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Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Xiaojiang (James) Du , and Dapeng Wu IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 55, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 Presented by J.H. Su ( 蘇至浩 ). Authors(1/2). Xiaojiang (James) Du

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Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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  1. Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Xiaojiang (James) Du, and Dapeng Wu IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 55, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 Presented by J.H. Su ( 蘇至浩 ) OPLab, IM, NTU

  2. Authors(1/2) • Xiaojiang (James) Du • Received the Ph.D. degrees from University of Maryland College Park in electrical engineering. • An Assistant Professor with the Department of Computer Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo. • His research interests are wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, wireless networks, computer networks, network security, and network management. OPLab, IM, NTU

  3. Authors(2/2) • Dapeng Wu • Received the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, in 2003. • Has been with Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, as an Assistant Professor. • His research interests are in the areas of networking, communications, multimedia, signal processing, and information and network security. OPLab, IM, NTU



  6. INTRODUCTION(1/2) • Most existing routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) use a single routing strategy for different types of networks. • Fisheye State Routing(FSR) • Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) • Routing protocols suitable for sparse networks may not perform well in dense networks. • In a military operation. OPLab, IM, NTU

  7. INTRODUCTION(2/2) • Authors design a new routing protocol called Adaptive Cell Relay (ACR) routing protocol for MANETs with varying node densities. • The ACR protocol consists of three components: • the cell relay (CR) routing scheme • the large cell (LC) routing scheme • the adaptive scheme OPLab, IM, NTU


  9. RELATED WORK • Research has shown that geographic location information can improve routing performance in ad hoc networks. • Routing with assistance from geographic location information requires each node to be equipped with the global positioning system (GPS). OPLab, IM, NTU

  10. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • Assumption for CR • Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks • Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks • Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy • Routing Maintenance • Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell • SIMULATION RESULTS • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  11. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • Assumption for CR • Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks • Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks • Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy • Routing Maintenance • Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell • SIMULATION RESULTS • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  12. Assumption for CR • The main idea of the protocol is to use nodes in cells to relay route discovery packets(RR packet). • The entire routing area is divided into squares of the same size, called cells. • The node transmission range is R, and the side length of each cell, denoted by a, satisfies a = R/(2√2). • Each cell has a unique ID. • Each node knows its location. OPLab, IM, NTU

  13. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • Assumption • Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks • Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks • Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy • Routing Maintenance • Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell • SIMULATION RESULTS • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  14. Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks(1/3) D 13 14 15 16 E C 9 10 11 12 B A 5 6 7 8 S 1 2 4 3 OPLab, IM, NTU

  15. Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks(2/3) D 13 14 15 16 9 10 11 12 5 8 6 7 S 1 2 3 4 OPLab, IM, NTU

  16. Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks(3/3) • RR packet contains the following fields: session id, source, destination, cell list, and path list. • Nodes in cell C1 will forward the RR packet to nodes in cell C2 with a delay of td = α/E + tr. • E is the remaining energy of the node • α is a system parameter that can be adjusted • tris a small (compared with α/E) random backoff time OPLab, IM, NTU

  17. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • Assumption • Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks • Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks • Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy • Routing Maintenance • Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell • SIMULATION RESULTS • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  18. Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks(1/3) C D 3 E 4 A B C S 2 1 OPLab, IM, NTU

  19. Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks(2/3) D 3 4 S 2 1 OPLab, IM, NTU

  20. Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks(3/3) • An LC is a square, and it is large enough so there is a high probability for each LC to contain at least one node. • a > R/(2√2) • In LC routing, node flood the RR packet to nodes in both the same cell and the next cell. • If both the main path and backup paths are not available, then flooding will be used. OPLab, IM, NTU

  21. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • Assumption • Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks • Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks • Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy • Routing Maintenance • Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell • SIMULATION RESULTS • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  22. Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy(1/4) • A global node density should be used as the criterion for changing the routing strategy. • total number of nodes in the network divided by the routing area. • We say the node density changes when at least one of the following events occurs: • the number of active nodes in the routing area changes. • the size of the routing area changes. OPLab, IM, NTU

