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‘’Synergies between arts and education’’ (Vilnius, September 2005

‘’Synergies between arts and education’’ (Vilnius, September 2005. 1. Problems and dilemas of in-service (visual) arts teachers training in Slovenia 2. Motivation for Art Teaching Marjan Prevodnik, The National Education Institute, Slovenia.

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‘’Synergies between arts and education’’ (Vilnius, September 2005

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  1. ‘’Synergies between arts and education’’ (Vilnius, September 2005 • 1. Problems and dilemas of in-service (visual) arts teachers training in Slovenia2. Motivationfor Art Teaching Marjan Prevodnik, The National Education Institute, Slovenia

  2. Ljubljana – capital of Slovenia (part of the old town)

  3. This very short presentation aims to focus on revealing some obstacles which appeared within in-service art teacher training in Slovenia. Additionaly, some problems, dilemas and perspectives will be introduced. One example of a very succesful motivational training will be shown

  4. Who is teaching (visual) arts subjects at the moment in Slovenia on both levels (Primary and Secondary)?

  5. What are the dominating topics on such in-service art teachers meetings?

  6. What are the dominating topics on this in-service meetings?

  7. Information about the Slovenian system of in-service (visual) arts teachers training

  8. What art teaching techniques, strategies, should be included in such meetings in future?

  9. Theoretical background1art education context Self-efficacy beliefs are beliefs that (art) students hold about their art skills …. (or art teachers about their teaching skills ability). Outcome expectations are beliefs about the success or failure of specific art task

  10. Theoretical background 2 Research has indicated that motivational beliefs resulted from different learning experiences, which could be compared with: • Direct art room experiences (e.g. student Miha: drawing is too difficult for me at the begining. However teacher helps me ...

  11. The Theoretical backgroundart education context 2. Observation learning: e.g. student Jože: ‘’The art teacher get annoyed when students do not offer help to each other...’’

  12. 3. Verbal statements (by teachers, parents etc.): ‘’It is nonsense to learn art at school, science is important!’’

  13. The Theoretical backgroundart education context 4. Social comparison: Student Jože: ‘’Why do I always get scolded, while an art teacher never says anything to other students?’’

  14. Small scale study One of the primary goals of in-service art teacher training is to make art teachers lifelong learners motivated by internal drives to teach, learn and create.

  15. Small scale study It is started from the assumption that after interesting and motivating ‘’architectural workshop art teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about being competent for the creative task will influence their intrinsic motivation for future art teaching.

  16. Small scale study Research question: • The participants will express remarks of being more competent for the creative art teaching in future architectural tasks after the workshop.

  17. Small scale study Research question: 2. Self-efficacy beliefs about being competent for architecture assignment in art room will influence art teachers’ motivation for art teaching.

  18. Small scale study Who? (71 art and elementary teachers) What? When? Where? How?

  19. Small scale study Collecting data Phase 1: pretest Phase 2: workshop Phase 3: posttest

  20. Small scale study Phase 1: pretest (before the workshop) Question 3: Do you think that positive self-efficacy beliefs, combined with a feeling of being competent for creative art teaching, have important influence on your motivation for art teaching?

  21. Small scale study Phase 1-pretest (before the workshop) Results:

  22. Small scale study Phase 2 - workshop

  23. Subtask 1 Rose group subtask 2

  24. Green group Green group

  25. orange group

  26. rose

  27. rose

  28. Small scale study Phase 3 – posttest (after the workshop) Results Q.3: Do you think that you are now more competent for the creative teaching in future architectural tasks?

  29. Phase 3 – posttest (after the workshop) Q.5: Do you think that you are now more competent for the creative teaching in future architectural tasks?

  30. Conclusion Art teachers’ responses from this study reveal their satisfaction with chosen architectural task, working methods etc. We could say their expectations were met. The level of their, if we are allowed to say so - ‘’self-efficacy beliefs’’ - was raised and oriented towards intrinsic motivation for future teaching.

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