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International Response to large scale humanitarian crisis.

International Response to large scale humanitarian crisis. Josef Reiterer (reiterer@un.org). From an OCHA perspective. Increase the participants’ knowledge about international response to natural disasters and technological emergencies. Objectives. Definitions/ Terminology

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International Response to large scale humanitarian crisis.

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  1. International Response to large scale humanitarian crisis. Josef Reiterer (reiterer@un.org) From an OCHA perspective

  2. Increase the participants’ knowledge about international response to natural disasters and technological emergencies. Objectives • Definitions/Terminology • ‘Actors’ in Humanitarian Crisis • Response to Natural Disasters

  3. Interaction and Relationship between: INSARAG SRSG DO ResRep Oslo Guidlines PKO EADRCC MCDU FSO IASC HOCC UNDAC HC/RC OCHA FCSS UNDMT CAP PSO

  4. “We recommend that the United Nations system urgently consider a more assertive approach to coordination in insecure settings. The time is ripe for the UN, with the strong insistence of donor governments, to stop talking about coordination and move to a system of coordination by command rather than retain the current system of coordination, by consensus or default.” Case Study, Kosovo; Brown University USA

  5. Civil-Military Cooperation is the relationship of mutual support, joint planning, and constant exchange of information required at all levels between military forces structures and humanitarian organizations and agencies operating towards the same objectives in response to humanitarian emergency. Civil-Military Cooperation

  6. CivilMilitary Coordination (CMCoord)

  7. Complex Humanitarian Emergency War-induced and sudden catastrophes involving substantial increases in involuntary displacements and in suffering (especially as measured by famine, disease, and human rights abuse) of noncombatants accompanied by a crises, and oftentimes a collapse, of state authority.

  8. The occurrence of a sudden or major misfortune which disrupts the basic fabric and normal functioning of a society (or community). An event or series of events which give rise to casualties and/or damage or loss of property, infrastructure, essential services or means of livelihood on a scale which is beyond the normal capacity of the affected communities to cope with unaided. Natural Disaster

  9. Intergovernmental Organization (IGO) Organization composed of member states with common perspectives and interests.

  10. Organization characterized by strength, obligation, funding, implementation of work, and ... The International Committee of the Red Cross is a special private organization. Private Organization

  11. Government intervening for historical diplomatic, economic, and political reasons by funding bilaterally or through intergovernmental/private organizations prior, during, and after emergency. Donor Government

  12. Seven major institutional actors making up the present system Privat Organizations Donor Governments Intergovernmental Organizations Outside Military Forces • Host government and military forces • Insurgent political and military forces • National and local private organizations UN CMCoord

  13. Donor Governments • Mission in Geneva and New York as contact points to the UN • MCDA - Contact persons in donor governments • Military - Civil defence assets • National emergency relief funds

  14. Non Governmental Organizations • 1951: 832 NGOs • 1982: 9398 NGOs • 2000: 20000 NGOsoperating in more than 3 countries Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement • ICRC along with the IFRC

  15. Intergovernmental Organizations • NATO • ECHO • ICDO • IOM • WEU • ……??????

  16. DONOR IGOs Red Cross Media NGOs DONOR IGOs Red Cross Media NGOs International Community UN OCHA National Government

  17. OCHA Mission Statement “ To mobilize and coordinate the collective efforts of the international community, in particular those of the UN system, to meet in a coherent and timely manner the needs of those exposed to human suffering and material destruction in disasters and emergencies. This involves reducing vulnerability, promoting solutions to root causes and facilitating the smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation and development.”

  18. DONOR IGOs Red Cross Media NGOs International Community National Government National Emergency Response Mechanism Disaster prone/stricken country

  19. DONOR IGOs Red Cross Media NGOs International Community UN OCHA • Response Coordination Branch • Emergency Services Branch • Humanitarian Emergency Branch • Inter Agency Standing Committee National Government Disaster prone/stricken country

  20. DONOR IGOs Red Cross Media NGOs International Community UNDP office in developing countries - Head of the UNDP office: = Resident Representative UNDP = Resident Coordinator of OCHA in case of emergency = Head of the UN Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) UN OCHA National Government UNDP Resident Coordinator Disaster prone/stricken country

  21. DONOR IGOs Red Cross Media NGOs International Community UN OCHA UNDP National Government • UN Agencies • UNDMT Disaster prone/stricken country

  22. DONOR IGOs Red Cross Media NGOs International Community UN OCHA UNDP National Government • UN Agencies • UNDMT Disaster prone/stricken country

  23. Time for questions exno. 0500d Please answer the following question(s) as a team? Time ... Question No.: 28

  24. InternationalResponse to Disasters

  25. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA Natural, environmental or technological disaster OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A E R T F R T I F N N E National Government Local Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  26. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP Local Government activates the Local Emergency Management Authority (LEMA) UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government Local Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  27. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs Upon request of affected country OCHA mobilizes an UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination Stand-by Team (UNDAC) IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A UNDAC E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government Local Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  28. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs The UNDAC team may establishes one or more On-Site Operations Coordination Centres (OSOCC) IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T OSOCC OSOCC Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government Local Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  29. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs OCHA MEDIA Upon request of the affected country donor countries may mobilize Search and Rescue Teams (SAR) UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T OSOCC OSOCC Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A E T SAR R LEMA R F I T F N N National Government Local Government N E A U U C O T M T C I E D O M N O A L C

  30. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs OCHA MEDIA Upon request of affected country donor countries may mobilize military and/or civil-defence assets UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T OSOCC OSOCC Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A E MCDA T SAR R LEMA R F I T F N N National Government Local Government N E A U U C O T M T C I E D O M N O A L C

  31. 1. Monitoring Phase2. Warning Phase3. Alert and Mobilization Phase 4. Assessment and Operation Phase5. Demobilization Phase6. Post Relief Phase

  32. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A E R T F R T I F N National Government N E N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  33. Warning Phase

  34. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs OCHA receives a disaster warning through media or from any other source IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y ResRep. UNDMT Y A E R T F R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  35. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs OCHA double-checks with the UN Resident Coordinator The ResCoord. gets official information from the local Govt IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  36. Alert and Mobilization Phase

  37. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA Situation Report 1 UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  38. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I Local Govt activates the LEMA, UN Resident Coordinator investigates with local Authorities N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E N U National Government A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  39. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N Field Situation Report 1 T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  40. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs Alert UNDAC, SAR, ETC. MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  41. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N Appeal for international assistance T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  42. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs Mobilize UNDAC Team (if necessary) IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  43. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N Field SitRep 2 T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N National Government N E N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  44. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs Alert MCDA MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  45. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I Provide up to 50,000 US$ from OCHA Emergency Cash Grant N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T F LEMA R T I F N N E N U National Government A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  46. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs Mobilization of SAR MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T SAR F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  47. Assessment and Operation Phase

  48. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I The UNDAC team establishes an OSOCC/HOCC N T OSOCC Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T SAR F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  49. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. Disaster assessment and coordination in cooperation with Res Coord. and local Authorities I N T OSOCC Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T SAR F LEMA R T I F N N E National Government N U A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

  50. UN Donor Countries Red Cross NGOs IGOs Channel Cash Contributions MEDIA OCHA UNDP UN Agencies/ Organiz. I N T OSOCC Y Res. Coord. UNDMT Y A E R T SAR F LEMA R T I F N N E N U National Government A C O U T C T E M D I O M N O A L C

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