  23. Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy(2/4) • A node is selected as the adaptive head (AH) • detects a global node density change • determines if the routing strategy should be changed. • The current AH will broadcast its location to all other nodes when the AH moves into a new cell. OPLab, IM, NTU

  24. Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy(3/4) • Initially, the AH knows how many nodes and their IDs are in the network. • When any of the aforementioned events happens, a density change (DC) message is sent to the AH. • new node joins • a node detects that its neighbor dies out • a node moves out of the boundary of the current routing area • the routing area shrinking. OPLab, IM, NTU

  25. Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy(4/4) • When the global node density is larger than D1, the routing strategy is changed from LC to CR. • When the global node density is less than D2, the routing strategy is switched from CR to LC. • When the AH decides to change the routing strategy, it will flood a strategy change (SC) message to all nodes in the network. OPLab, IM, NTU

  26. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • Assumption • Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks • Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks • Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy • Routing Maintenance • Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell • SIMULATION RESULTS • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  27. Routing Maintenance • Consider part of an established route A → B → C. • if A does not overhear any transmission from node B within a timeout. • A will try to use two backup paths to send the packet to node C. • If both backup paths are not available • A will send a Route Failure message to the source node S. • S will try to find another path to the destination. OPLab, IM, NTU

  28. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • Assumption • Cell Relay Routing Protocol for Dense Networks • Large Cell Routing Protocol for Sparse Networks • Scheme of Measuring Node Density and Changing Routing Strategy • Routing Maintenance • Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell • SIMULATION RESULTS • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  29. Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell(1/2) • Assume there are totally M cells and N nodes in the network. • For each cell, the probability of having a certain node in the cell is 1/M. • The probability that this node is not in the cell is 1 − (1/M). • The probability of having zero node in the cell is [1 − (1/M)]N • The probability of having at least one node in the cell is Ph= 1− [1 − (1/M)]N . OPLab, IM, NTU

  30. Probability of Having Nodes in One Cell(2/2) OPLab, IM, NTU

  31. Location-Aided Routing (LAR) R = V *(t1- t0) D D’s location at t0 S’s location at t1 OPLab, IM, NTU

  32. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Simulation setting • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  33. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Simulation Setting • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  34. Simulation Setting • For the dense network case • we distribute 100 nodes uniformly at random in an area of 500 X 500 m. • The routing area is divided into 36 cells. • For the sparse network case • we simulate the scenario with 30 nodes distributed in the 500 X 500 m area. • The routing area is divided into 9 LCs OPLab, IM, NTU

  35. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Simulation setting • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  36. Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility OPLab, IM, NTU

  37. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  38. Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range OPLab, IM, NTU

  39. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  40. Throughput Under Different Traffic Load OPLab, IM, NTU

  41. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Scalability of CR and LC Routing • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  42. Delay OPLab, IM, NTU

  43. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • Simulation Setting • Routing Overhead • Throughput • Delay • Scalability of ACR Routing • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  44. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • Simulation Setting • Routing Overhead • Throughput • Delay • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  45. Simulation Setting • A dense network becomes a sparse network • At the beginning, all 100 nodes are activated; at the epoch of 500 s, 70 nodes are disabled; the remaining 30 nodes continue to run for another 500 s. • The network node density increases. • only 30 nodes are activated at the beginning; at the epoch of 500 s, the other 70 nodes are activated; then, all 100 nodes run for another 500 s. OPLab, IM, NTU

  46. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • Simulation Setting • Routing Overhead • Throughput • Delay • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  47. Routing Overhead OPLab, IM, NTU

  48. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • Routing Overhead • Throughput • Delay • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

  49. Throughput OPLab, IM, NTU

  50. Outline • INTRODUCTION • RELATED WORK • ADAPTIVE CELL RELAY ROUTING PROTOCOL • SIMULATION RESULTS • Routing Overhead Under Different Mobility • Routing Overhead for Different Transmission Range • Throughput Under Different Traffic Load • Delay • Performance of Adaptive Cell Relay Routing Protocol • Routing Overhead • Throughput • Delay • Scalability of ACR Routing • CONCLUSION OPLab, IM, NTU

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