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Greek Mythology Jeopardy

Greek Mythology Jeopardy. Greek Mythology Jeopardy. Greek Gods 100. Answer: The Greek God of War. Question: Who is Ares?. Greek Gods 200. Answer: The Greek God of the Underworld . Question: Who is Hades?. Greek Gods 300.

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Greek Mythology Jeopardy

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  1. Greek Mythology Jeopardy

  2. Greek Mythology Jeopardy

  3. Greek Gods100 Answer: The Greek God of War. Question: Who is Ares?

  4. Greek Gods200 Answer: The Greek God of the Underworld. Question: Who is Hades?

  5. Greek Gods300 Answer: This Greek God is the Chief God on Mount Olympus. Question: Who is Zeus?

  6. Greek Gods400 Answer: The Greek God of the Ocean. Question: Who is Poseidon?

  7. Greek Gods500 Answer: The Greek God of intelligence, art, healing, and light. Question: Who is Apollo?

  8. Greek Goddesses100 Answer: The Greek Goddess of love. Question: Who is Aphrodite?

  9. Greek Goddesses200 Answer: The Greek Goddess of wisdom. Question: Who is Athena?

  10. Greek Goddesses300 Answer: The Greek Goddess that holds the highest rank on Mount Olympus. Question: Who is Hera?

  11. Greek Goddesses400 Answer: The owl is an icon that is often associated with this Greek Goddess. Question: Who is Athena?

  12. Greek Goddesses500 Answer: The Greek Goddess of the Hunt. Question: Who is Artemis?

  13. Titans100 Answer: The number of Titans in Greek Mythology. Question: What is twelve?

  14. Titans200 Answer: The mother of Zeus. Question: Who is Rhea?

  15. Titans300 Answer: The Father of Zeus. Question: Who is Cronus?

  16. Titans400 Answer: Location where Zeus bound the Titans after their defeat. Question: What is Tartarus?

  17. Titans500 Answer: The Titan that kept her son from being eaten by tricking the father with stones. Question: Who is Rhea?

  18. Creatures100 Answer: This creature is part man and part goat. Question: What is a Satyr?

  19. Creatures200 Answer: The Centaur that trained Hercules. Question: Who is Chiron?

  20. Creatures300 Answer: The one-eyed monster that is the son of Poseidon. Question: What is a Cyclops?

  21. Creatures400 Answer: Three monsters that have the ability to turn individuals into stone. Question: What is a Gorgon?

  22. Creatures500 Answer: These monsters are also known as “The Kindly Ones” and they ensure the natural order of things. Question: What are Furies or Eumenides?

  23. The Lightning Thief100 Answer: The father of Percy Jackson. Question: Who is Poseidon?

  24. The Lightning Thief200 Answer: The God over Camp Half-Blood Question: Who is Dionysus?

  25. The Lightning Thief300 Answer: The Satyr that watches over Percy. Question: Who is Grover?

  26. The Lightning Thief400 Answer: The monster that Percy, Grover, and Percy’s mother met in route to Camp Half Blood. Question: What is the Minotaur?

  27. The Lightning Thief500 Answer: These mythical creatures were knitting socks in The Lightning Thief. Question: Who are the Fates?

  28. Double Jeopardy

  29. Greek Gods400 Answer: The Greek God that created the horse and all “horse like” creatures. Question: Who is Poseidon?

