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Authorization of a new Surface Transportation Act

Authorization of a new Surface Transportation Act. Agenda. TEA, anyone? Statistics The opportunity What others are saying T4 America. TEA, anyone?. 1991 – ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act) 1997 – TEA 21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21 st Century)

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Authorization of a new Surface Transportation Act

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Authorization of a new Surface Transportation Act

  2. Agenda • TEA, anyone? • Statistics • The opportunity • What others are saying • T4 America

  3. TEA, anyone? • 1991 – ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act) • 1997 – TEA 21 (Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century) • 2005 – SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act – a Legacy for Users

  4. Passenger Travel Modal Choice

  5. Missoula Mode Choice

  6. VMT on Public Roads 1960-2006

  7. Annual VMT per driver 1970-2006

  8. Trip Length

  9. Fuel usage

  10. Donors and Donees

  11. Highway trust fund receipts

  12. Construction price trends

  13. Forecast federal transportation revenue • Montana FHWA and FTA funding • $330 million/year (ave. 2005-2008) • $9.24 billion (est. 2007-2035) • Missoula annual FHWA and FTA funding • $208 million (est. 2007-2035) • 2.25% of Montana total

  14. The opportunity • Interest in a new bill, not just more TEA • Climate change • The economy • Montana’s position

  15. What others are saying • ASCE Infrastructure Report Card http://www.asce.org/reportcard/2005/index.cfm • ARTBA “Reauthorization Center” http://www.artba.org/tmaw/reauthorization_update.htm • CTAA “The Way Forward” http://web1.ctaa.org/webmodules/webarticles/articlefiles/The_Way_Forward.pdf

  16. What others are saying • US Chamber of Commerce “Let’s Rebuild America” http://www.uschamber.com/lra/default • Americans for Transportation Mobility http://www.fasterbettersafer.org/index.html • AASHTO “Reauthorization and Climate Change” http://www.transportation.org/sites/aashto/docs/Horsley-2008-01-14.pdf • ACT “Guiding Principles” ACT 2008 Authorization Document

  17. Transportation for America • "Transportation for America is a growing and diverse coalition focused on creating a national transportation program that will take America into the 21st century by building a modernized infrastructure and healthy communities where people can live, work and play." http://t4america.org/

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