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Hope & Change: The Political and Biblical Perspectives

Explore the concepts of hope and change from both political and biblical perspectives. Discover the differences between placing hope in human government versus having a confident assurance in the promises of God.

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Hope & Change: The Political and Biblical Perspectives

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Hope & ChangeSelected Scriptures 1 Timothy 2:1-4 commands us to pray for those in leadership - regardless of whether we like them or not The hope and change presented by politicians is very different from that presented in the Bible

  3. Hope & ChangeSelected Scriptures Hope in men leaves you dependent on the results of an election The Christian’s hope is to be in God, not in men.

  4. Political Hope & Change Political pundits & analysts are often very partisan, proud and can spin stories to be opposite of the truth Praise the Lord for the few politicians left that are still statesmen and genuine public servants. Political awareness is a good window into the condition of our society, its thinking and where it is heading

  5. Political Hope & Change Every politician hopes to be elected & fulfill their campaign pledges and change things to their liking The moral issues & government fulfilling its protective roles are the critical considerations in voting

  6. Moral Changes Since 1958 Abortion: Illegal until 1973 judicial fiat Peaked early 1980’s at 364/1,000 (1.6 million / year) Current rate: 300 / 1,000 live births (1.2 million /yr) About 1/3 of women will have an abortion in their lifetime.

  7. Moral Changes Since 1958 2008 State Initiatives Michigan Proposition 2 – 62.2% allows destructive embryonic research Washington Initiative 100 – 58.6% under certain conditions allows MD’s to prescribe lethal medications for the terminally ill – medically assisted suicide

  8. Moral Changes Since 1958 Teen sexual activity: ~14% in 1950 (includes married teens) 48% of girls / 45% of boys in 2003 Births to unwed mothers: 16 / 1,000 in 1958 27 / 1,000 in 1987

  9. Moral Changes Since 1958 Sexually transmitted diseases: 400 / 100,000 in 1958 (0.4%) 25,000 / 100,000 at present (25%) Suicide rates ages 15-24. 4.5 / 100,000 in 1958 10 / 100,000 in 2005

  10. Moral Changes Since 1958 Divorce rate per 1,000: 1958 - 2.2 1979 - 5.3 Unmarried couples rose from 1% in 1960 to 10% in 2000 2000 - 4.2 40-50% of marriages end in divorce

  11. Moral Changes Since 1958 Children in single parent homes: 11% in 1970. 26% in 2005. ~ 50% of all children experience this

  12. Moral Changes Since 1958 Homosexuality: Illegal in 1958. Current: legal, protected & promoted AIDS became federally protected disease

  13. Moral Changes Since 1958 Violent crime rates per 100,000: 1960 - 160 2007 - 456 Rape per 100,000: 1960 - 9.5 2007 - 30

  14. Moral Changes Since 1958 Robbery per 100,000: 1960 - 60 2007 - 147 Assault per 100,000: 1960 - 86 2007 - 283

  15. Political Hope & Change A good government cannot stem the tide of a people who turn away from God & are bent on immorality Statistics show the moral slide began in 1963 when prayer was kicked out of the public schools.

  16. Political Hope & Change Those who place their hope in human government for change will be profoundly disappointed God’s description of the future does not match any hope a politician has, would or could promise

  17. Biblical Hope & Change “Hope” in common language = “wish and expect” or “wishful trust” Hope must have an object, but often the object is hope itself. This is the same basis as positive thinking theology

  18. Biblical Hope & Change Political hope 1 - a wishful trust to elect the candidate Political hope 2 - a shared hope in a mutual wish for a better future Hope in man is a flimsy reed that does not hold up with the real test comes

  19. Biblical Hope & Change Biblical hope is a confident assurance in the promises of God ejlpiv" / elpis (noun) and ejlpivzw / elpidzo (verb) - to have an expectation with full confidence Even a man with a good character may not have the means or ability to keep a promise

  20. Biblical Hope & Change God always has the means and ability to keep His promises & always has. God has kept His word throughout the Old Testament & the New Testament We have an absolute confident assurance that what God promises, God will do.

  21. Biblical Hope & Change Paul trusted the Lord & learned to be content in all circumstances - Philippians 4:11-13 We can be joyful even in trials & tribulations because God is maturing us. (James 1:2-4; Romans 5:3-8) Our hope is in God and the change being made is in our own character

  22. Biblical Hope & Change Political hope is in the change promised by the politician to make life more pleasant in some way Work hard for your desires, for righteousness & for the good of this nation, but America is not our hope

  23. Biblical Hope & Change It is normal for Christians to be persecuted (2 Tim. 3:12; Matt. 5:10-12) The Bible does not even allude to the western hemisphere. We play no significant role in end time events

  24. Biblical Hope & Change The time leading up to and during Daniel’s seventieth week the world will be time of war Believers will be severely persecuted and martyred during these times (Matthew 24:9-14; Rev. 6:9; 7:14)

  25. Conclusions Don’t place your hope in man or any government Keep your hope solidly fixed in God and God alone Earnestly desire the change that will come with the return of Christ

  26. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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