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ESRC DTC INTERNATIONAL PHD PARTNERSHIPS. 2013-2016. PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. The Latin American School of Social Sciences, Argentina University of Sao Paolo, Brazil Universidad Diego Portales, Chile China Foreign Affairs University Fudan University, China Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

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  2. PARTNER INSTITUTIONS • The Latin American School of Social Sciences, Argentina • University of Sao Paolo, Brazil • Universidad Diego Portales, Chile • China Foreign Affairs University • Fudan University, China • Universidad de los Andes, Colombia • Charles University, Czech Republic • University of Education, Ghana • City University of Hong Kong • Centre for Internet and Society, India • Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India • Nagoya University, Japan • Centro do Investigacion y EstudiosSuperiores en Antroplogia Social, Mexico • National Research University, Russia • University of Zimbabwe

  3. GENERAL INFORMATION • Participation in all the partnerships will be open to all DTC students (including co-funded and collaborative students), but criteria for selection to partnerships will include: whether or not the studentship is tied to a relevant priority DTC pathway; whether or not the student is supervised by one of the primary link academics; and an evaluation of the specific case made for participation by the student. • The partnerships have been designed so as to contribute to students’ intellectual development and career progression; and to give access to existing and emerging world-class facilities as well as experience of international research collaboration. All the partnerships involve reciprocal arrangements so all DTC students can benefit from these developing relationships. • Getting involved will give you the benefit of interaction with peers and experienced researchers in international research collaboration and give you the skills, links and contacts to operate in the global research environment. • Funding for travel and accommodation and to develop webinars to support participation in partnerships.

  4. CHARLES UNIVERSITY, PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC • Warwick Academic Lead: Gurminder K Bhambra (Sociology) • Background: Charles University is one of the oldest universities in the world and is in the top 300 of global universities according to the Shanghai and THES rankings. The focus of this partnership is to build opportunities for PhD students to develop a greater understanding of the role of theory in social science. Participation in the Philosophy and Social Science conference would enable PhD students from both Universities to meet with a number of distinguished colleagues from around the world with expertise in social theory. • Opportunity: Participation of members of faculty and PhD students from both Universities in the Philosophy and Social Science symposium, an annual conference held in Prague and co-hosted between the Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic), the New School of Social Research (US) and the Frankfurt School (Germany).

  5. UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAOLO, BRAZIL • Warwick Academic Lead: TBC. If interested in this partnership please contact Sarah Patrick in the International Office. • Background: USP is Brazil’s leading University and is responsible for 24% of all Brazilian citations. Visits would be focused on the aim of developing collaborative research activities with the involvement of PhD students. A further aim would be to explore the possibility of more collaborative PhD activities, including developing advanced training relating to the use of secondary data sets and comparative analysis. • Opportunity: PhD student exchange between the two universities which would allow postgraduate students to attend courses which are relevant and important for their research projects. Visit by Warwick colleagues and PhD students to Sao Paulo for a workshop to explore research collaboration possibilities, with the aim of developing joint research bids, and PhD students to participate in training.

  6. SOUTHERN AND EASTERN AFRICAN REGIONAL CENTRE FOR WOMEN’S LAW, (SEARWCL) UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE, HARARE • Warwick Academic Lead: Ann Stewart (Law) • Background: Warwick Law School has worked in close partnership with SEARCWL (funded by Norwegian Development Assistance and recognised as the beacon institution within S Africa for postgraduate socio legal education), the Department for Women’s Law University of Oslo and the Law School at the University of Edinburgh for 20 years to develop socio legal education in relation to gender and human rights. • Opportunity: to enable Warwick based students and supervisors to participate in an African regional seminar organised under the auspices of SEARCWL; to extend the south-south collaboration by including doctoral students from another collaborative doctoral programme (Warwick and the Government of Ethiopia), to involve PhD students in developing further the pedagogy relating to socio legal research in relation to gender and law and building an international research focused dimension in relation to gender and human rights impact assessments through visits by academics and PhD students.

  7. FACULTY OF SOCIOLOGY, THE NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS IN ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA • Warwick Academic Lead: Anton Popov • Background: The Faculty of Sociology, NRU Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg) is an internationally renowned academic centre. Its research and teaching programmes are innovative in methodological and theoretical approaches to contemporary society (both in Russia and across the globe). This partnership will allow PhD students with interest in youth studies, comparative studies of culture and society as well as those whose research focuses on the process of socio-economic transformations (including those in post-socialist societies) from a number of departments in both universities to contribute to ongoing theoretical debates in their research areas as well as acquiring methodological expertise. The partnership will help PhD students and academic staff to build up research networks that are essential for the development of collaborative projects. • Opportunity: PhD student exchange between the two universities which would allow postgraduate students to attend courses which are relevant and important for their research projects; Visit by Warwick academics and PhD students to the conferences and seminars run by the NRU Higher School of Economics; organisationof joint Summer Schools on contemporary theory and methodology of social research.