  30. Works Cited “Ares. mmares03.jpg.” Image. Myth Man’s Homework Helper. 1995. 9 March 2011. <http://thanasis.com/ares.htm>. “artemis.jpg.” Image. Amusing Grace Gallery. 2004. 14 March 2011. <http://www.thaliatook.com/AMGG/artemis.html>. “Athena.” Image. By the Gods. 9 May 2010. 9 March 2011. <http://bythegods.tumblr.com/post/584778070/athena-athena-is-one-of-the-daughters-of-zeus-and>. “Athenaowlglaukopis.jpg.” Image. Obscure Goddess Online Directory. 2004. 6 February 2011. <http://www.thaliatook.com/OGOD/glaukopis.html>. “Aphrodite.jpg.” Image. Myths, Legends, and Folklore. 30 April 2010. 3 March 2011. <http://www.mythslegendsandfolklore.com/aphrodite/>. “395px-Alexander-Helios_Capitolini.jpg.” Image. Wikimedia Commons. 2011. 9 March 2011. <http://www.qwiki.com/q/#!/Helios>. “cronus___final_version_by_titanslicer-d31sg89.jpg.” Image. DeviantArt. 2010. 14 March 2011. <http://titanslicer.deviantart.com/art/CRONUS-FINAL-VERSION-184405545>. “cyclops71.jpg.” Image. MonsterKid Online Magazine #7. 12 March. 2011. <http://gammillustrations.bizland.com/monsterkid7/cyclops.htm>. “fates.” Camp Half-Blood. 11 March 2011. <http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRs_98ytGiyekOxl4bBPFxfjENVo_iH2e-Vg5wQ_PmRGUzrWyRq&t=1>. Doré,Gustave .“titans750px-Gustave_Dor%C3%A9_-_Dante_Alighieri_-_Inferno_-_Plate_65_%28Canto_XXXI_-_The_Titans%29.jpg.» Image. Wikipedia. 20 January 2009. 14 March 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gustave_Dor%C3%A9 “furies.” Image. Myth Man’s Furies. 1995. 11 March 2011. <http://thanasis.com/modern/furies.htm>. Gallardo, Vanessa. “Chiron.JPG.” Image. Lightning Thief Wiki. 2009. 11 March 2011. <http://msgallardo.pbworks.com/f/Chiron.JPG>. Gallardo, Vanessa. “Dionysus.JPG.” Image. Lightning Thief Wiki. 2009. 11 March 2011. <http://msgallardo.pbworks.com/f/Dionysus.JPG>. “Grover.” Camp Half-Blood. 11 March 2011. <http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRs_98ytGiyekOxl4bBPFxfjENVo_iH2e-Vg5wQ_PmRGUzrWyRq&t=1>. “hera.jpg. Image. Amusing Grace Gallery. 2004. 11 March 2011. <http://www.thaliatook.com/AMGG/hera.html>.

  31. Works Cited 2011. <http://www.thaliatook.com/AMGG/hera.html>. “pegasus.bmp.” Image. Mythological Creatures. 9 March 2011. <http://library.thinkquest.org/07aug/00137/mythological_creatures.htm>. Patoka, Erica.“pan_the_satyr_god_smaller.jpg.” Image. DeviantArt. 2005. 11 March 2011. <http://www.elfwood.com/~scarletsiren/Pan-the-Satyr-God.3195948.html>. “Poseidon-greek-mythology-687130_927_933.jpg. Image. Greek Mythology: The Gods, the Creatures, the Heroes, the Myths. 2006. 9 March 2011. <http://www.fanpop.com/spots/greek-mythology/images/687267/title/zeus-wallpaper>. _-_Dante_Alighieri_-_Inferno_-_Plate_65_(Canto_XXXI_-_The_Titans).jpg>. PoseidonArt.jpg. Image. Dictionary of Greek Mythology. 11 March 2011. <http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/Poseidon.html>. “rhea_and_zeus.jpg.” Image. 11 March 2011. <http://charliewen.typepad.com/photos/god_of_war_2/rhea_and_zeus.jpg>. Robertson, James. “gorgons2706099524_a1c75f963e.jpg.” Photostream. 24 July 2008. 11 March 2011. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/shingen_au/2706099524/in/photostream/>. “tartarus.jpg.” Image. Demigod Database. 24 August 2010. 11 March 2011. <http://demigoddatabase.com/?p=876>. “Zeus--greek-mythology-687267_1024_768.jpg.” Image. Greek Mythology: The Gods, the Creatures, the Heroes, the Myths. 2006. 9 March 2011. <http://www.fanpop.com/spots/greek-mythology/images/687267/title/zeus-wallpaper>.

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