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Sin & Salvation

Sin & Salvation. Swapna Rani Nayak. Definition. What is Sin? Rebellion against God Missing the mark Original sin created the breach Idol worship is sin Burning incense to false God Transgression of law Disobedience to God’s word May be done in ignorance May be done in secret.

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Sin & Salvation

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  1. Sin & Salvation SwapnaRaniNayak

  2. Definition • What is Sin? • Rebellion against God • Missing the mark • Original sin created the breach • Idol worship is sin • Burning incense to false God • Transgression of law • Disobedience to God’s word • May be done in ignorance • May be done in secret

  3. Nature of sin • All unrighteousness • Sexual immorality • Homosexuality • Fornication • Adultery • Not doing the good we know • Thoughts of foolish people • Vain or useless talk • Dispersing with others • Unbelief and acts without faith

  4. Biblical perspective • Entering the world through Adam • Of the devil • Work of darkness • Crouching at the door to attack • It comes from the heart • The outcome of lust • Coming through ancestors • A source of human misery

  5. Who has sinned? • Jesus Christ is the only one without sin • Scripture says that all are under sin • All have sinned • By heredity, we are sinners • Seth in the image of Adam

  6. Consequences (results) of sin • Separates us from God • Excludes sinner from heaven • Brings death • Brings God’s anger • It brings God’s curse • Ground was cursed • Toil and sweat because of it • Pain in childbirth because of sin

  7. Consequences (results) of sin • Brings calamities • Drought • War • Sickness • National problems • Incurs God’s punishment • Present • Future punishment • God alone can forgive

  8. God’s solution • Gospel • Salvation • Death and end times

  9. Sin, trials and temptations • Trials – These are circumstances we are meant to endure • They are not caused by our sinfulness • Rather they are often caused by our standing for righteousness in a sinful world • Job withstands the attack of satan • O.T believers had cruel trials • Trials come to refiners • We are part takers with Jesus’ sufferings 1 pet 4:12-16 • God is able to reach the righteous 2 pet 2:7-9

  10. Temptations • Temptations are not seen but satan uses them to cause us to sin • We must resist the temptations to sin • God does not tempt us to sin Gen 1:13-15 • God provides a way out of temptation 1 cor 10:13 • Satan is the chief temptor • Satan tempts eve in Eden Gen 3:1-7 • Satan tempted King David 1 Chro 21:1-30 • Satan tempts us 2 cor 2:10-11 • World provides temptation 1 John 2:15-17 • Desire for riches is a terrible snare • Lot desired the land around sodom • King Saul gives the best of Amalekites

  11. Salvation (Redemption) • The blood of Jesus is sufficient for total redemption • Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness Heb 9:22 • The blood makes atonement Lev 17:11 • We have been purchased for God – new covenant in his bloodMatt 26:28 • We are brought closer to God Eph 2:13 • We are holy through his blood Heb 13:12

  12. Means of salvation • Source of salvation • Of God alone Ps 3:8 • By Jesus Christ alone • Is of God’s grace • Is through faith in Christ • Is not by works or sacrament • Is not by law but by faith Rom 3:21-31 • Good works • God has prepared them for us Eph 2:10 • After being saved by faith Eph 2:8-10 • Demonstrate by our faith Jam 2:14-20

  13. Importance of God’s grace • Calling or election by grace Rom 11:5 • We believed through grace Acts 18:27 • Justified by God’s grace • Eternal life through grace • Forgiveness of sin by grace • Comfort and hope through grace • Strength in grace • Grace to preach • Grace to serve God • We are what we are by grace

  14. Our part in salvation with God’s help • Repentance and baptism Acts 2:38 • Acting on God’s word Jam 1:21-25 • Confession and faith Rom 10:9-10 • Endurance Matt 10:22

  15. Salvation teaching passage • Rom 3:21-26 • Produces righteousness apart from the law • From God • Through faith in Jesus Christ • To all who believe • Needed by all • Freely by grace • Through faith in His blood

  16. Salvation delivers us from • Sin • Self • Law • Present evil world • Power of the devil • Uncleanness • God’s wrath • Eternal death

  17. Body – Healing by His stripes • Future glorified body • Soul – Salvation of the soul • Hope and cleansing • Spirit – Made perfect • Communion with God’s spirit

  18. Calling – Pre destination • God has given grace to everybody to respond to Him, inspite of that some people are not responding. If some people are responding, that in not their credit, it is God’s credit. So, it can be said that God has pre destined

  19. Repentance • Knowing that we are sinners in the sight of God • A deep feeling of remorse for our sins Luke 18:13 • An active toning away from sin to God 1 Thess 1:9, Acts 26:18 • God responds by forgiving our sins Acts 2:38 • We continue by setting our hearts and mind to follow God • Great rejoicing in heaven Luke 15:7, 10 • Repentance is commanded by God to all Eze 18:30-32 • Repentance was preached • It involves a change of mind, heart and will • Repentance is associated with conviction of sin • Water baptism • Holy spirit • Turning to God • Confession of sin • Forgiveness of sin • Faith and prayer

  20. Saving faith • Gift from God • It involves mind and knowledge of truth from Jesus Christ • Our heart agreeing that the things are true • Our wills acting upon the truth • Faith comes by • Hearing Rom 10:14-17 • Word of God Rom 10:14-17 • By preaching Rom 10:14-17

  21. Object of our faith • Sure promises of our God Rom 4:20-21 • Faith in God’ powerRom 4:24 • Faith in God Himself • Faith in Jesus, my Lord Rom 4:24 • The gospel of Jesus Rom 4:25

  22. What does saving faith in Christ accomplish? • By that we are saved • We are declared righteous • We will not face God’s wrath • We are adopted in God’s family • Our sins are forgiven • We are preserved until Jesus returns • We are cleansed • We receive eternal life

  23. What does faith produce in us? • Peace with God Rom 5:1 • Hope of God’s glory • Joy • Boldness in preaching

  24. Connection between faith and good works • Impossible that faith will not produce good deeds Jam 2:14 • Words without action is useless Jam 2:15-16 • Faith without action is useless Jam 2:17-20 • Abraham’s faith led to obedience Jam 2:21-24 • Rahab’s action shows faith Jam 2:25 • Doing good deeds is commanded by God, it is not means to salvation Ps 34:14

  25. Regeneration • It is not a fleshly act but a work of the spirit John 3:5-6

  26. Sin and law • Limited time period of law • Exists until the requirements are fulfilled • Jesus Christ fulfilled the law • For those who walk with the spirit of God • Love fulfils the law • Bearing one another’s burden fulfils the law

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