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Madrid, 6 th May 2011

16 th IG Meeting South Gas Regional Initiative. Madrid, 6 th May 2011. 16th IG meeting SGRI- Agenda. I.2. Approval of the agenda and minutes. II. Latest EU developments and potential impact on the South region. II.1 Latest EU developments Discussions on the Gas Target Model.

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Madrid, 6 th May 2011

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  1. 16th IG Meeting South Gas Regional Initiative Madrid, 6th May 2011

  2. 16th IG meeting SGRI- Agenda

  3. I.2. Approval of the agenda and minutes

  4. II. Latest EU developments and potential impact on the South region

  5. II.1 Latest EU developmentsDiscussions on the Gas Target Model • Mandate from the Madrid Forum: develop a target model to help preparing the network codes • Help completing the single market by 2014 • Address long term issues, beyond 2014 • Workshops • Vienna, 3 December 2010: opening of work • Bonn, 22 February 2011: options and constraints • Florence, FSR workshop, 11 March 2011: open debate • London, 11 April 2011: ideas • Call for evidence from stakeholders • 2 consultancy studies • FSR & Clingendael • LECG

  6. II.1 Latest EU developmentsDiscussions on the Gas Target Model • Consultants focused on technical options to deepen market integration • Connecting markets • Merger of market areas • Market coupling • Focus on the development of wholesale markets and short term efficiency • According to stakeholders and EERs, it is necessary to • Enlarge the scope: the main issue is to combine short and long term to ensure competition and security of supply • Address all the topics discussed in the third package implementation, including CAM • Clarify the market coupling concept and associated benefits • CEER paper should propose a « vision » seeking for consensus

  7. II.1 Latest EU developmentsDiscussions on the Gas Target Model • What is missing in a South Region perspective? • LNG and storage have not been addressed per se • Key for competition and security of supply • Ensure that storage facilities are filled in during summer • Promote Europe’s attractiveness for LNG • Investment • Interconnection development and open seasons • Concept of investment climate (long term visibility) • Next steps • Preparation of a background document by CEER • Conference in Brussels on 28 June 2011

  8. II.2 Latest EU developmentsFramework guidelines and network codes • Dominant topics • Capacity allocations • Balancing • Tariffs • Interoperability • Lessons from the past processes • Preparing framework guidelines requires more time than foreseen in the third package • Identifying all the consequences of the preferred orientations is challenging • Risk: requesting more harmonization than necessary (and concretely possible)

  9. Capacity allocation mechanisms • Framework guideline • ACER consultation closed on 2 May • The final version should be sent to the Commission by 3 September 2011 • Fora and workshops showed a large stakeholders’ opposition to the "sunset clause" • Network code development • ENTSOG work has evidenced new issues regarding the implementation of the framework guideline • Bundled products: debate on the number of contracts, invoices and nominations. ERGEG view: a single nomination, at least • Interruptible products: debate on infinite interruptible. Auctions and alignment on the two sides of the border should not allow infinite interruptible • Capacity products: ENTSOG promotes quarterly products. The consequences on tariffs and cost recovery must be investigated

  10. Balancing • Framework guideline • ACER consultation ongoing until 12 June 2011 • Final version by October 2011 • Main provisions of the framework guideline • Market based balancing as a target • Imbalance charges should reflect costs • TSOs to procure gas in short term wholesale market • Improve transparency • Remaining questions • Within day constraints could be different between two adjacent systems • Consistency with CAM and CMP regarding nomination schedules

  11. Tariffs • ACER/CEER work advancement • Problem identification completed • Development of policy options • Dominant issues under scrutiny • Cost allocation: no discrimination between domestic and cross border entry or exit points nor between different categories of users  need to find a methodology to properly allocate costs • Cost recovery: combination of ex-ante nd ex-post mechanisms  reserve prices for auctions, regulatory account, commodity charge are debated • Short term versus long term capacity products: how to calculate reserve priceswhat reference to costs, relevant reserve price for day-ahead products, seasonal reserve prices for short term products? • Key questions • Zero reserve price for day-ahead products? • Since auctions are the standard CAM, what happens in the absence of congestion?

