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T echnical seminar (WP0 – international & local coordination)

T echnical seminar (WP0 – international & local coordination) 7th RENAISSANCE meeting, Lyon, 28th April 2009. Ra phaëlle Gauthier Project coordination, Hespul Email : raphaelle.gauthier@hespul.org. Objectives. To “re-present” the core element of the local coordination tasks

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T echnical seminar (WP0 – international & local coordination)

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  1. Technical seminar (WP0 – international & local coordination) 7th RENAISSANCE meeting, Lyon, 28th April 2009 • Raphaëlle Gauthier • Project coordination, Hespul • Email : raphaelle.gauthier@hespul.org

  2. Objectives • To “re-present” the core element of the local coordination tasks • To report on observed dysfunctions at local & project level • Based on these elements • To find collective “corrective measures” to avoid any delay, for the coming years

  3. technical session WP0 • State of implementation - April 2009 : theoretically, nearly ¾ of the project implementation ! • Role of local coordination (overview/management) • Read Annex I (full project) - to get an overview of what your community has planned to achieve • What has been achieved ? What is missing ? Read next 18 month Report, to get an overview of where partners stand- what they have planned • Foreseeing progress and identifying potential problems • Report to Project coordinator /PSG when necessary (progress/difficulties) • Key element : the success of this project • = your partners’ success

  4. Technical session WP0tasks of local coordinator • Administration/Financial management : • Management of your community on a everyday basis • Provide guidelines and assistance to your partners, that they are able to deliver work in time and/or to let you know if they have problems • Supervision of EACH of your partner budget/activities- cf xls document (budget & Activities.xls per partner)- declared/foreseen/Final result- • Financial key documents are A3.1 (full budget) - A.3.3 (next 18 months) in the end of the Annex 1 • Provide overview/assistance on “financial forecasting” : Make sure that financial forecasting “stick” to what is planned (closest to reality).

  5. Management overviewProject Management structure

  6. Management overviewLocal management structure

  7. How to handle reporting process ? Suggestions • List of documents (sent by project coordinator) : • Deliverables summary: what ? Who’s involved ? Additional information needed ? • Template of annual report (caution : all partners covered ? major cost items covered ? next 18 months description ?) • Updated financial sheet of xls doc/ Year 3 DG TREN validation ? • Local coordination (close collaboration needed with each partner/ local leaders) : • Preparation of their xls doc (description + financial declaration) ? + visit each partner ? • Adequate fulfilment of xls doc (description activities + financial sheet) • Precise consistence between xls doc & Form C & Audit certificate (flexibility : Clause 39) • Make sure “major Costs” are justified • Assistance to WP Leader on Annual report production (clearly identify what is asked from them + others involved partners/ locally-internationally). • FINAL CHECKING : comparison of figures between xls/Form C/Audit certif + check “activity description” in xls doc.

  8. Example : proposed Methodology for the Reporting Period 4 • How & what ? The need of having one and single common format for each partner : • fulfilment of xls document by partners (Description activities + Financial declaration) + Mandatory Language : English • ForAnnual Report progress : WP (local) leader • Who? List of main authors (responsible) : • WP0 : WP0.1 : Renaissance coordinator (Hespul/GL) + WP0.2 : local coordinator (GL/Hespul + UdZ) • WP1: Renaissance leader by sub-WP, i.e.: WP1.1 (UdZ-FINAL/FINAL), WP1.2 (INSA), WP1.3 (LoM !!??), WP1.4 (Urbic), WP1.5 (UdZ) • WP2 : separated annual report for WP2.1/2.2 per community (local leaders: UdZ/ Hespul-Enertech) but common for WP2.3 (INSA + UdZ) • WP3 : local Leader (SPLA Lyon confluence + SMZV+EVZ): annual report per community • WP4 : Renaissance leader (Hespul) • WP5 : Renaissance leader (Ayto.Zaragoza) • Deadline : mid- October 2009 : To be sent to the Renaissance Coordinator

  9. Example : proposed agenda for Reporting Period 3 • Thursday - 18th September: launch of the procedure (& especially xls doc)! • Friday -19th September 2008: Hespul => Local coordinator all « Budget_activity.xls document”/partner. => EACH Local coordinator to his/her partners Period between 19/09 => 6/10/2008 (2 weeks): Fulfilment of the “Budget_activity.xls document”/partner, with active exchanges with Local coordinator, if necessary. • Wednesday 25th September (Launch of Annual Progress Report per subWP): Hespul => Email to ALL subWP Leaders + Local Coordinator, with Annual progress report • Monday the 6th October 2008: FINALISATION of Budget_activity xls document • sent it to its Local coordinator • One week for Local coordinator to double check/verify & validate these xls doc. • Monday 13th Oct.: VALIDATION of “Budget_activity xls document” • validated Budget_activity xls document, = BASIS of its Form C + Audit Certificate, + each Annual Progress Report • Monday 20th Oct.: FINALISATION of the ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT & other Deliverables (see below) + Annexes. • Monday, 3rd Nov.: • 1) Each partner should send its definitive Form C + Audit certificate to his/her Local Coordinator. • 2) Local coordinator should send all Form C + Audit certificate to Hespul • From 3rd Nov until the end of November: work of Project coordinator (Hespul)

  10. Project coordination : Observed dysfunctions during last reporting process • Delay to submit financial data, reports, annexes • Not using the documentation sent by the project coordinator (but used their “own” documents) • Xls document (budget & Activities) = activity description sometimes missing & not in English • Activity report not covering all involved partners’ activities, Annex not included or missing • No justification of major costs (important for Demonstration; Monitoring,Dissemination (if production), subcontracting activities) • double/triple/etc. checking is then needed (wasting time for all)

  11. Corrective measures ? • suggestions (from project coordinator) : • by local coordinator : to send a short summary Email/3 months to project coordinator (and PSG ?) on updating local progress (per sub-WP) • To make sure that partners have « foreseen » (scheduled) this reporting process in their annual « work plan » • Make sure that the “major costs” are “justified” (especially for WP3 + WP2 (monitoring equipments) • Meeting each partner far before the annual reporting process • To change the calendar to report ?? To be done late summer ?

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