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Great Britain

Шабулдаева Елена Сергеевна учитель английского языка моу лицей №7 г. Черняховска Калининградская область 2011. Great Britain. Ресурсы. Методические рекомендации. God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen: Send her victorious, Happy and glorious,

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Great Britain

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  1. ШабулдаеваЕлена Сергеевна учитель английского языка моу лицей №7 г. Черняховска Калининградская область 2011 Great Britain Ресурсы Методические рекомендации

  2. God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen: Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us: God save the Queen. the anthem Coat of arms National Flag

  3. London was founded in the 1st century A. D. by the Romans, in the 11th century it became a capital of England. The Great Fire of 1666 destroyed three quarters of the city. Today London is a big city. It covers more than 600 miles, consists of 33 separate boroughs, including The City, The West End, The East End.

  4. 10 things you should know about London http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16ztSXkbquo&feature=fvst The tourists London http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMfyJNurb6M&feature=related Welcome to London http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIkCpOty5B4&feature=related

  5. The sights of London

  6. Big Ben The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. Big Ben is a bell. You can hear it every hour. Its weight is about 13, 000 kilograms.

  7. St. Paul’s Cathedral St. Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest of English churches. It is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. The construction of the Cathedral started in 1675 and was not finished until the 1709.

  8. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Built in 1702-1705 for the Duke of Buckingham, it was sold in 1761 to George III. London’s most popular spectacle is Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. It lasts about 30 minutes

  9. Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. It was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British kings and queens takes place in Westminster Abbey. Some famous English people are also buried here

  10. Tower Bridge Tower Bridge was built in 1894. it is one of the famous bridges across the Thames. It opens and ships go up and down the River Thames. It is next to the Tower of London

  11. The Tower of London The Tower of London is closely associated with many important events in English history. It has served as palace, prison, mint and menagerie. Many notable people lost their heads on the executioner’s block.

  12. Ресурсы • http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/3/19/815/19815645_1204914533_303611071.jpg • http://people.csail.mit.edu/manoli/gallery/london/tulippes.jpg • http://www.countries.ru/img/anglia/gbr.jpg • http://svetlanadolgina.ru/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/3.jpg • http://rylik.ru/uploads/posts/2010-06/1277770236_korea-music-clipartmusic1-kopiya.jpg • http://www.zaycev.net/pages/3081/308140.shtml • http://casterbridgetours.com/images/uploads/london-red-bus.jpg • http://www.aboutbritain.com/images/attraction/big/big-7-9-201095404P918291021975100.jpg • http://www.city-data.com/forum/attachments/city-vs-city/31832d1228513231-nyc-vs-chicago-london-skyline_-england.jpg • http://www.londonbyclick.com/imgallery/trafalgar_square/Trafalgar-Square.jpg

  13. Ресурсы • http://turyrus.ru/wp-content/gallery/velikobritaniya/4.jpg • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/London_Eye_Twilight_April_2006.jpg/800px-London_Eye_Twilight_April_2006.jpg • http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l40zgtFrjk1qbwrlgo2_500.jpg • http://www.classic-online.ru/ru/production/21577 • http://club.foto.ru/gallery/images/photo/2006/05/29/626564.jpg • http://www.holidaym.ru/mel/england/london_city3.jpg • http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/foto/b/3/180/3231180/f_18246738.jpg • http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/foto/b/3/713/2704713/f_15237951.jpg

  14. Ресурсы • http://dic.academic.ru/pictures/wiki/files/66/Big.ben.closeup.london.arp.jpg • http://foto.adelanta.info/foto/original/1353.jpg • http://greatbritain.md6.ru/UK/images/031.jpg • http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/foto/b/2/557/1927557/f_10803778.jpg • http://thedipnotes.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Westminster1.jpg • http://turizm.ngs.ru/data/pages/Tauerskij_most.jpg • http://www.londonbyclick.com/imgallery/london_tower/London-Tower.jpg

  15. Thank you

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