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CAIPE AGM June 2009

CAIPE AGM June 2009. Embedding Interprofessional Learning & Development: Nationally Transferable Roles in the health sector. Filao Wilson, Skills for Health. Contents of Presentation Who we are and what we do What is the workforce problem we are all trying to fix and why does it matter?

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CAIPE AGM June 2009

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  1. CAIPE AGM June 2009 Embedding Interprofessional Learning & Development: Nationally Transferable Roles in the health sector Filao Wilson, Skills for Health

  2. Contents of Presentation Who we are and what we do What is the workforce problem we are all trying to fix and why does it matter? What are SfH and partners doing about it? Helping to embed IPLD

  3. Sector Skills Councils: • 25 Independent UK wide organisations • Cover 90% UK workforce on skills issues • One of the Big Five SSCs: large public sector workforce: health, justice, care and development, life long learning, Govt skills • All tasked with designing a skills system driven by employer demand from their sector.

  4. 2 reasons why Skills for Health is unique in the health sector: • All UK • All health, not just NHS

  5. All SSCs have 4 goals: • Reduce skills gaps and shortages • Improve productivity, business and/or public service performance • Increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector’s workforce • Improve learning supply through National Occupational Standards, apprenticeships, FE & HE

  6. Skills for Health purpose & aims: Helps the whole sector develop solutions that deliver a skilled and flexible UK workforce in order to improve health and healthcare. • Develop and manage national workforce competences • Profile the UK workforce • Improve workforce skills • Influence education and training supply • Work with our partners.(employers, education providers, national and regional bodies)

  7. Problem we are trying to fix Health sector employers agree on need for a more flexible workforce: • Demographic change • Technological advances from R & D • Adapting to changes in quality and performance criteria • New Government health policy

  8. Response from SfH includes: • Workforce modernisation programmes • New ways of Working • Nationally Transferable Roles (NTR) Supported by qualifications reform Strategic workforce development programmes, e.g.

  9. Challenge with new roles: Ensure work based learning for new roles is: High quality Credit bearing competence based Capable of being built into HE awards Available quickly to meet employer needs Genuinely transferable UK wide Sustainable

  10. Competences and NOS Competences: descriptors of the performance criteria, knowledge and understanding required to perform a specific task. National Occupational Standards: competences thathave UK wide approval for use in vocational qualifications

  11. Identify service need Describe needusing NOS Commissioning Specification Design packages of learning Learning Design Principles Embedded within HE/FE quality assurance & enhancement processes Slot in to Education Pathway Design

  12. HE Demonstrator sites: HE sector is willing to work with SfH Learning Design principles: • HE awards with embedded NOS • Willing to go one step further: • helping to develop new NTR learning & development scheme

  13. What is a Nationally Transferable Role? Definition A nationally transferable role (NTR) is a named cluster of competences and related activities, levelled to the Career Framework that is applicable, relevant and replicable across different geographical locations in the UK.

  14. Definition, cont… A NTR may be either a subset of a job at more than one level of the Career Framework, e.g. supplementary prescribing, or a whole job at one level of the career framework e.g. advanced practitioner in cancer rehabilitation

  15. NTR initial priorities: DH commissioned NTR to support reduced waiting times + other policy priorities Advanced Practitioner roles Navigator roles Assistant Practitioner roles Admin & Clerical Roles

  16. A few examples: • Advanced Practitioner - orthopaedics • Advanced Practitioner - urogynaecology** • Alcohol coordinator ( navigator role in development) • Assistant Practitioner - cancer rehab ( in development) ** competence based learning package accredited by PMETB and RCOG

  17. Who benefits from NTR? • Benefits for patients Staff in new roles working to transparent nationally agreed standards • Benefits for employers Better knowledge of skills requirements when selecting staff for re-configured services and new roles • Benefits for individuals Increased portability of skills, competences and qualifications

  18. Template for developing NTR: • Competences: • Common core for CF level or for navigator role • Specialty specific/pathway specific • Locally relevant 2. Indicative learning and development package

  19. Vision for NTR learning scheme • Shared database of small learning packages developed by HEIs using SfH learning design principles • HEIs build into qualifications & awards • Advantages for HEIs, employers and individuals – everyone gains

  20. Addresses the challenges Ensure work based learning for new roles: High quality Credit bearing competence based Capable of being built into HE awards Available quickly to meet employer needs Genuinely transferable UK wide Sustainable

  21. Embedding IPLD through NTR: • Nationally Transferable Roles not profession specific • Learning packages for NTR will draw on expertise in more than one professional discipline • Embody Learning Design Principles, i.e. start with service need, learning will be designed and developed using NOS • Encourages competence based interprofessional CPD at all levels of career framework, including Advanced Practitioners

  22. More information on NTR • New website www.skillsforhealth.org.uk (search for NTR) • HSJ Supplement 11th June waiting times section • Filao.Wilson@skillsforhealth.org.uk • Sandra.Rowan@skillsforhealth.org.uk

  23. Thank You

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