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Descent with Modification

Pre-evolutionary Thought. scala naturaeAristotleessentialismspontaneous generation. Road to Evolution. discovery of fossilscertain organisms had become extinctcertain organisms that currently exist are not represented in the fossil record (did not always exist)organisms that currently exist

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Descent with Modification

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Descent with Modification

    2. Pre-evolutionary Thought scala naturae Aristotle essentialism spontaneous generation

    3. Road to Evolution discovery of fossils certain organisms had become extinct certain organisms that currently exist are not represented in the fossil record (did not always exist) organisms that currently exist are more similar to recent fossils (those closer to the surface) than to older fossils (those more deeply buried)

    4. Road to Evolution geology Hutton gradualism Lyell Principle of Uniformitarianism taxonomy revealed gaps in scala naturae

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