  8. CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF DEVELOPING SOCIETIES (CSDS), DELHI, INDIA • Warwick Academic Lead: Will Davies (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies) • Background: The focus of this partnership is to build opportunities for PhD students to develop a greater understanding of the role of theory in social science, and emerging methodological concerns. Intellectual commonalities will be developed between the CSDS Reassembling Contemporary Social Thought and the work of the Warwick Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies. The partnership will also seek to involve PhD students in emerging research collaboration, involving an exploration of the methods appropriate to the study of the social organisation of ‘the contemporary’ in a globally interdependent world. • Opportunity: Warwick PhD students will gain the opportunity to take part in the CSDS ‘Researching the Contemporary’ teaching programme, which takes place every year in Delhi during July-August. This programme is accompanied by guest lectures by leading scholars, and includes a methodological course on ‘Reassembling Social Thought’.

  9. CENTRE FOR INTERNET AND SOCIETY, BANGALORE, INDIA • Warwick Academic Lead: Nathaniel Tkacz (Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies) • Background: While CIS is not an academic centre, it is closely connected to a number of degree conferring independent and University institutions. As part of this partnership these institutions would be willing to host visiting PhD students and faculty and involve them in training in digital research methods in the social sciences. One of the biggest strengths that CIS has is its integration with on-the-ground work in development, policy, research and advocacy around areas of Internet and society. The Centre works through substantial research and policy networks of key players in the field, and can offer mentorship with experts from within or different partner institutions. • Opportunity: . CIS provide week-long seminar courses to graduate and PhD students, and Warwick DTC students would be able to participate in these courses, as well as participating in the regular workshops, talks, seminars and different events which CIS provides. As one of the founding members of the Consortium of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Institutions, CIS can also offer a wide range of intellectual, scholarly and resource exchange with many other organisations and universities across South, East and North East Asia. Beyond these commitments, the partnership will also be focused on the development of a joint research project on digital finance between CIM and CIS. To help facilitate this joint research project, the partnership will include a workshop on digital media platforms and finance. One or more DTC students will be integrally involved in this process of developing this research collaboration.

  10. NAGOYA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN • Warwick Academic Lead: Andrew Williams (Law) • Background: Warwick Law School and the Graduate School of Law at Nagoya University, Japan, have established a close working relationship over a considerable period of time. There are great opportunities arising now because of Nagoya’s development of its postgraduate degree programmes offered in English as well as Japanese and the close interests with Warwick Law School in the field of human rights and international development. In particular, the Centre for Human Rights in Practice at Warwick and the long-standing International Development and Human Rights programme provide significant institutional connections. • Opportunity: To facilitate this relationship and develop PhD level exchange and enhancement we propose a two-way movement of students and their supervisors – the students spending a longer period in country in each case, but having a period with their supervisors in which to become integrated into activities of our respective institutions. Our aim would be to coordinate with the regular holding of PhD seminars and colloquia so as to offer the maximum opportunity for PhD candidates to engage with different legal traditions and student intellectual communities.

  11. THE LATIN AMERICAN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (FLACSO), ARGENTINA • Warwick Academic Lead: Shaun Breslin (PAIS) • Background: FLACSO is partly an educational institute and partly a transnational think-tank. Partnership will develop existing research collaboration between FLACSO and Warwick through an EU funded project – Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN) • Opportunity: Involvement in a major international research programme. Includes a trip to Buenos Aires which will entail participation in research methodology classes and seminars with local students and staff, interviews with academics and officials as well as participation in GR:EEN research activity. Extra visits to FLACSO offices in other Latin American countries can also be arranged.

  12. FUDAN UNIVERSITY (SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS – SIRPA), CHINA • Warwick Academic Lead: Shaun Breslin (PAIS) • Background: Fudan University in Shanghai is one of China’s top research institutions and SIRPA is one of the best centres of expertise in international relations in the country. The aim of this collaboration is to extend our existing relationship with Fudanby exposing Warwick students to research in China on Europe, and giving Chinese students access to scholarship in the UK on the EU as a global actor. • Opportunity: Visit to Shanghai which will entail participation in classes and seminars with local students and staff and interviews with academics and local officials to gain an understanding of Chinese views of Europe’s place in the world. SIRPA will provide subsidised accommodation to faculty and PhD students, as well as free access to supervision, training and other activities. SIRPA staff and doctoral students are proficient in English, so there will be no necessity for the students and supervisors to speak Chinese.

  13. CHINA FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNIVERSITY • Warwick Academic Lead: Shaun Breslin (PAIS) • Background: China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU) is a relatively small but very influential university, with a cohort of around 2,500 students focussing entirely on social sciences and the humanities. The intention of the pathway is not for it to be restricted to doctoral students who are working on China (in Warwick) or the UK (in China) specifically, but to give those with more general interests in international affairs and the global order access to perspectives of which they might not otherwise be aware, as well as to give them experience of international research collaboration. • Opportunity: A trip to Beijing which will entail participation in classes and seminars with local students and staff and interviews with academics and foreign affairs officials. CFAU will provide subsidised accommodation to faculty and PhD students, as well as free access to supervision, training and other activities. CFAU staff and doctoral students are proficient in English and so there will be no necessity for the students and supervisors to speak Chinese.