  12. III. Tasks from the Action Plan 2011-2012

  13. III Tasks from the Action Plan 2011-2012Actions and timetable

  14. III.1. CAM harmonisation proposal – Pilot testing of FG CAM in Portugal-Spain interconnection

  15. III.1 Tasks from the Action Plan 2011-2012CAM harmonisation - Pilot testing Pt-Sp (Information by TSOs)

  16. III.2. CMP country analysis and harmonisation proposals – Pilot testing of CMP guidelines for comitology

  17. III.2 Tasks from the Action Plan 2011-2012CMP harmonisation - Pilot testing Fr-Sp (Information by TSOs)

  18. III.3. Update of the regional infrastructure plan and status of projects from OS 2013 and 2015

  19. III.3 Tasks from the Action Plan 2011-2012Update on status of projects from OS 2013 and 2015 • Status of projects received from • Naturgas (updated at 14 March 2011) • TIGF (updated at 6 May 2011) • Enagas (updated at 6 May 2011) • Missing information • GRTgaz

  20. Infrastructures follow-up 16th IG S-GRI 6th May 2011

  21. Index

  22. Larrau investments COMMISSIONED 1 2 3 4 5

  23. Larrau investments COMMISSIONED 1 2 3 4 5

  24. Larrau investments COMMISSIONED 1 2 3 4 5

  25. Larrau investments COMMISSIONED 1 2 3 4 5

  26. Larrau investments COMMISSIONED 1 2 3 4 5

  27. Larrau investments 1 2 3 4 5

  28. Larrau investments 1 2 3 4 5

  29. Larrau investments 1 2 3 4 5

  30. Larrau investments

  31. Biriatou investments 1 2 3 4 5

  32. THANK YOU 6th May 2011

  33. Status of infrastructures at 14 March 2011

  34. NaturgasinfrastructuresSummary

  35. NaturgasinfrastructuresBergara - Zaldibia

  36. NaturgasinfrastructuresZaldibia - Villabona

  37. NaturgasinfrastructuresVillabona - Irún

  38. NaturgasinfrastructuresBilbao - Treto

  39. Status of infrastructures at 6 May 2011

  40. TIGF infrastructuresReversibilité LACAL

  41. TIGF infrastructuresArtère de Guyenne (phase A)

  42. TIGF infrastructuresGirland (Artère de Guyenne - B)

  43. TIGF infrastructuresArtère du Béarn (Lussagnet - Lacq)

  44. TIGF infrastructuresEuskadour (Arcangues-Coudure)

  45. Status of infrastructures

  46. III.4. Harmonisation of cross border tariffs structures between Portugal and Spain

  47. III.4 Tasks from the Action Plan 2011-2012Harmonisation of cross border tariffs Pt-Sp (Information by NRAs - ERSE)

  48. IV. Organisation and role of Gas Regional Initiatives under ACER coordination

  49. IV. Organisation and role of GRIsRegionalInitiatives under ACER coordination • ACER - CEER Meeting about Regional Initiatives (5th April 2011): • General Objective: achieve the European Internal Energy Market in 2014 • Main conclusions: • Regional Initiatives must have concrete, ambitious and realistic roadmaps. • Governance: a project- oriented approach as a means to achieve a greater number of goals (with a responsible NRA). • RI must focus on implementation instead of regulation proposals. • RI must develop consistent Roadmaps in 2 months. • ACER may tackle cross border disagreements. • There is an urgent need to establish the Roadmap until 2014, with clear goals, responsibilities and deadlines.

  50. IV. Organisation and role of GRIsRegionalInitiatives under ACER coordination • Next meeting to be held in Ljubljiana in 2 months. Workplans 2011-2014 must be ready at that time • Annual conference on Regional Initiatives in Ljubljiana in September

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