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Midterm Project Guide

Midterm Project Guide. Prof. Dr. Daning Hu Department of Informatics University of Zurich Oct 23th, 2012. Outline. Project overview Network Data Processing (20%) Node Level Analysis (20%) Group Level Analysis (10%) Network Level Analysis (30%) Discussions and Conclusions (20%).

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Midterm Project Guide

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  1. Midterm Project Guide Prof. Dr. Daning Hu Department of Informatics University of Zurich Oct 23th, 2012

  2. Outline • Project overview • Network Data Processing (20%) • Node Level Analysis (20%) • Group Level Analysis (10%) • Network Level Analysis (30%) • Discussions and Conclusions (20%)

  3. Midterm Project Overview • The Midterm Project aims to analyze an real-world open source developer collaboration network. It consists of • Relational data processing • Two-mode to One-mode network construction • Node-level analysis • Group-level analysis • Network-level analysis • The deliverable is an project report which should follow the styple of the attached AMCIS conference paper.

  4. Relational Data Processing • The goal of this step is to build a Midterm database based on the given raw data files. • You need to • Create a midterm database • Import the given files into the database • Make sure all data items are in the appropriate data format. • Most importantly • You need to construct a one-mode collaboration network from a two mode network data table.

  5. Node Level Analysis • Node Centrality Analysis • You need to report the top 10 developers in terms of their • Degrees • Betweeness • Closeness • Also please explain what these measures mean in the context of this online community.

  6. Group Level Analysis • Identify and visualize the largest component in the given network (*Use NetdrawEgonet function). Describe its size and other characteristics. • You need to report • The number of components • Size of the largest component • You also need to use Netdraw to locate cutpoints. • *You can and should use netdraw anytime the analysis requires.

  7. Network Level Analysis • Analyze the whole network using UCINet and calculate all the following network measures. Compare them with the features of the three network topologies. • You need to report • Size of the network • Average degree • Average path length • Clustering coefficient • Degree distribution (Excel figures and functions) • You need to compare the measures against the three network models and categorize this Ohloh OSS collaboration network.

  8. Conclusion • You need to provide a discussion section to provide possible explanations of the analysis results. • In addition, you may also provide hypotheses you may want to test in the future based on your findings from the network. • Overall this midterm project aims to provide you hands-on experiences in analyzing real-world social networks in a systematic manner. • You may use the published slides and tutorials as your guide to finish the project.

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