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Next Steps on Plasma and Coil Configurations

Next Steps on Plasma and Coil Configurations. L. P. Ku Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory ARIES-CS Project Meeting, September 15, 2005 Princeton, New Jersey.

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Next Steps on Plasma and Coil Configurations

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  1. Next Steps on Plasma and Coil Configurations L. P. Ku Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory ARIES-CS Project Meeting, September 15, 2005 Princeton, New Jersey

  2. We have found interesting and potentially attractive reactor configurations in a broader rotational transform and aspect ratio space. These configurations should be useful for the systems and engineering studies to understand the respective strengths and shortcomings. • Three families of configurations emerged with distinctive characteristics. • NCSX • Low aspect ratio MHH2 • SNS

  3. The recent discovery of possible use of biased components in the magnetic spectrum to improve certain aspects of a configuration may open a new window of opportunity for finding better configurations. • Need to understand better the role of B(0,1). • Need to understand the implication of component biasing. • Need to devise methods to take advantage of such an approach in configuration optimization.

  4. Optimizing the internal transform of a configuration may have important implication on the optimization of the external transform. • Need to examine effects of density and temperature profiles on the distribution of bootstrap current. • advantage of very broad/flat density profile? • Need to examine effects of pressure and current profiles on the MHD and equilibrium beta. • Need to find efficient methods of optimization both internal and external transforms simultaneously.

  5. Coils are an integral part of the configuration development. The potential of low aspect ratio geometry can be realized only if we can push R/Dmin as low as possible. • Need to aggressively pursue lowest possible R/Dmin for MHH2. • R/Dmin ≤ 5 possible? • Need to think of auxiliary coils for systems costing and engineering studies. • transform/position control. Cursory level adequate. • any benefit on configuration physics? • any benefit on modular coils?

  6. Our configurations were developed with a general set of conditions and assumptions which may not necessarily be consistent with those of the optimal design point chosen by the systems code. Re-optimization is a necessary step. • Need to understand the implications of • profile assumptions and b on • bootstrap current and the resulting change in internal transform, • MHD stability, • quality of flux surfaces. • reactor size and field strength on particle transport. • Need to re-optimize both plasma and coils around the reference design point(s).

  7. Summary and Plans • Incorporate feedbacks/ideas of community review into overall configuration development. • Continue the recent efforts of using biased magnetic spectrum to improve configurations. • Optimize internal transforms for the families of configurations already developed. • Revisit coils and try to lower further the aspect ratio for MHH2. • Examine the reference point(s) of the systems analyses and find consistent and optimized solutions.

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