implementation. • The overall philosophy of the National Spatial Strategy 2006: • Locally where possible, centrally where necessary - the right responsibility at the right level; • Fewer rules, less central control where possible, and an implementation-oriented approach. • Ovink (2009) observes that the new Act forces public authorities to adopt a more active attitude: if you don’t decide what you want, if you don’t position these wishes well and promote them effectively, you will soon be played out. Every actor must have considerable self-awareness and good context sensitivity. • New challenge due to the different attitude: from control to trust.

  8. Pašvaldību struktūrplānu butība • The structural visions are characterised as strategic policy documents: • the basic principles of the spatial policy; • indications how the officials expect to implement the defined policy. • In legal terms, the structural vision does not affect other tiers of government. However, it does represent a commitment for the government body that institutes it. • No appeal is possible against the structura plans.

  9. Pašvaldību struktūrplānu lietderīgums • Guiding lights for elaboration of detailed zoning schemes; • Describe middle and long term spatial development policies of the local government, • Provide a link to the policies recommended on national and provincial structural vision, • Serve as the most comprehensive but easy understandable municipal document describing the planned interventions, • Allow to check the initial general validity of any new development projects, • Serve as an excellent argument for attraction of external (particularly governmental) funds for co-financing the proposed larger-scale projects.

  10. Amsterdamas struktūrplānu attīstība

  11. Galvenie pilsētplānošanas izaicinājumi un attīstības tendences • Compact development • City-centre regeneration - places to live, work, shop and enjoy entertainments and cultural activities • Pedestrianisation • Efficient intermodal transfer points • Brownfield (former industrial sites or harbours) regeneration • Post-war neighbourhoodsregeneration • Flood control & water management • Basic quality standards • Priority projects

  12. Skaidra pāreja no urbānās telpas uz lauku telpu Ševeninga (pie Hāgas), Nīderlande

  13. Groningenas struktūrplāns 2008 - 2020

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