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How to use leftover dal?

Making a new recipe of leftover dal is more preferable rather than eat the same dal twice. One can make a number of recipes with the leftover dal.

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How to use leftover dal?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to use leftover dal ?

  2. Introduction • Buying tuwar dal online is more convenient nowadays for your kitchen • Dal is the primary food of India • We Indian used to eat dal at least once in a day • One can make number of verities from the dal • We can make many recipes from the leftover dal also

  3. Reuse of leftover dal 1. Dal ka paratha -With the help of leftover dal you can make dal paratha same as we made aaloo paratha. -All you need to fill the stuff into the small round dough, roll them and shallow fry it. Snacks -As we Indian use to eat pakoda and fry recipes for the snacks. With the help of leftover dal you can easily make snacks.

  4. Reuse of leftover dal 3. Curry -You can also make a base of curry for other dishes with the help of toor dal -One can also use leftover dal for the preparing of sambhar dal 4. Regional specialists -There are many special regional recipes like biraiee roti, parshi dhaan shak etc.

  5. Final words - With the help of leftover dal we can make number of dishes and reuse the dal easily without wasting it. -Regardless of the type of the dal it is essential to use quality toor dal for which you can go with toor dal online shopping -So, keep using leftover dal and make delicious recipe from it.

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