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State Smart Transportation Initiative

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State Smart Transportation Initiative

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Al Biehler, Secretary Pennsylvania DOT Doug Foy, President and CEO Serrafix Eric Sundquist, Senior Associate Center on Wisconsin Strategy, University of Wisconsin State Smart Transportation Initiative

    2. Forming SSTI September CEO meeting October 2009 AASHTO Application by 14 states Interviews Rockefeller Foundation USDOT

    3. State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI)

    4. Why now? Transportation planning and funding decisions being made at state and local level States are innovating in Smart Transportation Economic Crisis/Recovery State Executives want help Demographic changes Motor fuels revenue crunch Emphasis on climate policy New federal initiatives

    5. What help? Communications Metrics and Return on Investment Land use and transportation Management (program, culture, interagency) Finance Change Management

    7. Practitioner Friendly Approach Community of Practice Advanced Technical Assistance Research Audits Ongoing consultation Communicate Results

    8. Next Steps Finalize budget Formalize governance Application for technical assistance Organize October conference Staffing

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