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Signposts and traffic signs & Bicyclists : manners and behaviour

Signposts and traffic signs & Bicyclists : manners and behaviour. Jenny Haapasaari Peppi Hiidenkari Sonja Lepistö. Signposts. Two or three colored signs and simple symbols are very clear to understand .

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Signposts and traffic signs & Bicyclists : manners and behaviour

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  1. Signposts and trafficsigns&Bicyclists: mannersand behaviour Jenny Haapasaari Peppi Hiidenkari Sonja Lepistö

  2. Signposts Twoorthreecoloredsigns and simplesymbolsareveryclear to understand. Signpostsaretypicallytoohighand the font is toosmall. Whenyou’recyclingtoofast, it’simpossible to perceive the information.

  3. Trafficsigns Thissignwarnsaboutchildren; usuallysign is near of the school Crossingareanear the school. Foursignposts and reflectors on the poles.

  4. Trafficsigns Trafficlights for bicyclers. This is veryuseful and practicalspecially in the center area.

  5. Trafficsigns Pedestrian and cyclepath is separatedbyincreasedpaving. Saferthan just paintedline.

  6. Behaviour & manners Oftendangersituationsarisebecausepeopledoesn’tring the bellortheydon’tevenhave it. Sometimespassingcausesdangerwhenithappensfrom the wrong side of the road. Usuallytoohighspeed in the city area. Causesdangersituations! Oftenpeoplecycle on the pedestrianlanebecausetheydoesn’tdarecycle on the motorroad. http://nyt.fi/20130614-aeaenestae-aersyttaevin-pyoeraeilijae/

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