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自然法 富勒、菲尼斯

自然法 富勒、菲尼斯. 楊智傑 老師. 富勒. 朗 · L · 富勒 ( Lon L. Fuller , 1902 年 - 1978 年 )是著名的法哲學家,寫了名著 《 法律的道德性 》 ( The Morality of Law , 1964 ),探討了法與道德的關係。富勒長期是 哈佛大學 法學教授。他和 H · L · A · 哈特 曾對法與道德的關係展開過一場著名的辯論,對 自然法 學派和 法律實證主義 之間的對抗意義深遠。 羅納德 · 德沃金 在哈佛大學法學院時是富勒的學生,深受富勒影響。. 程序自然法. 義務的道德 願望的道德 實體自然法、法律的外在道德

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自然法 富勒、菲尼斯

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  1. 自然法富勒、菲尼斯 楊智傑 老師

  2. 富勒 • 朗·L·富勒(Lon L. Fuller,1902年-1978年)是著名的法哲學家,寫了名著《法律的道德性》(The Morality of Law,1964),探討了法與道德的關係。富勒長期是哈佛大學法學教授。他和H·L·A·哈特曾對法與道德的關係展開過一場著名的辯論,對自然法學派和法律實證主義之間的對抗意義深遠。羅納德·德沃金在哈佛大學法學院時是富勒的學生,深受富勒影響。

  3. 程序自然法 • 義務的道德 • 願望的道德 • 實體自然法、法律的外在道德 • 程序自然法、法律的內在道德,屬於願望的道德

  4. 法制原則 • 富勒認為法律的形式標準包括八個方面的準則:一般性;公之於眾;適用於將來而非溯及既往;明確性;避免內在矛盾;不應要求不可能實現的事情;穩定性;官方行動與法律的一致性。

  5. 1.一般性 • 不針對特定人 • 可否制定個案法? • 法律之前人人平等

  6. 2.法律的公布 • 中央法規標準法第12條法規應規定施行日期,或授權以命令規定施行日期。 • 第13 條法規明定自公布或發布日施行者,自公布或發布之日起算至第三日起發生 效力。 • 第14 條法規特定有施行日期,或以命令特定施行日期者,自該特定日起發生效力 。 • 第15條法規定有施行區域或授權以命令規定施行區域者,於該特定區域內發生效 力。

  7. 3.不溯及既往

  8. 信賴保護原則 • 法安定性的考量、對法律要有可預見性及可預測性 • 釋字525:不限於授益行政處分撤銷廢止,包括法規修改 • 不可隨意修法、修法後也不溯及既往、並要有過渡期間規定 • 修法時,若有值得保護的信賴,要予以補償 • 信賴基礎 • 信賴表現 • 信賴損失

  9. 法律不溯及既往原則 • 1.刑法不得溯及既往 • 2.若無溯及既往規定,也不可溯及既往 • 3.立法者可制訂法律溯及既往 • 4.真正溯及與不真正溯及

  10. 4.法律的明確性 • 1.可了解性 • 2.可預見性 • 3.可審查性

  11. 5.避免法律的矛盾

  12. 5.1後法優先原則 • 適應情勢變遷 • 避免修正或廢止法律手續 • 促進法律進步 • 解決舊法實施所生問題

  13. 5.2特別法優先原則 • 中央法規標準法第16條法規對其他法規所規定之同一事項而為特別之規定者,應優先適用之。其 他法規修正後,仍應優先適用。 • 「新普通法不能變更舊特別法」原則

  14. 6.法律不應要求不可能實現的事情 • 法實效性:法必屬可行且可有效地被遵守或至少可以強制執行而能發生法所要求之結果 • 不要制定無法執行的法律 • 立法從寬、執法從嚴

  15. 8.法律的穩定性 • 不要太常修改

  16. 9.官方行動和法律的一致性 • 透過法官要求行政官員守法 • 透過監察使(類似監察委員)制度,要求行政官員守法

  17. 法律解釋應根據目的 • Laws are viewed based on purpose, not on meaning of the words. In the vehicle in the park example above, Fuller would say that it would depend on the purpose for banning vehicles from the park. For example, if the purpose were to prevent noise pollution, a bicycle would not be a vehicle for the purposes of the law. Because of this focus on purpose instead of meaning, a judge using a natural law interpretation of statutes relies much more heavily on legislative history.

