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International Asset Management Committee

International Asset Management Committee. Strategic Work Plan 2007 Chair Johnny Dyess SR/WA Vice Chair Cynthia Gan, SR/WA. IAMC Governance-Strategic Initatives. 1. Conference/Programs 2. Education & Professional Development 3. Research & Studies 4. Outreach 5. Liaison.

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International Asset Management Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. International Asset Management Committee Strategic Work Plan 2007 Chair Johnny Dyess SR/WA Vice Chair Cynthia Gan, SR/WA

  2. IAMC Governance-Strategic Initatives • 1. Conference/Programs • 2. Education & Professional Development • 3. Research & Studies • 4. Outreach • 5. Liaison

  3. IAMC Goals and Objectives • Conference/Program and Initiatives • Goal 1. Hold a minimum of 2 sessions at the annual conference • Goal 2. Develop canned programs for use and sharing on the chapter level • Goal 3. Each region rep will attend forums to promote the IAMC.

  4. IAMC Goals and Objectives Conference/Program and Initiatives • Goal 4. 80% of committee members to attend annual conference. • Goal 5. Committee members to attend PRES meeting in Dallas in February. • Goal 6. Hold conference calls 2-4 times per year to insure 2007 goals are on track.

  5. IAMC Goals and Initiatives Education and Professional Development • Goal 1. Set specific individual personal goals • SR/WA Designation • Asset Management Certification • Goal 2. Encourage members to write articles for the IRWA Magazine

  6. IAMC Goals and Objectives Research and Studies • Goal 1. Review instructor qualifications • Identify current instructors • Access individual instructors (active or idle) • Clear list and identify gaps in each region • Promote instructors for 700 series in each region

  7. IAMC Goals and Initiatives Research and Studies • Goal 2. Review current methods and develop new methods of delivery of services and needs of Asset Management. • Goal 3. Qualified committee members to review existing course curriculum for potential needs and changes

  8. IAMC Goals and Initiatives Outreach and Liaison • Goal 1. Fill all unfilled Chapter slots in each region • Goal 2. Recruit “at-large” members from each region • Goal 3. Place IAMC committee members on all service committees as “at-large members”

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