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Research Design and Analysis

Research Design and Analysis. Jan B. Engelmann, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Emory University School of Medicine Contact: jan.engelmann@emory.edu. A note on the course. Your grade will be composed of your:

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Research Design and Analysis

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  1. Research Design and Analysis Jan B. Engelmann, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Emory University School of Medicine Contact: jan.engelmann@emory.edu

  2. A note on the course • Your grade will be composed of your: • Participation in classroom discussions and contribution to experimental design for our experiment (20%). • Quizzes (20%). • There will be 2 of those, one each on Tuesday and Wednesday. • A very brief 3-page paper on the experiment we are going to conduct in class. • Page limit applies to text only, you can add as many pages as you like for figures. • Course webpage: • http://web.me.com/jan.engelmann/jbe/MBRS-RISE.html

  3. Let’s jump right in: an experiment • Does the effect of drugs of abuse depend on context? • Morphine is commonly used for pain treatment. • Repeated administration causes tolerance. • In animals the analgesic effects of drugs can be tested using the plantar test: • Application of heat source to paw. • Measurement of rat’s reaction time until paw withdrawal. • Reaction time is slowed after morphine administration. • ∆ RTdrug – RTnodrug = analgesic effects of drug.

  4. The effects of accute morphine After first administration of drug. Hypothetical data

  5. The effects of chronic morphine After 2 weeks of daily morphine. Hypothetical data

  6. Why does tolerance develop? • One factor important in the development of tolerance is context (Siegel, 1975). • Cues associated with morphine administration (conditioned stimuli or CS) elicit a compensatory response that counteracts drug effects. • Associative tolerance is a compensatory response. • Key brain structure: amygdala. • Hypothesis: If an animal that has developed tolerance to morphine in one context receives a dose of morphine in an unfamiliar context, the effects of morphine should be amplified. • Increased paw withdrawal latencies in novel compared to familiar context.

  7. Associative tolerance Mitchell, Nature Neuroscience, 2000

  8. Why is this important? • Based on these findings a theory of drug overdose was developed: • Heroin is a common drug of abuse in humans. • Heroin is a derivative of morphine (both are opioids). • Heroin addicts show tolerance to the drug’s effects and compensate by administering larger doses. • Associative compensatory brain mechanisms at work. • Most heroin overdoses occur in novel contexts • This is when the “standard” dose becomes fatal.

  9. The Scientific Method • Identify a problem / a question we want to answer. • Is the current flu epidemic different from the typical flu? • Does smoking lead to cancer? • Does studying lead to better grades? • Are brains of homosexuals different from heterosexuals? • Formulate a hypothesis. • What is a hypothesis? • Collect and analyze empirical data to test our hypothesis. • How would we go about doing that? • That depends on the question …

  10. Hypotheses • A scientific hypothesis is a testable and falsifiable question or prediction that is designed to explain a phenomenon. • It is the starting point for research design. • Scientific hypotheses must be testable and falsifiable: • Infants prefer beautiful faces over average faces. • Drinking alcohol / smoking marijuana impairs driving. • The dopamine system is involved in reward processing.

  11. Some counter examples • Untestable hypotheses: • There are many other parallel universes with which we cannot have any contact. • 75 million years ago, Xenu, an alien ruler of the Galactic Confederacy, brought billions of people to earth in a spacecraft. • How about this one? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc_wjp262RY

  12. Scientific Theory • A collection of related facts that were derived from hypothesis testing using the scientific method. • Usually, evidence collected from a number of experiments lead to the development of a theory. • E.g. associative morphine tolerance. • A theory forms a coherent explanation for a larger phenomenon. • E.g. the emotional and the cognitive brain (Joseph LeDoux).

  13. Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning • Inductive reasoning: • Generalizing from a few observations in the development of theory. • This process requires empirical data. • Typically employed in Psychology, behavioral and social sciences that lack unified theories. • Deductive reasoning: • The use of existing theories to make predictions about how an unknown phenomenon is likely to operate. • This can then be tested using empirical methods. • Typically employed in natural sciences, e.g. physics.

  14. A scientific way to reason inductively • Statistics: • 1. A piece of information that is presented in numerical form. • A statistic: mean age of women in this class. • 2. A set of procedures and rules for managing and analyzing data. • also known as data analysis. • 3. Arithmetic or algebraic manipulations applied to data, e.g. the mean. • Importantly: • Statistical methods are tightly related to the questions we ask and the experimental methods we use. • To understand that we need to review some concepts …

  15. Variables • A variable is a factor that can be measured and whose value can change, e.g. from person to person. • Contrast: a constant is a number whose values does not change, e.g. π = 3.1416. • But we also manipulate variables when we design and conduct experiments. • The variables we manipulate are called independent variables: • What variables were manipulated in the morphine tolerance experiments? • Our treatment conditions are the different levels of the independent variable. • E.g. different levels of a drug, different mood manipulations, different amounts of money paid.

