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Analysis of ICZM practice in the Adriatic region - Outline

Analysis of ICZM practice in the Adriatic region - Outline . Barcelona Convention. Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) 1975 “ C onvention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean” 1 976 / 1995. MAP Legal Base.

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Analysis of ICZM practice in the Adriatic region - Outline

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  1. Analysis of ICZM practice in the Adriatic region- Outline MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Marko Prem (PAP/RAC)

  2. Barcelona Convention • Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) 1975 • “Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean” 1976/1995

  3. MAP Legal Base • Seven specific legal frameworks: • Dumping Protocol • Emergency P • LBS P • SPA and Biodiversity P • Offshore P • Hazardous Wastes P • ICZM Protocol

  4. ICZM Protocol signed(Madrid, 21 Jan 2008) • To date: 15 signatories, 7 ratifications InnovativeFuture orientedandproactiveComprehensiveIntegratedBinding Planning for biodiversity conference; Warsaw, 7-9 November 2011

  5. Protocol entered into force 24th March 2011 ATLANTIC OCEAN France Slovenia BLACK SEA Croatia Bosnia/ Herze-govina Montenegro Italy Turkey Albania Spain Greece Syria Cyprus Lebanon MEDITERRANEAN SEA Israel Malta Morocco Tunisia Algeria Egypt Lybia

  6. Article 2: Definition of ICZM“Integrated coastal zone management” means a dynamic process for the sustainable management and use of coastal zones, taking into account at the same time the fragility of coastal ecosystems and landscapes, the diversity of activities and uses, their interactions, the maritime orientation of certain activities and uses and their impact on both the marine and land parts Planning for biodiversity conference; Warsaw, 7-9 November 2011

  7. Geographicalcoverage(Article 3)Competentcoastalunits + Territorial waters Planning for biodiversity conference; Warsaw, 7-9 November 2011

  8. Governance rigidities–the coastal squeeze New Frontier? National Governments Marine Agencies Marine Sectoral interests BINGOs Local Government Regional Agencies Communities Planning for biodiversity conference; Warsaw, 7-9 November 2011

  9. Local Government Regional Agencies Communities National Governments Marine Agencies Marine Sectoral interests BINGOs Planning for biodiversity conference; Warsaw, 7-9 November 2011

  10. Elements of ICZM • Article 7: Coordination • Article 8: Protection and Sustainable Use of the CoastalZone(setback zone of 100 m)

  11. Elements of ICZM • Article 18: National Coastal Strategies, Plans andProgrammes • Various Articles: • Training and capacity building; • awareness raising- Med Coast Day; • data management; • ICZM tools and methodologies- MSP • Demonstration/pilot actions

  12. ICZM Process

  13. Action Plan for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol (2011-2019) ACTION PLAN 3 Objectives • Support effective implementation at all levels. • Strengthen capacities of CPs to use ICZM policies, instruments, tools and processes. • Promote Protocol within the region and worldwide.

  14. ACTION PLAN (cont) • Objective 1:SupporttheeffectiveimplementationoftheProtocol at regional, national andlocallevels, includingthrough a CommonRegional Framework for ICZM • Ratificationandtransposition • Strengtheningandsupportinggovernance institutionalframework; ICZM governanceplatform; CommonRegional Framework • Adopting national ICZM strategiesandCoastalimplementationplansandprogrammes link withotherstrategiesandactionplans; integrativeframeworksapplyingtheecosystemapproach • Reporting on Protocolimplementationandmonitoringthe state oftheMediterraneancoast reporting format; indicators; report on the state ofenvironment

  15. ACTION PLAN (cont) • Objective 2:StrengthenthecapacitiesofCPs to implementtheProtocoland use inaneffectivemanner ICZM policies, instruments, toolsandprocesses • Methodologiesandproceses sectoralintegration; climatechanges; MAP ECAP; setback zone; carryingcapacity; MSP; SEA • Protocolimplementationprojects (CAMP III) • Professional development, trainingandeducation MedOpen; high-levelseminars; roundtablesandworkshops

  16. ACTION PLAN (cont) • Objective 3:PromotetheProtocolanditsimplementationwithintheregionandgloballybydeveloppingsynergieswithotherconventionsandagreements • Publicparticipationandawarenessraisingpublicparticipationprocesses; MediterraneanCoastDaycelebration; awarenessraisingandcommunicationprogramme. • Excellence on ICZM issues researchprojects; capacitiesof MAP centres • PromotingtheProtocol dissemination; replication • Networks thematic; withotherprogrammes; coastalnetwork

  17. ANALYSIS of ICZM Practiceinthe Adriatic • Existing national legislation and comparison with the ICZM Protocol requirements • Current practice, in particular setback line • Existing governance structures for ICZM at various levels • Propose solutions for Protocol implementation

  18. Analysis of ICZM practice (Country/Italian region)SECTION I: SECTORAL POLICIES IN EFFECT IN COASTAL ZONES1. Preserving biodiversity1.1 General principles1.1.1 Preserving biodiversity1.1.2 Preserving cultural heritage1.1.3 Preserving landscapes1.2 Preserving vulnerable ecosystems1.2.1 Ecosystems covered by the Protocol1.2.2 Protection “outside specially protected areas”1.3 Knowledge of ecosystems1.4 Land management MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Marko Prem (PAP/RAC)

  19. 2 Managing coastal activities2.1 Reconciling coastal activities and preservation of ecosystems2.1.1 General principles applicable to all coastal activities2.1.2 Specific tools to be implemented2.2 Regulating specific activities 3 Addressing risks3.1 Integrating the “risk” element in coastal policies3.2 Tools for integration3.3 Setback zone MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Name Surname (organization) – Title of Presentation

  20. SECTION II: GOVERNANCE METHODS FOR COASTAL ZONES1. Consolidating integration mechanisms1.1 Spatial integration1.2 Intersectoral integration1.3 Institutional integration and governance structures1.4 Science-management integration1.5 International integration MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Marko Prem (PAP/RAC)

  21. 2. Information, participation and the right to legal recourse2.1 Information2.1.1 Beneficiaries of information2.1.2 Scope of information2.2 Participation2.2.1 Principle of participation2.2.2 Beneficiaries of participation2.2.3 Scope of participation2.3 The right to legal recourse MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Marko Prem (PAP/RAC)

  22. SECTION III: STRATEGIC PLANNING IN COASTAL ZONES1. National ICZM strategy1.1 General objective: formulating or strengthening national ICZM strategy1.2 Content of the strategy1.3 Formulation procedure2. Coastal plans and programmes as tools for implementing national strategies2.1. Form of coastal plans and programmes2.2 Formulation procedure MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Marko Prem (PAP/RAC)

  23. SECTION IV: REGIONAL COOPERATION1. Principle of cooperation1.1 Obligation to cooperate1.2 Special instruments for cooperation2. Fields of regional cooperation2.1 Cooperation on strategic planning in the region2.2 Cooperation in certain specific fields MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Marko Prem (PAP/RAC)

  24. CONCLUSIONS1.Summary of the findings i) Legal compliance analysis ii) Current practice 2.Proposals of solutions i)What should be done to comply with the Protocolii) How toimprove implementation in practice MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference Marko Prem (PAP/RAC)

  25. United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre Kraj Sv. Ivana 11 21000 Split, CROATIA e-mail: pap@gradst.hr http://www. pap-thecoastcentre.org THANK YOU!

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