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Parts of speech

Parts of speech. Special uses of numerals. Dates. 1. The year : 1987 → nineteen hundred and eighty - seven → nineteen eight - seven ; 1066 → ten sixty - six ; 1900 → nineteen hundred ; 2000 → the year two thousand

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Parts of speech

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  1. Parts of speech Special uses of numerals

  2. Dates 1. Theyear: 1987 → nineteenhundredandeighty-seven → nineteeneight-seven; 1066 → ten sixty-six; 1900 → nineteenhundred; 2000 → theyeartwothousand Pompeydied in 48 B.C. (=BeforeChrist; isusuallynecessary.) Tiberiusdied in A.D. 37.(=Anno Domini; is not usuallynecessary.)

  3. Dates 2. Thedate: Wecanwritethedate in differentways: Day/month/year: 6th January, 1995 (BrE). Month/day/year: January 6th, 1978 (AmE). Spoken: Januarythesixth, orthesixthofJanuary(BrE). Januarysixth(AmE). In figures: 23/6/1991 23-6-1991 23. 6. 91 6. 1. 90January 6, 1990 (BrE); June 1, 1990 (AmE).

  4. Fractions 1/2 → a half; 1/4 → a quarter; 1/5 → a fifth; onefifth(a is more usualthanone); 7/10 → seventenths; 3 ¾ miles→ three and threequarters miles.

  5. Multiplicative

  6. ArithmeticalOperations 1. Addition: How many are twoandtwo? 2 + 2 = 4 Twoandtwomake/makesfour. Twoplustwois /are/equal/equalsfour. 2. Subtraction: Whatdoesthreefromnineleave? Whatisthedifferencebetween 9 and 3? 9 – 3 = 6 Nineminusthreeequalssix. Ninetakeawaythreeequalssix. Threefromnineequals/is/makessix.

  7. ArithmeticalOperations 3. Multiplication: How many are twotimestwo? 2 x 2 = 4 Fourmultiplied by twoequalstwo. Twotimestwois/are/makesfour. 4. Division: How many timesdoesthree go intonine? How many timesissevencontained in nine? 9 : 3 = 3 Ninedivided by/overthreeequalsthree. Threeintonineis/goesthree.

  8. ‛Thepercentage Sign’ % 3 % → three per cent; 3 ½ % → threeand half per cent; 3.5 % → three point five per cent.

  9. Weights 1 ounce (oz.) → 28.35 grams (gm.) 1 pound (lb.) → 0,454 kilogram (kg) 1 stone (st.) → 6.356 kilogram/kilos

  10. Length 1 inch (in.) → 28.35 grams (gm.); 1 foot (ft.) → 0,454 kilogram (kg); 1 yard (yd.) → 0.194 metres; 1 mile (statue mile, land mile) → 1,609 metres (1.609 kilometres); oneinch → ten inches; one mile → fourmiles; a two-mile walk; a six-inchruler.

  11. LiquidMeasure 1 pint (pt) → 0.568 litre (l) 1 gallon (gal) → 4.55 litres

  12. Literatura CARTER, R., McCARTHY, M. Cambridge Grammar of English. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2006. ISBN 0-521-67439-5. SVOBODA, A., KUČERA, K. English Parts of Speech. 1. vyd. Opava: SU v Opavě, 2005. ISBN 80-7248-199-1.

  13. Task: • Say: 7 x 8 = 56 3 + 8 = 11 • Writetoday´s date:

  14. Děkujiza pozornost.

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