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Prototyping with PIC Microcontroller

Prototyping with PIC Microcontroller. Third day: Communications 2009/02/13 Youmin Kim ( ym_kim@icu.ac.kr ) Digital Media Lab. Serial Communication UART IrDA USB Bluetooth RS232 MAX232. MAX232. PIC. LED. 5V. 12V. 7805. Adaptor. MAX232. OSC. Socket-12V Adapter 가 꽂힌다.

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Prototyping with PIC Microcontroller

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prototyping with PIC Microcontroller Third day: Communications 2009/02/13 Youmin Kim (ym_kim@icu.ac.kr) Digital Media Lab

  2. Serial CommunicationUARTIrDAUSB Bluetooth RS232 MAX232

  3. MAX232

  4. PIC LED 5V 12V 7805 Adaptor MAX232 OSC

  5. . Socket-12V Adapter가 꽂힌다. 7805-12v전압을 5v로 떨어뜨린다. . LED-LightEmissive Diode. . OSC-클럭을 발생시킨다. . Serial Cable을 통해 PC로 전송 PIC-마이크로 컨트롤러. . MAX232-MAXIM社의 232Chip .

  6. CASE 1: IPTV Remote

  7. Bluetooth module PIC #1 PIC #2

  8. CASE 2: PEER (ETRI Wearable) Viewer (Flash GUI) Viewer (Flash GUI) Database Viewer application Controller Controller Off-line data managing Controller Apps’database Controller Bluetooth Comm. Bluetooth Comm. Bluetooth Comm. Bluetooth Comm. BT comm. WBS uDevices

  9. Ideation: Automatic, but Digital Lamp

  10. CDS Power PIC LED Clock MAX232 PC

  11. 좌측 상단부터 1번 핀 동그란 마크가 있음 Master Clear A Port / ADC Port B Port UART oscillator C Port

  12. Circuit schematic VCC (5V) VCC (5V) CDS 10K resister PIC16F73 LED 350Ωresister 1 28 (RB7) 2 (AN0) 20 VCC (5V) 8 10K resister 19 CLK 9 MAX232 PC RX 10 (RX, RC7)18 TX (TX, RC6)17

  13. ADC로 설정된 포트 중 어느 곳에서 값을 읽어 올 것인지를 결정 Set_adc_channel() 함수로 지정된 ADC포트의 값을 읽어서 리턴한다.

  14. In the PC application,received values (e.g. 100, 123, …)if received_value < 128: the program shows “Light On!”else:the program shows “Light Off!”

  15. Prototyping on Universal PCB&PC application (c#)

  16. How to PC application in c#?

  17. Question?

  18. Assignment 3:Studio project suggestion

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