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Reducing Duplication in ADN & RN-BSN Curricula

Reducing Duplication in ADN & RN-BSN Curricula. Perkins Leadership Grant 2011 – 2012 Final Report RWJF Advancing Progression in Nursing Grant 2012-2014. Purpose of Perkins Grant Project. Create a 1 + 2 + 1 BSN curriculum with ADN exit that: r educes barriers to BSN level

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Reducing Duplication in ADN & RN-BSN Curricula

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  1. Reducing Duplication in ADN & RN-BSN Curricula Perkins Leadership Grant 2011 – 2012 Final Report RWJF Advancing Progression in Nursing Grant 2012-2014

  2. Purpose of Perkins Grant Project • Create a 1 + 2 + 1 BSN curriculum with ADN exit that: • reduces barriers to BSN level • Improves seamless transfer/articulation • reduces duplication • does not exceed 120 semester hours

  3. General Education Course Results • List of required courses – 45 hours –which would meet the general ed core curriculum requirements • Nine hours of general ed courses which can be decided by each community college • Courses needed to complete core curriculum • Required pre-requisites for other gen ed courses • Any hours not used by core curriculum courses or pre-requisites, will be chosen from a list of preferred courses from the universities (for example – Sociology, nutrition, chemistry, etc.) • Total of 54 general education courses

  4. Required General Education Courses • English 6 hours 3 hours • Anatomy & Physiology 8 hours 8hours • Microbiology 4 hours 4 hours • General psychology 3 hours 3 hours • Human Growth & Development 3 hours 3 hours • Fine Arts (Creative arts in new core) 3 hours 3 hours • Government 6 hours • American History 6 hours • Math stats 3 hours • Humanities (Language, philosophy, 3 hours culture in new core) Total 45 hours 24 hours BSN ADN

  5. CABNET is Here Consortium for Advancing Baccalaureate Nursing Education in Texas (CABNET)

  6. CABNET Agreement • If student meets 2 items below, universities will agree not to require any more lower division general education courses (unless they are part of the 30 hours at University) • Have completed 54 hours general ed courses set by the individual community college (45 set hours + 9 local control hours) • Have transcript marked Texas Core Complete

  7. CABNET Agreement • Standardized pre-requisites in order to apply • TSI Complete • A&P I, General Psychology and English Composition with a GPA of 2.5 in those • Overall GPA of 2.5 (nursing gen ed courses only) • Met minimum reading, math and composite scores on either HESI or ATI admission tests if a test is required (contact Dr. Greg Miller from SATIN grant for correlation of minimums between tests)

  8. Robert Wood Johnson FoundationAcademic Progression in Nursing(APIN) CABNET: A Statewide Model grant project submitted by Texas Team Advancing Health Through Nursing via Texas Nurses Foundation Focus on increasing the number of RN to BSNs in Texas Project Directors – Dr. Helen Reid, Dr. Kathryn Tart & Dr. Susie Sportsman Project Manager – Lauren Smitherman

  9. APIN Grant Major Goal Develop a multi-focused statewide model to assist all RN to BSN programs in the state of Texas to increase the number of associate degree prepared nurses graduating each year from1,826 in AY2010- 2011 to 4,200 in AY 2013-2014, a 230% increase.

  10. APIN Major Objectives • Recruit 60 programs to adopt the CABNET agreement • Recruit 40 programs to adopt the concept-based curriculum • Develop, implement, and evaluate faculty development programs to increase faculty expertise in clinical and didactic teaching in a concept based curriculum.

  11. APIN Major Objectives • Use a focus group methodology to assess employer and regional leaders’ perceptions of behaviors demonstrating competence of the “nurse of the future” especially for IOM concepts • Increase the percentage of minority graduates of RN to BSN programs from 45 – 50% by 2014 • Document the employment policies used by partnering clinical sites that support academic progress for nurses • Develop a process to document the number of Texas AD RNs enrolling in BSN program immediately upon graduation from pre-licensure program and /or who graduate from out-of-state RN to BSN programs

  12. APIN Grant Activities CABNET Advisory Committee created Texas Team Website Created CABNET agreements signed Concept-based RN-to-BSN and MSN courses developed Focus groups on future nurse competencies with results incorporated in to RN to BSN courses

  13. APIN Grant Activities Diversity Advisory Committee created Diversity Champions selected for each Texas Team region who will hold information sessions at Texas HSI and HBCU and traditional minority association meetings 40 Mentors chosen to work with minority RN-to-BSN students Best practices for recruiting minorities collected and distributed and adopted in at least 10 schools Scholarship information for minorities shared

  14. APIN Grant Activities Employment policies supporting academic progression compiled and shared and best practices adopted Faculty learning needs regarding teaching in a concept-based curriculum compiled and used to design 4 webinars for faculty development Process developed to document number of Texas AD RNs enrolling in out of state RN-to-BSN programs

  15. What Can You Do? Sign CABNET agreement Select a practice partner Have faculty send e-mail to apin@texasnurses.org if they are interested in developing the concept-based RN-to-BSN and MSN courses Recommend mentors to work with minority RN-to-BSN students Distribute faculty learning needs survey to your faculty when you receive it in the next couple of weeks

  16. We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. Max De Pree

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