  16. Independent vs. Dependent Variables • When we analyze an experiment, we work with variables we recorded. • These are called dependent variables: • Constitute our data. • It is what we record/observe. • E.g. reaction time, errors on a task, scores on a test, etc. • We can then investigate the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable: • The effect of our treatment on the variable/behavior of interest.

  17. Variables • There are different types of variables that expeirmenters work with: • Continuous variables: • Interval/ratio scales. • Categorical variables: • Nominal scale.

  18. Scales of measurement • Data can be qualitative and quantitative. • Qualitative = descriptive. • Quantitative = numerical. • Nominal scales: • Qualitative differences are expressed as numbers. • Recoding a qualitative variable into numeric values to allow summary information in statistical software. • These values are quantitatively meaningless, they are simply a means to distinguish between categories. • E.g. females = 1, males = 0; • Others: race, ethnicity, religion, etc.

  19. Scales of measurement • Ordinal scales: • Rank or order observations based on whether they are greater than or less than other observations. • No information about distance between data points is provided. • E.g. Phelps ranked first in the 200m freestyle at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. • And many other events… • Improvement over nominal scales: we can identify if a data point is > or < another data point.

  20. Scales of measurement • Quantitative scales - Interval and Ratio scales: • Most precise measurements, as the exact distance between 2 data points can be quantified. • Interval scales do not have a true zero point. • E.g. Temperature: temperatures of –x degrees Fahrenheit are still meaningful. • However, the absence of a zero point does not allow us to talk about ratios, e.g. some observation being 4 times greater than another. • 30 degrees is not half as hot as 60 degrees. • Someone with a BDI score of 15 is not half as depressed as someone with a score of 30 • Ratio scales do have a true zero point. • Zero point indicates a true absence of information. • 0 miles/hour means there is no movement. • This allows researchers to use ratios to describe the relationship between 2 data points. • 120 miles/hour is twice as fast as 60 miles/hour. • 300 pounds is twice as heavy as 150 pounds.

  21. Part ii

  22. Basic concepts in experimental design and analysis • Statistics and data analysis are only tools, a means to answer our questions about the world. • Experimental design goes hand in hand with statistics. • If we miss important factors during the design process of our experiment: • e.g. a confound: a uncontrolled variable that systematically and unknowingly affects our data and prevents a clear interpretation. • We may be able to control for it statistically, but, • That is never as good as controlling for it at the onset of the experiment. • So, what exactly is an experiment?

  23. Experiments • An experiment introduces intentional change into some situation so that reactions to this change can be systematically measured. • As experimenters we manipulate variables of interest to see whether our manipulation has any effect on behavior. • E.g. does the administration of a drug (ritalin) cause changes in our ability to perform on exams ? • This could be studied empirically – can you tell me how?

  24. Populations and samples • First, we need participants. • These need to be randomly sampled from our population of interest. • What are samples, what is a population? • Why random sampling? • Then we need to decide on our experimental design: • Within vs. between subjects design. • In BSD we assign half of our participants to a treatment condition. • Treatment level 1 is our control condition: administration of placebo. • Treatment level 2 is our experimental condition: administration of ritalin. • Then we measure the behavior of interest (performance on exam).

  25. Population • A population is a complete set of data possessing some observable characteristic. • Developmental psychologists may study populations of children 5 years or younger. • Gerontologists may study populations of older adults ages 70 and above. • Addiction researchers may study cocaine addicts. • Clinical psychologists may study people with anxiety disorders or depression. • Population refers to the data points produced by these groups.

  26. Samples • In research, we rely on samples to say something about the larger population. • Water droplets: Population Sample

  27. Sample • A sample is a subset of the population bearing the same characteristic as the population of interest. • We need to collect data from a sample, because it is often not feasible to test the entire population. • The sample therefore has to be representative of the population. • This allows us to draw conclusions about the population based on our experimental results. • But, how do we know that we obtained a representative sample? • Statistical procedures help us answer whether a sample is representative of a population. • Do sample parameters reflect population parameters?

  28. Population parameters and sample statistics • Population parameters are values summarizing a measurable characteristic of a population. • The characteristic of interest for our experiment. • E.g. average size of all water droplets. • They are constants. • Sample statistics are used to estimate population parameters: • A summary value based on some measurable characteristic of the sample. • Values of sample statistics can vary from sample to sample. • E.g. Repeatedly conducting the same experiment with different participants will lead to different results.

  29. Sample statistics can vary Population Sample Sample Statistic 1 Sample Sample Statistic 2 Population parameter Sample Sample Statistic 3 Sample Stat 1 ≠ Sample Stat 2 ≠ Sample Stat 3

  30. Sampling error • This means that using a sample statistic, instead of the population parameter introduces error. • Sampling error is the difference between our sample statistic and the true population parameter. • Our measurements are somewhat imprecise. • There are experimental methods to reduce/ minimize sampling error. • 1. Use the biggest samples you can possible get in your studies. • Larger samples are naturally more representative of the population and exhibit smaller sampling error.

