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World History

S E C T I O N 3 City-States of Ancient Sumer. Sumer, the oldest civilization of the Middle East. Fertile Crescent. . Sumer. Sumer developed in Mesopotamia, a rich, fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.. . Sumer created Irrigation and Flood Control by building dikes and canals . . Sumer was made up of many city-states.

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World History

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    1. World History In the beginning… First Civilizations: Africa and Asia (3200 B.C. – 500 B.C.)

    3. Fertile Crescent

    5. Sumer developed in Mesopotamia, a rich, fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

    6. Sumer created Irrigation and Flood Control by building dikes and canals

    7. Sumer was made up of many city-states - Sumer was not a Country but a CONFEDERATION of City-States - Each had their own Kings, Priest, Gods and Rules - Fought each other, but Came together in War

    8. Ziggurat Step pyramid TEMPLE, usually the Social and Physical Center of the City

    9. Ziggurat reconstruction

    10. Ziggurat of Ur

    11. House plans

    12. Each of City State had its distinct social hierarchy, with the ruling family, leading officials, and priests at the top; peasant farmers & slaves at the bottom.

    13. School System Train Scribes, Priest, teachers,leaders etc Mainly boys, but open to girls of wealthy families Started at First Light and Ended at Sundown So do not whine about 6-7 hours in school

    14. Women in Sumer Most women were depended on their husbands Some women were Business Owners and Merchants

    15. cuneiform The Sumerians invented the earliest form of writing, known as cuneiform, and made great advances in mathematics and astronomy.

    16. Stylus, made from cut reeds, used like a pencil to push cuneiform into clay.

    17. Great Artist and Artisans

    18. Epic of Gilgamesh Old known piece of literature – First Superhero King Gilgamesh quest for understanding

    19. The Sumerians made great advances in mathematics and astronomy.

    21. Egypt: Gift of the Nile Egyptian civilization arose along the fertile banks of the Nile River in northeastern Africa.

    22. Nile River Map

    23. Nile River 4,187 miles Longest River Flows south to North Starts in Lake Victoria Floods annually, releasing fertile silt

    24. Annual Flood

    25. Dynastic Period Egypt split into Lower and Upper Kingdoms

    26. S E C T I O N 1 Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile Egyptian civilization is divided into three main periods: 1. Old Kingdom, 2. Middle Kingdom, 3. New Kingdom.

    27. OLD KINGDOM During the Old Kingdom, Egyptian pharaohs organized a strong, centralized state and built majestic pyramids. 3100-2100 BC Menphis - Capital of Kingdom Consolidation of Upper & Lower Egypt under Narmer Building of the Giza Pyramids

    28. Map

    29. Narmer Palette

    30. Step Pyramid

    31. Pyramid of Huni at Meidim

    32. Bent Pyramid

    33. Giza Pyramids

    34. Canopic Jars

    35. Mummification

    36. Middle Kingdom During the Middle Kingdom, trade and warfare brought Egypt into contact with other civilizations. 2040-1640 BC Mentuhotep II reunited Upper and Lower Egypt Thebes: Capital Development of Irrigation and Flood Control Development of Trade into the Mediterranean Sea Peaceful time

    38. Mentohotep II

    39. Mentohotep II Tombs

    40. Hyksos invade Egypt end Middle Kingdom

    41. New Kingdom Powerful and ambitious pharaohs created a large empire that spread Egyptian influence and ideas throughout the eastern Mediterranean and other parts of Africa. 1567-1085 BC Heretic King Akhenaten bring monotheism Golden Age of Egypt Greatest Expansion of Borders, Trade & Power Queen Hatshepsut Tuthmose Ramses

    42. New Kingdom Map

    43. Queen Hatshepsut

    44. Akhenaten Tried to establish a monotheistic Religion and get rid of the old ways

    45. Queen Nefertiti

    46. King Tut

    47. Ramses II

    48. Egyptian Civilization Egyptians worshipped many gods and goddesses. They also believed in life after death They developed special skills for preserving the bodies of the dead.

    49. The Egyptians: advances in Mathematics Medicine Astronomy engineering

    50. World History

    51. Mesopotamia’s located at a geographical crossroads for trade & Migration including Babylonians, Assyrians & Persians!

    52. Sargon 2300 BC Akkadian Warrior-King creates FIRST KNOWN Empire

    53. Sargon’s empire encompasses Akkad and Sumer

    54. Hammurabi 1790 BC Babylonian King Conquers most of Mespopotamia Law Code of Hammurabi

    55. Code of Hammurabi Standardized Law = Consistent Codified Law = Written Everyone knew the LAW

    56. Some of the Laws… #3    If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if it be a capital offense charged, be put to death.

    57. #229 If a builder builds a house for a man and does not make its construction sound, and the house which he has built collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house, the builder shall be put to death.

    58. #195 If a son strikes his father, they shall cut off his hand.

    59. #143 If the woman has not been careful but has gadded about, neglecting her house and belittling her husband, they shall throw that woman into the water.

    60. #110 If a "sister of god" (nun) who is not living in a convent opens a wine shop or enters a wine shop for a drink, they shall burn that woman.

    61. Hittites 1400 BC Barbarian from Asia Minor Fierce Warriors SECRET WEAPON: Iron

    62. Copper Vs Iron Weapons

    63. Assyrians 1200 BC Got Iron FIERCE WAR based Society Terrorized Middle East

    64. Assyrian Empire

    65. Aussrbanipal 650 BC Assyrian King Capital at Nineveh First Library

    66. Phoenicians Sea People in Egyptian Writing Navigates the Mediterranean

    67. May have sailed as far Ireland & England At a time most ship would not leave the sight of land

    68. Trade Map

    69. Phoenician Alphabet Basis for our Alphabet

    70. Warfare and trade in Mesopotamia helped to spread ideas, including

    71. S E C T I O N 5 The World of the Hebrews The World of the Hebrews began in Ur of the Chaldeans (Sumer) Abram (Patriarch) heard God tell him to go to a Promised Land

    72. Abram Abram Leave his home and family and God makes a covenant with Abram, and renames him Abraham

    73. Monotheism Belief in one God

    74. Covenant Agreement between to parties bound by a blood oath – Break the convent and you die

    75. Abraham has two sons: Ishmael & Isaac Ishmael by a slave girl: Hagar Isaac by his wife: Sarah

    76. Journey of Abraham ends in Canaan – But he does not take the land

    77. How does Israel end up in Egypt? 1800 BC Famine brings Hebrews (Jews) to Egypt. They stay and prosper and later are “enslaved”

    78. Moses Child of Jewish Slave Raised by Pharaoh Lead Jews to Freedom in the Promised Land – Twelve Tribes Receive 10 Commandments

    79. 10 Commandments 10 rules given by God to his chosen People

    80. Torah Collection of Scare Writing written at God’s inspiration

    81. By 1000 B.C., the Hebrews had set up the kingdom of Israel in the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia.

    82. King David Israel's greatest King who combined the 12 tribes into one powerful Kingdom. Israel became a major power in the Middle East

    83. King Solomon Known for his wisdom in the ancient World Builds Temple in Jerusalem

    84. Exiles People refused God Law so they were captured by the Babylonians and the Assyrians and dispersed through out Mesopotamia

    85. Diaspora Relocating the Jews to new lands

    86. A unique people even to today

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