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ASC-BF, Incident Finance

Objectives. Incident Finance Branch Who's WhoIncident Finance 2009 AccomplishmentsRole of Incident Finance Branch 2009 ObservationsWhat COs and PULs can do to helpWhat FSCs can do to helpPoints to RememberQuestions and Answers and Feedback. Who's Who in Incident Finance. Marylea Lockard, B

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ASC-BF, Incident Finance

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    1. ASC-B&F, Incident Finance March 2010

    2. Objectives Incident Finance Branch Who’s Who Incident Finance 2009 Accomplishments Role of Incident Finance Branch 2009 Observations What COs and PULs can do to help What FSCs can do to help Points to Remember Questions and Answers and Feedback

    3. Who’s Who in Incident Finance Marylea Lockard, Branch Chief, Incident Finance, Albuquerque Service Center-Budget &Finance John Getchell, Program Manager Cooperative Fire Protection Agreements, International Agreements, Casual Pay, National Response Plan Billings and Payments (including first contact for FEMA Job Codes) Patricia Weinbrecht, Program Manager Contracts (Aviation and non-aviation), EERAs/I-BPAs, BPAs, Incident Accruals and Incident Job Codes

    4. Who’s Who in Incident Finance? Patsy Michel, Operations Manager EERAs, National Non-Aviation Contracts, Incident Job Codes, AMD Aviation billings, NWS (IMET) billings, MAFFS. Joe Vieth, Operations Manager for Aviation Contracts, Full Service and Mobile Retardant Contracts and Incident Accruals. Carol Robinson, (Detail) Operations Manager for Cooperative Fire Protection Agreements, International Agreements and National Response Plan Payments and Billings. Theresa Voss, Operations Manager for Casual Pay, Mail and Technical Center.

    5. 2009 Accomplishments Number of EERA/Contract payments 14,477 Total cost of payments $117,745,785 Prompt payment interest $32,936 Number of Aviation payments 3,753 Total cost of payments $289,848,020 Prompt payment interest $20,914 Number of Casual firefighter payments 5,494 Total cost of firefighter payments $27,254,030 Payments to State Cooperators $157,839,117 Bills to State Cooperators and FEMA $43,914,690 Customer service calls received 2,230 Job codes created 11,261 Active Cooperative Fire Agreements 942

    6. IF’s Role ASC B&F – IF provides support and feedback to: FSCs, PROCs and COST positions on IMTs Regional Incident Administrative Coordinators National AQM Contracting Officers to: Update CCR/EFT in collaboration with NFC Respond to payment inquiries Process Payment Disputes adjudicated by Contracting Officers

    7. Fire Season 2009 Observations Contracting Officers Equipment utilized not covered under contracts/agreements. Equipment listed on contracts/agreements did not include unique identifier such as type, VIN, serial number, etc. Vendor DUNS invalid or expired.

    8. Fire Season 2009 Observations Incident Management Teams I-Suite OF-286 not matching attached hard copy contract/agreement. Rate paid and/or equipment utilized is not covered on contract/agreement. Equipment re-assigned to a new incident, but not closed out on the old incident. Original invoices found in boxes after de-mobilization causing $33K interest penalties.

    9. Fire Season 2009 Observations Invoices Emergency Equipment Use Invoices, OF-286, are audited against contract/agreement, therefore all charges must be authorized within the contract/agreement, i.e. special and/or double shift rates and additional operators/crews. Lump summing daily total of equipment (mobile offices, tents, port-a-potties, hand washing stations, etc.) requires additional contact with IMT and/or IAC prior to payment. Commercial Invoices – common omissions: Date/signature/title of receiving official Job code Contract/agreement number Resource order number Duplication of original invoices - possible when using fax machine; attach fax to original when submitting to ASC

    10. Points to Remember Prior to contract/agreement being awarded – confirm Vendor is registered and current in CCR. Inform Vendor that the Name and TIN in CCR must match verbatim their IRS registration record. Document payment decisions at the incident. Ensure Incident Only acquisition instruments are complete and valid with agreement number, dates, and signatures. Vendor Code Information Worksheet, FS-6500-231, should be completed for all new vendors and submitted to ASC Incident Finance with the invoice and agreement.

    11. Questions? ASC_IPC@fs.fed.us

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