  31. Simple random sampling • 2. Randomly sampling from the population reduces sampling error and creates a more representative sample. • Simple random sampling from a population is a process that gives each member of the population the same opportunity (an equal chance) of being part of the subset included in our experiment. • The instance of IQ: • Would it be valid to estimate the average IQ for the entire US population from a sample of college students? • It would be highly biased.

  32. Random sampling example 2 • We want to estimate the average level of sexual activity of a population of high school students at high school X. • We go into the gym and happen to run into a ninth grade gym class. • We survey the entire class for their level of sexual activity. • Is this valid? • The data would greatly underestimate the average value that would be expected from a truly random sample.

  33. A side note • Simple random sampling is difficult to achieve in reality. • The majority of published studies in psychology and related fields relies on 18-22 year old college students. • More so, most participants are drawn from introductory psychology classes with a research requirement. • What does this mean? • Convenience sample. • Researchers relying on convenience samples use a procedure called random assignment to establish equivalent groups before the experiment.

  34. Random assignment • Between subjects experiments have groups: • Group A = control. • Group B = experimental treatment. • We have 40 participants that want to take part in our study (20 males and 20 females). • We want to have an equal number of females in each group. • We want participants to be assigned to each group at random. • This substantially reduces the possibility that our groups differed in a characteristic that could influence our dependent measure.

  35. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics • Descriptive Statistics: • Describing a set of data / a sample. What do the data say? • Mean and variability. • Mean length of time taken to withdraw paw from heat source. • Variability of change in PWL after morphine administration across animals. • GPA, Crime rates, drug use, etc. • Inferential Statistics: • Inferring characteristics of populations from those of samples based on comparisons of descriptive statistics using probability theory. • The likelihood of our observations given that our Null Hypothesis is true.

  36. Operational definitions • Operational definitions render hypothetical variables into concrete operations that can be manipulated or measured empirically. • Goal: to make concepts and terms used in research more objective and quantifiable. • Example operational definitions of dependent variables commonly used in memory research: • Memory recall is typically defined as the ability to freely produce items previously learned; • Recognition is the ability to distinguish old from new items.

  37. Reliability • Reliability refers to a measure’s consistency across time. • For instance, • If you administered a personality questionnaire to the same person twice, with a gap of 1 month in between, would you expect to get the same score? • No, but if your inventory is reliable, scores should not vary much. • Any measure will introduce some measurement error (∆ true score - observed score) • but a reliable one will show less error.

  38. Validity • Does a measure actually measure what it is supposed to? • Validity is the degree to which an observation / a measurement corresponds to the construct that was supposed to be observed. • Some example topics from recent neuroscience papers: • Love, fairness, altruism, dread. • How would you measure these? • There are various types of validity that are of concern to researchers: • Construct validity; • Convergent validity; • Discriminant validity; • Internal validity; • External validity.

  39. Construct validity • Construct validity examines how well a variable’s operational definition reflects the actual nature and meaning of the theoretical variable. • Intelligence: • There are many aspects of intelligence. Do intelligence tests measure intelligence correctly? • Verbal comprehension, math skills, pattern analysis, memory. • Intelligence should be a reflection of how well we can function in our environment. • Emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the ability to adapt to novel situations.

  40. Convergent and discriminant validity • Convergent validity relates a novel measure to already established measures. • Correlation with already established measures is an indication that it measures a similar aspect of human behavior. • Discriminant validity is a reflection of how unrelated a measure is to other measures. • Some measures are expected to be unrelated to other measures. • E.g. would you expect intelligence to be related to depression, aggression, or anxiety?

  41. Internal and external validity • Internal validity is the degree to which the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable is unambiguous and not influenced by other factors. • E.g. confounding variables that systematically vary with our measure. • Ice cream consumption and murder rate are highly correlated. • Both increase in hot weather. • External validity is the degree to which research findings can be generalized to other people, other places, other times, etc. • Do studies conducted in the US generalize to other cultures?

  42. ethics

  43. Ethics – just a quick note • Ethical treatment of participants. • Our primary concern is the safety of research participants. • We do this by examining the risks and benefits associated with participation. • Informed consent. We need to inform our participants of all the procedures that she will undergo when participating in our experiments. • The participant needs to have time to ask questions and understand all the risks and benefits involved in participation. • Participants need to be informed of the right to withdraw at any time. • Ensure privacy and confidentiality of the data we collect. • MRI data, measures of depression, IQ, etc.

  44. Lab section Your creativity is needed now!

  45. Potential research topics for this class • 1. The effect of mood induction on memory. • 2. The effect of personality on the efficacy of mood induction techniques. • Mood induction: • Inducing a mood is possible via various methods: • E.g. viewing of a sad vs. happy movie clips. • Recall of sad vs. happy semantic memory episodes. • 1. Memory. • Test memory recall of sad vs. happy items. • Hypothesis: People in sad mood recall sad items better than happy items and vice versa. • 2. Personality. • Are some people more resilient to mood induction than others?

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