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WINTER OPERATIONS WORKSHOP BASEL – 11/12 APRIL 2006 De-Brief. w OPS workshop 06. OST 06 – 1, Paris: Invitation only Free workshop What Why Who How Aims Results. w OPS workshop 06. OST 06 – 3: the “event” discussions actions and conclusions post-workshop activities future work

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  2. wOPSworkshop06 OST 06 – 1, Paris: • Invitation only • Free workshop • What • Why • Who • How • Aims • Results

  3. wOPSworkshop06 OST 06 – 3: • the “event” • discussions • actions and conclusions • post-workshop activities • future work • results

  4. wOPSworkshop06 The Event: • 70 attendees • JAA, EASA, NAAs x6 • Airlines x19 – flag, regional, low cost - pilots, mtc and ops • aircraft manufacturers x7 • fluid manufacturers x4 • accident investigators x3 • service providers • pilot and CC unions

  5. wOPSworkshop06 The Event: • 2 days • positive debate • constructive • informative • motivating

  6. wOPSworkshop06 Discussions: • maintenance (cleaning) procedures • fluid specification, manufacture and performance • operational procedures • UKAAIB recommendations to JAA and EASA • potential for increased oversight • CC ice awareness NPA

  7. wOPSworkshop06 UKAAIB recommends the JAA in consultation with EASA: • issue safety documentation to strongly encourage operators of aircraft with non-powered flight controls to use Type I de/anti-icing fluids, in preference to ‘thickened’ fluids, for de-icing, and • where the use of ‘thickened’ de/anti-icing fluids is unavoidable ensure that operators of aircraft with non-powered flight controls who use such fluids, invoke controlled maintenance procedures for the frequent inspection for accumulations of fluid residues and their removal.

  8. wOPSworkshop06 UKAAIB recommends that EASA: • introduce certification requirements relating to de/anti-icing fluids for use on aircraft with both powered and non-powered flight controls • consider the future need for the training and licensing of companies who provide a de/anti-icing service, so that anti-icing fluids are applied in an appropriate manner on all aircraft types, but specifically to ensure that the entry of such fluids into flight control mechanisms and control surfaces is minimised. NB: The German BFU (AAIB equivalent) will soon be releasing their own Incident Bulletin, and it is expected that similar Recommendations will be made.

  9. wOPSworkshop06 Conclusions and Actions • Fluid R&D • SAE G-12 residue WG • Operators establish best-practice • JAA, EASA, NAAs become more involved – cooperate – join resources • ALL – work together to find solutions • JAA - ?

  10. wOPSworkshop06 Conclusions and Actions • solutions are not just for operators, the NAAs need a better framework of oversight and service providers want a level playing field • solutions must enhance safety and reliability by raising standards – not by curtailing operations • NAAs are the key component in finding workable solutions

  11. wOPSworkshop06 Post Workshop Activities: • press release – raise the profile ad interest • DG ERA raise the issues at Salzburg ECAC DGsCA • Workshop Notes made public • SAE residue WG meeting in Lisbon • BFU Incident Report?

  12. wOPSworkshop06 Future Work: • JAA de/anti-icing SG mtg? • issues on EASA WP • results of fluid manufacturers R&D • regulatory approvals? • design criteria for fluids? • licensing/approval of service providers? • develop and test alternatives • Workshop 2007

  13. World Cup update England 4 – Germany 2

  14. Any Questions? wOPSworkshop06

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