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Robin, et al., 2000, Epidemiology 11(5): 550 Hernan, et al., 2002, Stat in Med. 21:1689.

Marginal Structural Models and Causal Inference in Epidemiology Longitudinal Data. Robin, et al., 2000, Epidemiology 11(5): 550 Hernan, et al., 2002, Stat in Med. 21:1689. Set-up of Data. Measurements made at regular times, 0, 1,2,...,K .

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Robin, et al., 2000, Epidemiology 11(5): 550 Hernan, et al., 2002, Stat in Med. 21:1689.

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  1. Marginal Structural Models and Causal Inference in Epidemiology Longitudinal Data Robin, et al., 2000, Epidemiology 11(5): 550 Hernan, et al., 2002, Stat in Med. 21:1689.

  2. Set-up of Data • Measurements made at regular times, 0,1,2,...,K. • A(j) is the AZT dose on the jth day. • Y is dichotomous outcome measured at the end (only once) at day K+1. • is the history of treatment as measured at time j. • is the history of the potential confounders measured at time j.

  3. Observed Data • O = (L(0),A(0),L(1),A(1),...,L(K),A(K),Y(K+1) or, • Temporal ordering implies future can cause past or: • Full Data or all processes L that result from all possible treatment histories.

  4. The Usual (but more complicated) assumption • If then SRA is:

  5. Factorization of Likelihood • SRA implies (defining Y=L(K+1)): • ETA - , and that doesn’t mean Ais all possible imaginable treatment histories (just all possible within the population of interest).

  6. The Counterfactuals of Interest • Must know define counterfactuals with regard to a whole vector of possible treatments. • If A is binary AZT (e.g., yes/no) there are 2K possible counterfactuals, e.g., • Saturated marginal structural model not practical if K is large and/or the number of possible treatment levels is large .

  7. Defining a more parsimonious (unsaturated) model • Must choose reasonable model that relates counterfactual mean to treatment history. • Example include: • where

  8. Estimating (stabilized) weights for longitudinal treatment for single outcome (Y) at end of study • Need to assume some model (unsaturated for both the numerator and denominator. • Only model for denominator needs to be correct for MSM coefficients to be consistent.

  9. Estimation of Weights • Again, assume A(j) is dichotomous. • One possible model for the denominator is: • Choices for models can be large even infinite so “black box” procedures are convenient.

  10. Y continuous, measured repeatedly • Hernan, et al., 2002. • Question of interest: causal effect of zidovudine (AZT) on mean CD4 count among HIV+. • Data comes from Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). • Between 1984-1991, MACS enrolled 5622 men with no prior AIDS-defining illness. Returned approximately every 6 months and provided blood samples.

  11. Set-up (Repeated Outcome Measurements) • Ai(j) is dose of AZT on jth visit of ith person (0 = no, 1 = yes). • Vi a vector of time-independent baseline covariates (age, calendar year, CD4 count, CD8 count, WBC, RBC, platelets, etc.) – • Li(j) = vector of potentially time-varying variables of interest (e.g., confounders, outcomes) • Define the outcome(s) of interest to be and it occurs just before (temporally) the other components of L(j) at time j. • Consider 16 visits after a baseline measurement, so k=0,1,2,...,16.

  12. Counterfactual Outcomes • Will assume that once a person is given AZT, continues on AZT – 17 possible treatment regimes. • So,

  13. Treatment Effects • We define no treatment effect in terms of counterfactual outcomes • Specifically, if: then there is no causal association of AZT and CD4. • The causal effect of AZT and CD4 for person i might be define as:

  14. Confounding assumptions (same as SRA) • No confounding at all if, for all • that is, treatment assignment is statistically independent of all future counterfactual outcomes ( ). • No unmeasured confounding (or SRA) if:

  15. The Marginal Structural Model • Define the effect of changing on the counterfactual mean using an assumed model: where that is, the current CD4 count (measured just after j) can only be affected by the past and  is a vector of parameters.

  16. Specific Marginal Structural Model • In the paper, use: where and

  17. Interpretation of  • So, 1 is the change in the mean CD4 count in a population where AZT is increased by an additional visit,

  18. Estimating (stabilized) weights for longitudinal treatment and repeated Y’s. • For the outcome measured at time j, Y(j), the stabilized weight is • Again, need to assume some model (probably unsaturated) for both the numerator and denominator. • Only model for denominator needs to be correct for MSM coefficients to be consistent.

  19. Missing Data • Not uncommonly, data on some time-dependent covariates or outcomes will be missing for some subjects at some times. • Fortunately, missing data can be treated also by weighting. • Combine the “treatment” weights with “missingness” weights.

  20. Missingness Weights • Take the case of only missing data to be Y at end of study. • Let C = 1 if Y not missing, 0 otherwise. • Assumption (CAR): • In words, whether an observation is missing or not is independent of the outcome given what one observes up to that point about the past treatment, covariates and missing observations. • Given CAR assumption, can retrieve consistency by another weight.

  21. Stabilized Missingness Weights assuming everyone’s baseline measurements are observed. • Total wt for time j is: • Regression is performed only on non-missing observations with these weights.

