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M. A. Darzi

High Altitude Research Laboratory Astrophysical Sciences Division Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Gulmarg Kashmir. M. A. Darzi. High Altitude Research Laboratory (HARL), Gulmarg. Station Coordin ates: Latitude (f) : 34.07 o N Longitude ( l) :74.42 o E Altitude: h : 2743 m.a.s.l

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M. A. Darzi

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  1. High Altitude Research LaboratoryAstrophysical Sciences DivisionBhabha Atomic Research CentreGulmarg Kashmir. M. A. Darzi

  2. High Altitude Research Laboratory (HARL), Gulmarg. Station Coordinates: • Latitude (f) : 34.07oN • Longitude ( l) :74.42o E • Altitude: h : 2743 m.a.s.l • Cut-off rigidity Rc:11.4 GV LFGNM HOUSING

  3. 1912 - Victor Hess reaches 5350 m altitude in a balloon and shows conclusively that the rate of charged particles increases significantly with height: • There is an extraterrestrial source of radiation ! • Cosmic Rayswere named by Millikan (1925) • 1930 – Pierre Auger discovers particle showers. • 1936 - Hess gets Nobel Prize for discovery of cosmic rays. • Cosmic ray Composition • Protons ~87% • He ~12% • 1% heavier nuclei: C, O, Fe and other ionized nuclei synthesized in stars • 2% electrons, g-rays, neutrinos History COSMIC RAYS(A radiation of very high penetrating power enters our atmosphere from above’)

  4. Primary Cosmic Ray Spectrum

  5. Cosmic Rays in the Atmosphere

  6. Galactic and solar cosmic ray particles entering the earth's atmosphere with energy above 0.5 GeV undergo nuclear interactions, producing secondaries whose effect is extended down to the sea level. However in these secondaries, neutrons form a majority of component at the ground level and have an energy spectrum dominating towards lower energies covering a wide range from 0.01 eV to 10 GeV with evaporation peak at around 1 MeV and a knock on peak at around 100 MeV. Neutron monitors with their reliability and basic simplicity offer a means of studying the longer-term temporal variations while their sensitivity and high counting rates make possible the observation of short term intensity changes as well. Therefore neutron monitors play a key role as a research tool in the field of space physics, solar-terrestrial relations, and space weather applications. Neutron Monitor

  7. Solar modulation refers to the influence the Sun exerts upon the intensity of galactic cosmic rays. As solar activity rises (top panel), the count rate recorded by a neutron monitor decreases (bottom panel).

  8. CONVENTIONAL NEUTRON MONITORS AND LFGNM LFGNM Section IGY SECTION GNM SECTION 7.5cm ParaffinModerator NM64 SECTION 28cm Counter Dia =3.8 Cms Active Length= 90Cms No lead used in GNM

  9. Characteristics of neutron monitors

  10. BF3 Detector • Actually the signal is amplified somewhat in the strong electric field very near the wire • Electrons ionize the gas, producing a cascade • For appropriate potentials, the amplification is proportional

  11. ANODE CATHODE Fill Gas Pressurre: 45 cmHgB10 enrichment: 96%Active dia: 3.8 cms Active length: 90 cms Anode wire: Tunguston 25m ThickCathode material : Brass (1mm thick)

  12. Neutron Detection Reaction in BF3 counter 1n0 + 10B5  7Li3 (0.84 MeV)+ 42 (1.47 MeV) + (0.48MeV)• About 94% of the reactions leave the 7Li3 in an excited state, releasing 2.31 MeV of kinetic energy. 1n0 + 10B5  7Li3 (1.02 MeV)+ 42 (1.77 MeV ) • About 6% go directly to the ground state, releasing 2.79 MeV• This can produce about 2x105 free electrons• Most of the kinetic energy appears in the alpha particle• The alpha particle can hit the wall of the detector and not deposit all of its energy

  13. The modified detector is housed below a 70o slant roof at the High Altitude Research Laboratory – Gulmarg. Detector: standard 21 BF3 neutron counters. Upper paraffin thickness ~ 8 Cm Lower paraffin thickness ~ 28 Cm 3 – Channels of 7 counters each. Efficiency ~ 3 % Count rate ~ 36000 per Hour Pressure coefficient = -0.84 / millibar A digital Barometer is used to obtain 3 minute readings of the atmospheric pressure. LEAD-FREE GULMARG NEUTRON MOINITOR (LFGNM)

  14. Optimum Moderator Thickness

  15. Discriminator • Computers and logic are simpler if the analog signals are converted to digital signals • The simplest conversion device is the discriminator, which produces an output signal each time the input exceeds a specified threshold

  16. DAQ OF LFGNM (Lead-free Gulmarg Neutron Monitor)

  17. Modulation effects recorded with Lead-free Gulmarg Neutron Monitor • Short term modulation effects (Forbush Decrease of 29th October 2003 event) • Long term Modulation effects September 2007 to September 2008 (during the quiet sun period of 23rd solar cycle)

  18. Forbush decrease recorded with Lead-free Gulmarg Neutron Monitor

  19. The Gulmarg, Athens and Tibet Neutron Monitors detected a large Forbush decrease on 29th October 2003

  20. Long term modulation recorded by LFGNM from 1/9/2007 to 31/8/2008

  21. Large-scale profile matching of LFGNM and ESOIR for September 2007 to August 2008

  22. Large-scale 27 days moving average profile matching of LFGNM and ESOIR for September 2007 to August 2008

  23. Anti-correlation of LFGNM count rate and Solar Wind Velocity for the quiet sun period of September 2007 to August 2008

  24. Conclusion • LFGNM responds to solar modulation effects as any other conventional neutron monitor. • The response during quiet sun periods is overwhelmingly large compared to conventional neutron monitors and indicates that the modulation signatures can very well and effectively be studied with the help of lead-free neutron monitors. • The decrease observed during solar quiet times indicates that solar wind velocity plays a dominant role in modulating the cosmic ray flux. • The ground based lead-free neutron monitors can effectively reflect the variations that can occur in the interplanetary medium. Therefore making such monitors important tools in studying solar modulation of cosmic rays.

  25. Thank You

  26. High energy cosmic rays are rare. Observing them at high time resolution requires a large detector. • Ground based instruments remain the state-of-the-art method for studying these elusive particles. • Neutron monitors on the surface record the byproducts of nuclear interactions of high energy primary cosmic rays with Earth's atmosphere.

  27. LEAD-FREE GULMARG NEUTRON MOINITOR (LFGNM) they play a key role as a research tool in the field of space physics, solar-terrestrial relations, and space weather applications. H A R L GULMARG

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