  14. UNIVERSIDAD DIEGO PORTALES, CHILE • Warwick Academic Lead: Julio Faundez (Law) • Background: The Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) was founded in 1982, and is now one of the best universities in Chile. The aim of this pathway is to build on existing links with the Human Rights Centre, the Humanities Centre and the Institute for Social Research, and involve PhD students in the development of these links into active research collaboration. Possible topics, in relation to which there are already individual links, are human rights, criminal justice, law and international governance, economic sociology and methodology. The exchange visits would be focused on the aim of developing collaborative research activities with the involvement of PhD students on one or more of these topics. A further aim is to explore the possibility of more collaborative PhD activities, including, in the medium term the possibility of developing a joint programme. • Opportunity: PhD student exchange between the two universities which would allow postgraduate students to attend courses (up to 10 weeks) which are relevant and important for their research projects. Visit by Warwick academics and PhD students to further develop plans for research collaboration and explore the possibility of developing collaborative PhD activities, including joint PhD programmes.

  15. CIESAS (CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES EN ANTROPOLOGÍA SOCIAL), MEXICO CITY. • Warwick Academic Lead: Julio Faundez (Law) • Background: CIESAS (Centro de Investigación y EstudiosSuperiores en Antropología Social) is Mexico’s leading research institute of higher education devoted to the study of and training in of social anthropology, history, ethno-history and other social sciences. CIESAS attracts students from several Latin American countries and its faculty supervises PhD dissertations on a range of topics related to Mexico and other Latin American countries. This international PhD partnership will reinforce the relationship between Warwick Law School and CIESAS. • Opportunity: The activities under this partnership will include the exchange of PhD students, organization of graduate workshops and conferences and exchange of information regarding research methods. CIESAS and Warwick will provide exchange students with access to their libraries, relevant courses and one-to-one discussions with supervisors and other members of staff

  16. UNIVERSIDAD DE LOS ANDES, LAW SCHOOL (FACULTAD DE DERECHO), BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA • Warwick Academic Lead: Julio Faundez/Octavio Ferraz (Law) • Background: The Law School at the University of Los Andes is a top Law School and a leading hub for socio-legal research in Colombia. Warwick Law School and Universidad de los Andes share a commitment to postgraduate research and a special interest in areas relating to law and development, public law, human rights, and international governance. The specific aim of this partnership is to further develop collaborative research activities to include PhD students and further strengthen our respective PhD programmes. • Opportunity: Activities include the exchange of PhD students, organization of graduate workshops and conferences and exchange of information regarding research methods.

  17. DEPARTMENT FOR SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, WINNEBA, GHANA • Warwick Academic Lead: Phil Mizen (Sociology) • Background: The aim is to foster the exchange of expertise and skills related to research design and practice in Sub-Saharan contexts and to further knowledge of African childhoods, especially as it relates to issues of urban childhood and child labour. Participation in the network will enable contact with a network addressing children’s welfare, education and well-being, and involving policy-makers, academic researchers and NGO workers in Ghana. It will also allow participants to gain direct experience of designing, organising and carrying out fieldwork in demanding circumstances. In addition, participants will gain access to knowledge and discussion of interdisciplinary, child-centred and innovative research practice, and to state-of-the-art scholarship and thinking on children’s lives in the majority world. • Opportunity: Participation from Faculty members and postgraduate students from both Universities in the collaborative research network established by the named partners in 2003. This will include direct involvement in research meetings, input into research design and involvement in data collection and analysis. Participants will also be included in at least one of an on-going series of biennial workshops based in Accra and comprising of academics, policy-makers, NGO workers and community representatives

  18. DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED SOCIAL STUDIES, CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG • Warwick Academic Lead: Phil Mizen (Sociology) • Background: The focus of the partnership is to build opportunities for postgraduate research students to participate within an emerging collaborative relationship between the University of Warwick and City University of Hong Kong. The aim of the partnership is to foster the exchange of knowledge and skills as they relate to the study of work and labour in the United Kingdom and China (including the special administrative region of Hong Kong), with particular reference to youth labour. Participation in the network will allow access to a group of scholars with an emerging interest in youth labour, and involving policy-makers, academic researchers, NGO workers and trades unionists. Participation in the network will give researchers access to emerging research addressing issues such as the transition from education to work, internships and unpaid labour, youth labour mobility and the migration of young workers, training in the workplace and under age workers. • Opportunity: The partnership will include: • Participation from Faculty members and postgraduate students from both Universities in an emerging collaborative network. This will include direct involvement in research meetings, input into research design and participation in preliminary fieldwork and data collection. • Participation in the University of Warwick Researching China network, including opportunities for students and staff to present their ongoing research. • Participation in the Departmental and postgraduate seminar series held each year in the Department of Applied Social Studies at the City University of Hong Kong. • Involvement in the doctoral workshop and/or presentation of work at the Work, Employment and Society Conference 2013, hosted jointly by the Department of Sociology and Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. • Participation in field trips, including possible factory visits, to mainland China.

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