  18. 告密者案件的處理 • 哈特:應該制定一個溯及既往的法律,宣告納粹的法律無效 • 富勒:法官直接可以拒絕適用不道德的法律

  19. 哈特的批評 • 法制八原則只是法律實效性問題 • 哈特:經理指揮模式,為的是政府的目的 • 富勒:法律形式,為的是人民相處的社會一般利益

  20. 生平 • John Finnis (born 1940), is an Australian philosopher, specializing in the philosophy of law. He is Professor of Law at University College, Oxford and at the University of Notre Dame, teaching jurisprudence, political theory, and constitutional law.

  21. 自然法學者 • Finnis is one of the most prominent living legal philosophers. His work, , is regarded as one of the definitive works of natural law philosophy,[2] drawing both on Oxonian and CatholicThomistic philosophical traditions to challenge the dominant Anglo-positivist approach to legal philosophy taken by John Austin and H.L.A. Hart.

  22. 尋找基本善 • He tries to offer a "neo-Aquinian" natural law philosophy which does not presuppose a divine being. Instead of speaking, as would Plato, about the Form of the Good, or seeking the Good, he will speak about human desires to pursue "basic goods" in life. By focusing attention on goods rather than a single Good, Finnis skillfully articulates what he calls a theory of moral action for our day. Or, in other words, he seeks a theory of how to live well.

  23. 尋找的方法 • The theory may be briefly stated as follows: all rational agents set out to preserve or obtain things they perceive to be good for themselves. Even the most rational actors, however, can be mistaken. We need to exercise practical reason (he takes this term from Aristotle) to obtain that good at any one time. Finnis will isolate what he calls seven "basic goods" in life, goods that are fundamental, underived from other goods and irreducible to other things, that are the motivation and goal of action (sort of the moral equivalent of chemical elements). He also has nine principles of practical reasonableness that are what we might call "methods of operation" rather than "ends sought."

  24. 人類基本幸福 • In Natural Law and Natural Rights, Finnis's ethics focuses on seven of what he calls intrinsically valuable basic goods: life, knowledge, play, aesthetic experience (or beauty), sociability (or friendship), practical and religion. However, in his latter works these have been partially reworked. He states that these basic goods are self-evidently "good" and cannot be deduced from other premises.

  25. 自然法的來源 • Finnis, by constructing an account of the basic goods out of the self-reflective consideration of practical reason, never attempts to derive an evaluative 'ought' from a non-evaluative 'is'; instead, he begins by reflecting on the most general ends or goals of action as understood by practical reason and mediated by critical self-reflection.

  26. 實踐理智性 • 首尾一貫的生活規劃 • 對各種價值不應專橫地偏愛 • 對人不應專橫地偏愛 • 超脫 • 許諾 • 在理性範圍內有限地考慮結果:功效 • 在每個行為中尊重每一個基本價值 • 共同幸福 • 服從自己的良心

  27. 反對同性戀、墮胎、安樂死等 • Finnis has been a vigorous opponent of abortion, euthanasia, and nuclear weapons. He considers all sexual activity that is not between married persons, or makes use of birth control devices, to be inherently immoral, even "evil". Finnis maintain that only sexual activity "of the reproductive kind" between married adults is morally acceptable. He opposes efforts to extend legal recognition (including the right to marry) to homosexuality, and testified on behalf of the state of Colorado in its unsuccessful attempt to prohibit the extension of anti-discrimination laws to homosexuals.

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