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on Coastal Areas

Human Impacts. on Coastal Areas. http://www.mcgrawhill.ca/school/schoolGraphics/sf07_samplechapter_topic2.pdf. Do humans affect coastal ecology?. http://biodiv.sinica.edu.tw/~chankk/phot o-gallery.htm. Local Harbors and Bays are impacted!. Cohasset Harbor. Green Harbor.

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on Coastal Areas

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  1. Human Impacts on Coastal Areas http://www.mcgrawhill.ca/school/schoolGraphics/sf07_samplechapter_topic2.pdf

  2. Do humans affect coastal ecology? http://biodiv.sinica.edu.tw/~chankk/phot o-gallery.htm

  3. Local Harbors and Bays are impacted! Cohasset Harbor Green Harbor Buzzard’s Bay Waquoit Bay Boston Harbor

  4. Name some ways in which humans affect coastal areas.

  5. Developments Along the Coast http://wrc.iewatershed.com/index.php?pagename=education_about_09

  6. How Trash Effects Wildlife http://www.farallones.org/e_newsletter/2006-08/marinedebris.htm

  7. Marine Debris What is Marine Debris? Marine debris is the solid human made rubbish that is discarded at sea or ends up in the sea after being disposed of on land. Click Below for a Slideshow: http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pdf/Marine%20Debris%20in%20GOM.pdf http://www.nt.gov.au/nreta/environment/waste/publications/pdf/Factsheets_Marine_Debris.pdf

  8. Marine Debris • There are many ways that rubbish can enter the sea, including: • dumping of garbage at sea by ships, fishing boats and pleasure craft. • deliberate discarding and accidental loss of fishing nets at sea. Click Below for a Slideshow: http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pdf/Marine%20Debris%20in%20GOM.pdf

  9. Marine Debris • Also: • Litter left on beaches by picnickers. • Escape of litter from coastal rubbish dumps. • Drains and sewage systems that empty into the sea. Click Below for a Slideshow: http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pdf/Marine%20Debris%20in%20GOM.pdf

  10. Sewage Pollution Sewage- The waste matter that passes through sewers. • Pathogens are found in raw sewage, its a disease-causing viruses and bacteria. It can cause serious health threats to people and animals, that’s why its unsafe to go swimming, boating, and shell fishing. http://www.mwra.state.ma.us/

  11. Effluent • Effluent- Flowing out or forth; refers to liquid waste which comes from sewage treatment plants.

  12. Boston Harbor Data 1990-2005 http://www.mwra.state.ma.us/harbor/html/bh_wq.htm

  13. Eutrophication • Eutrophication - Caused by the increase in an ecosystemof chemical nutrients, typicallycompounds containing nitrogen or phosphorus.

  14. Harmful Algae Blooms • Algae Bloom- A relatively rapid increase in the population of (usually) phytoplankton algae in an aquatic system. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/landwater/water/environconcerns/hab/ Activities http://www.bigelow.org/edhab/

  15. Red Tide - caused by a population explosion of dinoflagellates. Red Tide http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/ops/fm/shellfish/Biotoxins/PSP_e.htm

  16. Some dinoflagellates give off a poison as a waste product. Red Tide http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/ops/fm/shellfish/Biotoxins/PSP_e.htm

  17. Shellfish beds closed http://www.buzzardsbay.org/shellfish.htm

  18. Overfishing http://www.yptenc.org.uk/docs/factsheets/env_facts/overfishing.html

  19. Bycatch • Bycatch- Unwanted marine creatures that are caught in the nets while fishing for another species. Shrimping Bycatch http://marinebio.org/i/bycatch.jpg

  20. Ghost Fishing • Ghost fishing is the term used for lost or abandoned fishing gear that continues to catch fish or anything else that goes into the net. It is environmentally deleterious and the fish caught is wasted. http://www.oceansatlas.org/world_fisheries_and_aquaculture/html/issues/ecosys/gearloss/ghost_fishing.htm

  21. Entanglement and Ingestion Ingestion Marine species confuse plastic bags, rubber, balloons and confectionery wrappers with prey and ingest them. The debris usually causes a physical blockage in the digestive system, leading to painful internal injuries. http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/ktp/marine-debris.html

  22. Entanglement and Ingestion Entanglement Entanglement in marine debris can cause restricted mobility, starvation, infection, amputation, drowning and smothering. http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/ktp/marine-debris.html

  23. Entanglement and Ingestion X-ray of turtles being treated at a clinic in Florida yielded contents in just one turtle that were found to be balloons and a fast-food latex glove. http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/ktp/marine-debris.html

  24. Invasive Species • Invasive Species- A species is regarded as invasive if it has been introduced by human action to a location, area, or region where it did not previously occur naturally. http://www.diversitas-international.org/cross_invasive.html http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/invasives/

  25. Phragmites australis http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/duke_energy/Phragmites_australis.html#Description

  26. Hemigrapsus sanguineus – Asian Shore Crab http://cars.er.usgs.gov/Nonindigenous_Species/Asian_shore_crab/asian_shore_crab.html

  27. What is sustainability? Sustainability refers to the potential longevity of vital human ecological support systems. http://www.wairc.govt.nz/enviroinfo/indicators/community/sustainability/images/sustainability.gif

  28. What?? Sustainable means that something can continue indefinitely without running out of materials or energy. http://www.wairc.govt.nz/enviroinfo/indicators/community/sustainability/images/sustainability.gif

  29. What types of energy are sustainable? Why do we care about having sustainable ecosystems? http://www.wairc.govt.nz/enviroinfo/indicators/community/sustainability/images/sustainability.gif

  30. Submersibles http://www.mos.org/oceans/scientist/submersibles.html

  31. People use submersibles to study underwater environments Submersibles http://www.mos.org/oceans/scientist/submersibles.html

  32. YOU can make a difference!Protect Massachusetts waterways.Get involved.Every little bit helps!!

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