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How to Publish Your Book Online and Make Money in 2019?

If you wanted to know how to publish a book, all you needed was an agent in order to get a traditional publisher to have a look at your manuscript. For more details visit us at - http://www.thewriteplace.in/get_published

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How to Publish Your Book Online and Make Money in 2019?

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  1. How to Publish Your Book Online and Make Money in 2019? If you want to make your dream come true by publishing your book online, there are many companies that are willing to extract an upfront amount of around $500 from you for the privilege. Traditionally, if you wanted to know how to publish a book, all you needed was an agent in order to get a traditional publisher to have a look at your manuscript. In fact, the truth is that many publishing companies do not even bother to open your manuscript if it does not come through an agent. What can be worse than this? So is there a better method for it? Yes, there is another way for your book to not only get published, but to even become a bestseller. And it is called self-publishing. The method of self-publishing has led to the success of many authors and is changing the traditional publishing industry. So, let us have a look at the advantages of self-publishing platform:  Easy Access to Markets Book retailers, distributors and schools will rarely contract with the individual authors and small publishers for purchasing books. However, self-publishing platforms can provide easy access to such distribution channels. Moreover, they also provide authors with a link to a web sales page that showcases the title so that individual customer can order for a copy through a direct platform.  Enhanced Creative Control One of the best reasons to self-publish is that it comes with a greater creative control over the content and appearance of the book. When you get your book published through one of the larger houses, you must meet the requirements of multiple parties, including editors and designers. However, on the other hand, self-publishing gives you the opportunity to craft and control your content every step of the way.  Better Royalties Traditionally, publishing houses use to pay authors royalties on the books they sell. For instance, you might get 10-15% of the list price of each book sold, while the rest of the profit goes to the publisher. Moreover, self-publishing through other website allows you to retain the right for adaptations like tv shows, films, etc. Self-publishing also comes with its own challenges, and it is a fact, not all books turn out to be the bestsellers. However, with so many authors making their debuts on self-publishing platforms, there is definitely an opportunity for the talented writers to earn more money. So do your own homework to boost your odds of finding self-publishing platform.

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