  22. Estimating Stabilized Missingness Weights • Need a model for:

  23. Example in Hernan Paper

  24. Example in Hernan Paper

  25. Data (Comma-delimited)

  26. R Code to read in data and convert into (fake) individual-level data #### Read in the data from a comma delimited file with header hernanexam<-read.csv("c:/hubbard/causal2003/datasets/hernanexam.csv",header=T) ## Make long data set n<-length(hernanexam[,1]) #fakehernan<-data.frame(A0=NULL,L1=NULL,A1=NULL,meany=NULL,y=NULL,id=NULL) fakehernan<-NULL ll<-0 for(i in 1:n) { cat(" i = ",i,"\n") for(j in 1:hernanexam[i,"n"]) { cat(" j = ",j,"\n") ll<-ll+1 # generate Y’s from norma(meany,SD) fakehernan<- rbind(fakehernan,c(hernanexam[i,"A0"],hernanexam[i,"L1"],hernanexam[i,"A1"], hernanexam[i,"meany"],rnorm(1,hernanexam[i,"meany"],0.02),ll)) }} fakehernan<-data.frame(fakehernan) names(fakehernan)<-c("A0","L1","A1","meany","y","id")

  27. Data.frame A0 L1 A1 meany y id 1 1 1 1 100 100.01391 1 2 1 1 1 100 99.99235 2 3 1 1 1 100 100.02064 3 4 1 1 1 100 100.00919 4 5 1 1 1 100 100.02007 5 6 1 1 1 100 100.00790 6 7 1 1 1 100 99.98325 7 8 1 1 1 100 99.99479 8 9 1 1 1 100 100.03135 9 10 1 1 1 100 99.97674 10 11 1 1 1 100 99.99353 11 12 1 1 1 100 99.99125 12 13 1 1 1 100 99.99596 13 14 1 1 1 100 100.00671 14 15 1 1 1 100 99.98297 15 16 1 1 0 100 100.00802 16 17 1 1 0 100 99.95835 17 18 1 1 0 100 99.98374 18 19 1 1 0 100 99.98043 19 20 1 1 0 100 99.99869 20 21 1 1 0 100 100.02029 21

  28. Making Weights • Need to estimate, for each subject: • Can use glm in R and Splus (logit in STATA, PROC GENMOD in SAS.

  29. Making Weights in R ## Weight Function ## P(A0) a0glm<-glm(factor(A0)~1,family=binomial,data=fakehernan) predict.a0<-predict.glm(a0glm,type="response") attach(fakehernan) predict.a0<-(1-A0)*(1-predict.a0)+A0*predict.a0 ##P(A1|A0,L1) a1glm<-glm(A1~A0*L1,family=binomial,data=fakehernan) predict.a1<-predict.glm(a1glm,type="response") predict.a1<-(1-A1)*(1-predict.a1)+A1*predict.a1 ##P(A1|A0) a1glm.sht<-glm(A1~A0,family=binomial,data=fakehernan) predict.a1.sht<-predict.glm(a1glm.sht,type="response") predict.a1.sht<-(1-A1)*(1-predict.a1.sht)+A1*predict.a1.sht ## Unstabilized wght<-1/(predict.a1*predict.a0) ## Stabilized swght<-(predict.a0*predict.a1.sht)/(predict.a0*predict.a1) detach(2)

  30. Making Weights in R A0 A1 L1 wght swght 1 1 1 1 4.000000 1.5599993 16 1 0 1 4.000000 0.4400007 31 1 1 0 2.222268 0.8666841 94 1 0 0 19.996292 2.1995957 101 0 1 1 4.000000 1.7199998 106 0 0 1 4.000000 0.2800002 111 0 1 0 2.222268 0.9555751 192 0 0 0 19.996292 1.3997413

  31. Marginal Structural Model in R • MSM: ## Make MSM attach(fakehernan) cumA<-A0+A1 detach(2) fakehernan<-data.frame(fakehernan,cumA) fakehernan[1,] rm(cumA) ## Simple Linear lm.sim<-lm(y~cumA,data=fakehernan) ## Stratified (simple adjustment) lm.strat<-lm(y~cumA+L1,data=fakehernan) ## Non-stabilized weights lm.iptw<-lm(y~cumA,data=fakehernan,weight=wght) ## Stabilized weights lm.iptw.sw<-lm(y~cumA,data=fakehernan,weight=swght)

  32. Results • Simple (Unweighted) summary(lm.sim) lm(formula = y ~ cumA, data = fakehernan) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 92.5191 0.6877 134.525 <2e-16 *** cumA -0.3944 0.4746 -0.831 0.407 • Simple Adjusted (Unweighted) lm(formula = y ~ cumA + L1, data = fakehernan) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 90.002099 0.003328 27047.48 <2e-16 *** cumA -0.002915 0.002226 -1.31 0.192 L1 10.000714 0.003328 3005.00 <2e-16 ***

  33. Results, cont. • Unstabilized Weights lm(formula = y ~ cumA, data = fakehernan, weights = wght) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 90.9985 0.4847 187.744 <2e-16 *** cumA 1.0000 0.3957 2.527 0.0123 * • Stabilized Weights lm(formula = y ~ cumA, data = fakehernan, weights = swght) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 90.3043 0.6763 133.532 < 2e-16 *** cumA 1.2839 0.4667 2.751 0.00649 **

  34. Homework • Take the data from the website (that used to make the fakehernan data.frame) • Generate an individual-level data set as I have done. • Add to it non-random missing observations (just Y at the end). • Let Y be missing according to: • Estimate using stabilized weights which include the missingness weights:

  35. Homework, cont. • Compare the stabilized weighted regression model (including both the treatment and missingness weights) with the simple and simple adjusted model that just eliminates missing observations.

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