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Creating Culturally Responsive Systems

Creating Culturally Responsive Systems. A Continuous Process of Inquiry, Action, and Assessment. Introductions. Facilitator and Sponsors. Introductions. National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems www.NCCRESt.org. Introductions. Leadership Academies. Introductions.

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Creating Culturally Responsive Systems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creating Culturally Responsive Systems A Continuous Process of Inquiry, Action, and Assessment

  2. Introductions Facilitator and Sponsors

  3. Introductions National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems www.NCCRESt.org

  4. Introductions Leadership Academies

  5. Introductions Participants

  6. Agenda Academy Overview 10 minutes Educational Systems 10 minutes Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools 30 minutes Practices, People, and Policies 15 minutes Activity: System Level Policy Implications 20 minutes Systemic Change 15 minutes Activity: Back to the Future 25 minutes Break 10 minutes Planning Change 20 minutes Activity: Planned Change Process 30 minutes PATH Process 15 minutes Activity: PATH Process 15 minutes Outcomes Review 10 minutes Things to Remember 5 minutes Question Times at End of Each Lecturette 5 minutes Total 4:15

  7. Outcomes Following this academy, you will be able to: • Recognize the influences of people, policies, and practices on educational systems. • Invest in people, policies, and practices to bring about systemic change. • Use a systematic process for implementing effective educational change.

  8. What’s in an Educational System?

  9. Every student benefits academically, socioculturally & linguistically What are Culturally Responsive Educational Systems? When culture, language, heritage, and experiences of students and families are (1) valued; (2) used to facilitate learning and development; and (3) granted access to high quality teachers, programs, curricula, and resources is available to every student. Ethics of care, respect, and responsibility are evident for all students from all cultural and linguistic backgrounds

  10. Now’s a good time to ask questions or clarify something you heard…

  11. Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  12. 25 minutes Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  13. 20 minutes Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  14. 15 minutes Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  15. 10 minutes Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  16. 5 minutes Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  17. 2 minutes Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  18. 1 minute Activity: Culturally Responsive Schools Materials: Chart paper, markers, tape, sticky-notes Time limit: 25 minutes Part 1: Introduce and post goals of culturally responsive schools. (5 minutes) Part 2: Brainstorm evidence that would indicate school systems are focusing on a chosen goal. Choose one for posting. (5 minutes) Part 3: Pair/share. (5 minutes) Part 4: Goal groups.(10 minutes)

  19. Time to move on…

  20. What Practices Influence Culturally Responsive Outcomes?

  21. How do People and Their Roles Influence Culturally Responsive Outcomes? Administrators Teachers Families Students Communities

  22. Federal State District School How Do Policies Affect Cultural Responsivity?

  23. State Policies

  24. School District Organizational Chart

  25. School Policies

  26. Now’s a good time to ask questions or clarify something you heard…

  27. Activity: System Level Policy Implications Materials: Culturally Responsive Practices Time Limit: 15 minutes Part 1: Choose a topic and goal of a culturally responsive school. (5 minutes) Part 2: Create systemic policies. (10 minutes)

  28. 15 minutes Activity: System Level Policy Implications Materials: System Level Policy Implications Time Limit: 15 minutes Part 1: Choose a topic and goal of a culturally responsive school. (5 minutes) Part 2: Create systemic policies. (10 minutes)

  29. 10 minutes Activity: System Level Policy Implications Materials: System Level Policy Implications Time Limit: 15 minutes Part 1: Choose a topic and goal of a culturally responsive school. (5 minutes) Part 2: Create systemic policies. (10 minutes)

  30. 5 minutes Activity: System Level Policy Implications Materials: System Level Policy Implications Time Limit: 15 minutes Part 1: Choose a topic and goal of a culturally responsive school. (5 minutes) Part 2: Create systemic policies. (10 minutes)

  31. 2 minutes Activity: System Level Policy Implications Materials: System Level Policy Implications Time Limit: 15 minutes Part 1: Choose a topic and goal of a culturally responsive school. (5 minutes) Part 2: Create systemic policies. (10 minutes)

  32. 1 minute Activity: System Level Policy Implications Materials: System Level Policy Implications Time Limit: 15 minutes Part 1: Choose a topic and goal of a culturally responsive school. (5 minutes) Part 2: Create systemic policies. (10 minutes)

  33. Time to move on…

  34. What is Systemic Change? • SimultaneousRenewal in Multiple Levels of the System

  35. Changing the Vision… “Eliminating disproportionality is an adult issue.” (Joseph Olchefske, Superintendent of Seattle Schools) “We must change the way we think about ability, competence and success and encourage schools to redefine support so that the need to sort children is reduced.” (Testimony before the President’s Commission, 2002)

  36. Administrators Teachers Families Students Communities Investing in People • Presence • Participation • Emancipation

  37. Examining Practice • Discourse • Tools • Evidence • Collaboration

  38. Federal State District School Changing Policies • Educate • Inform • Equitable • Emancipate • Create Access

  39. Now’s a good time to ask questions or clarify something you heard…

  40. Activity: Back to the Future Materials: Vignettes Time Limit: 20 minutes Part 1: Read vignettes. (10 minutes) Part 2: Identify the areas for improvement and how an intervention could alter the outcome. (10 minutes)

  41. 20 minutes Activity: Back to the Future Materials: Vignettes Time Limit: 20 minutes Part 1: Read vignettes. (10 minutes) Part 2: Identify the areas for improvement and how an intervention could alter the outcome. (10 minutes)

  42. 15 minutes Activity: Back to the Future Materials: Vignettes Time Limit: 20 minutes Part 1: Read vignettes. (10 minutes) Part 2: Identify the areas for improvement and how an intervention could alter the outcome. (10 minutes)

  43. 10 minutes Activity: Back to the Future Materials: Vignettes Time Limit: 20 minutes Part 1: Read vignettes. (10 minutes) Part 2: Identify the areas for improvement and how an intervention could alter the outcome. (10 minutes)

  44. 5 minutes Activity: Back to the Future Materials: Vignettes Time Limit: 20 minutes Part 1: Read vignettes. (10 minutes) Part 2: Identify the areas for improvement and how an intervention could alter the outcome. (10 minutes)

  45. 2 minutes Activity: Back to the Future Materials: Vignettes Time Limit: 20 minutes Part 1: Read vignettes. (10 minutes) Part 2: Identify the areas for improvement and how an intervention could alter the outcome. (10 minutes)

  46. 1 minute Activity: Back to the Future Materials: Vignettes Time Limit: 20 minutes Part 1: Read vignettes. (10 minutes) Part 2: Identify the areas for improvement and how an intervention could alter the outcome. (10 minutes)

  47. Time to move on…

  48. Stretch!

  49. Leveraging Change Through Strategic Planning

  50. The Planned Change Process

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