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NetSetup scope and objective

NetSetup scope and objective. How to set up integration for product data management in a product development network as quickly and affordably as possible? Integration levels: processes, IT systems, information. PRODUCT DEV. PRODUCT DEV. Process level. Process level.

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NetSetup scope and objective

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  1. NetSetup scope and objective • How to set up integration for product data management in a product development network as quickly and affordably as possible? • Integration levels: processes, IT systems, information PRODUCT DEV. PRODUCT DEV. Process level Process level BOM, designdoc. metadata BOM, designdoc. metadata IT-level IT-level ROSETTANET ROSETTANET Company 1 Company 2 Process maturity levels [CMM] Company 3

  2. NetSetup main vision To enable efficient product development (PD) networks, we need to have • Defined and deployed inter-company processes for Design Change (DC) and Product Data Management (PDM) and guidelines how to use them • Integration in a Day concept that enables fast PDM system integration needed to support a particular networked project • Maximize the value of information to its recipients by ensuring that right information is delivered to right persons at the right time Expected results for the companies include quicker,more controllable iterations, shorter and more predictable lead-time of product programs, no more rework due to old/non-existing documents and easier, quicker and better targeted document deliveries, faster setting up of IT support for new partners and new projects, and better transparency thorough the companies of the PD network.

  3. Design Change (DC) management 1/3 Problem: Poorly managed DCs cause remarkable amount of delay in networked product development projects Assumption: Delay due to poor DC management can be improved by implementing better product data management processes in a company network. For example, processes that enable quicker responses to DC requests. • By defining inter-company processes (Partner Interface Processes, PIPs) for DC management • By defining a framework for DC management • The framework will describe how to synchronize internal processes of a company to standard inter-company processes (PIPs) • The framework advises the usage of PIPs: How to use them (e.g. timing, contents of DC templates…) in order to minimize unnecessary delay caused by design changes.

  4. Design Change (DC) management 2/3 - Phases of the research • Current state of improvement potential in the pilot companies • Data from interviews: how much delay DCs are currently causing? -> X days improvement potential • How much of this delay is due to network & insufficient PDM & inter-company processes? -> Y % from the X days • What issues and mechanisms cause this Y % of delay? • Analysis from the interviews. E.g. not enough DC information, wrong timing of DC information etc. -> most important concepts and their impact mechanisms for DC management

  5. Design Change (DC) management 3/3 • Develop PIPs further and their management framework, resulting • PIPs and the DC management framework. • Refine the results (PIPs & framework) and report results. IF we have time: to implement the results in the companies in order to measure their effect on DC management • Possibility: standardize the PIPs as a part of RosettaNet standard. Afterwards, we should be at least on level 3

  6. Integration in a day (IIAD) – Basic hypotheses – 1/3 • PDM systems integration bring benefits to controllability of networked PD projects • The time it takes to integrate PDM systems is nowadays quite significant and in PD context not fully understood. The integration time for setting up IT support for PD project collaboration is nowadays too long. • The time needed can be shortened by creating tools/guidelines for the currently most time-consuming parts • Project-oriented integration differs from more traditional integration as projects start and end - and thus the setup needs to be quicker • Guidelines how to reuse existing integration work in new PD projects is one major aspect of IIAD

  7. Integration in a day – The research questions – 2/3 • How can implementation times for integration be significantly reduced introducing 1) new business process 2) new partner to existing business process and 3) new project between existing partners • The volume – number of projects, partners, network stability, information quantities (documents etc.) exchanged - answers basic motivation to PDM integration • Where does the time go & Who are the important stakeholders of setting up integration • Why it takes so long? (e.g. lack of common process) • Are there tools to reduce this time? What are the stakeholders suggestions for fixing this

  8. Integration in a day – The expected results – 3/3 • Possible results • Guidelines (process/checklist) for adding new PIP /new partner/new projects - minimizing the time to integrate • Implementation guidelines and how they should be used, Trading partner agreements • List of project-related, i.e. changes that are required on every new PD project, system integration parameters • System architecture to solve project-related problems

  9. Design Information Value 1/4 • Problem: How to maximize the value of design information to its recipients in PD networks? • Assumption: Design information value can be maximized by defining • the components of information value (timing, targeting, etc.) and the methods for addressing these components • the information format and contents (e.g., document metadata) that needs to be shared in PD networks

  10. Design Information Value - Research questions 2/4 • What information needs to be shared in PD networks? • What are the components of information value? • How can the value of information be maximized? • How can the value maximization be supported with IT tools?

  11. Design Information Value - Data collection 3/4 • Literature review: Information value components, human aspects (e.g., information overload), communication theories • Data from interviews: Who needs the documents, when do they need them, what metadata of the documents is needed, how are document lifecycle and ownership managed, what tools are currently used for information exchange? Are these needs different in big companies and SMEs? • Data from PDM systems: What is the document metadata actually used, i.e. what information about a document (such as its name, version, creator, etc.) is needed to add a document to the PDM system so that it is also found from the system when needed

  12. Design Information Value – Results 4/4 • A framework for maximizing information value. The framework includes a guideline for the timing, targeting, format, and contents of the exchanged information • Demonstrate some of the concepts with a software prototype tool • If we have time and the case companies want: implement the results in the companies, measure the effects, and report the results

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