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15 Effective Ways To Boost Website Traffic To Your Ecommerce Business

You have started your ecommerce business but things are a bit slow. Whether youu2019re at the beginning, or already driving traffic, thereu2019s always room for more. Getting more users to visit a regular website where they donu2019t need to spend any money is already challenging enough.

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15 Effective Ways To Boost Website Traffic To Your Ecommerce Business

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  1. 15 Effective Ways To Boost Website Traffic To Your Ecommerce Business You have started your ecommerce business but things are a bit slow. Whether you’re at the beginning, or already driving traffic, there’s always room for more. Getting more users to visit a regular website where they don’t need to spend any money is already challenging enough. Yet, it gets even tougher when it comes to an ecommerce store. Traffic is the only way to increase sales and boost conversions on your ecommerce website. Remember, without traffic, your sales won’t go up. One quick way to turn that little Shopify traffic into sales is to download the highest converting theme from Debutify for free. Try out some of these good tips on how to increase website traffic to your ecommerce business: 1. Start Partnering With Influencers Single out those people who have opinions that a lot of other people follow. It could be through different media like social networks, blogs or email. Focus on engagement. Don’t just pick someone with a lot of followers. Personalities who receive many comments or have a lot of people sharing their messages are more effective. Narrow it down to influencers who talk about the kind of products you sell. Start interacting with them to slowly learn more about how they work. Reach out and mention that you want to work with them. Follow it up with a clear picture of your targets and find out what they want in return. Influencers come in different categories like celebrities and bloggers. Be prepared to deal with them in different ways. You may have to go through agents and pay varying rates. 2. Join Groups And Share With Members With this approach, the aim is to be where people gather in numbers and reach them at once. The internet is filled with many places of this kind like forums and social media groups.

  2. Identify which groups discuss topics in line with what you sell. Do not go straight away to posting about your business. First interact with the members and get familiar. Create neat materials to use when talking about your business. Posting a random link or business name can get your message overlooked. Use a brief description or an attractive image. Change the manner in which you communicate regularly. Using the same graphic repeatedly can reduce its impact. Start conversations about things relating to what you sell, then include your message along the way. Where possible, approach members on a one-on-one basis. You can find such groups and forums on Facebook, Reddit, Slack, LinkedIn and Quora. 3. Create And Distribute Content Write articles with topics relating to what you sell. Include a mention of your site within these pieces. Look for websites that have a big voice in your field and submit your pieces to them. If you sell sports gear, you can write about fitness routines and submit to a health blog. People who like what you say may also follow your recommendations. When your piece features on a site that is an authority, you can drive website traffic from the link clicks. The connection (back links) to this popular site can also get you higher up in search engine results. Another option is to create your own blog where you publish your writings. The goal here is to become an authority and use that voice to point people to your business. You can also syndicate your content, which is basically getting it re-published on other sites. This option helps if you’re not sure about how much traffic one site gets. This content goes to waste if the people who click the links don’t find a user-friendly site. Offer a site that gets more sales out of these link clicks by downloading the Debutify theme now completely free. 4. Appear In Local Media Channels

  3. Newspapers, TV and Radio stations all look for content for their viewers/readers. Make a list of all channels with segments, columns or programs sharing business stories. Look through their websites and social media pages for the right contact information. Get in touch and find out what is required for you to get featured. Organize all the necessary information and submit it. Include the link to your website. Where possible, book an interview and prepare a key message to put across. 5. Host Influential People Reach out to people who command large followings in your field. Request to interview them live or send them a list of questions. The goal here is to have those people tell their followings about something they did involving your site. With the interview as an article, video or audio on your website, the link they share brings more traffic. 6. Hold A Giveaway Have a clear goal in mind. In this case, to drive traffic to your website. Choose a prize. An easy option is giving out free products. Promote the giveaway through all the available channels. Something like “The first 100 shoppers in September get a free mug” can get more people visiting the site. It all depends on the prize and how well the giveaway is promoted. Remember that giveaways usually bring temporary ecommerce website traffic. To keep more of this traffic and convert it into sales, download this free Debutify theme. 7. Make Your Shoppers Market Your Store A referral program is a good way to make use of the traffic you already have. Start by coming up with a reward. Put in place a system to manage the referrals. This can be an extra code that is entered when opening up a new account. Structure your rewards into levels so as to motivate shoppers into bringing more people. 8. Set Up Buyable Pins on Pinterest Pinterest has a feature that allows users to search for products and buy them without leaving the site. Create a Pinterest business account and set up your profile. Once you’ve followed the Buyable Pins guidelines and your account has been approved, add products. They will later appear with a price tag and a “Buy It” button. It’s a free way to tap into traffic on this social site and convert it into sales from a distance. Here’s more on how to successfully use Pinterest marketing for your Shopify store. Another feature similar to this is Instagram Shopping. Use this feature to tag products in posts that appear on your business account. Users can tap on the tag and view the product separately. They can also click a button to continue to your website.

  4. 9. Be More Mobile-Friendly Many search engines now put mobile-friendly sites higher up in their results. Compare how your website runs on desktop to mobile performance. Change your website’s theme to one that runs better on mobile devices. Set up Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) if it is available. 10. Study The Competition Get the URLs of your competitors and scan them using tools like Ahrefs, SimilarWeb and SEMrush. You will get details on how they are doing traffic-wise. This information on organic keywords, backlinks and referring domains will help you improve your website’s visibility. 11. Turn Top Pages To Video Find out which pages of yours are performing best. Create video content like product reviews, unboxing and tutorials. Make these videos the focus on those pages. 12. Add Structured Data Structured Data adds extra bits of information to make your search appearances from keywords more effective. Adding price, star ratings and availability can make your results more clickable. This helps you get more traffic from those people who were looking for these extra details. Learn more here about how to add structured data to your ecommerce site. 13. Target The Right Keywords SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your site to appear higher up in the results of search engines. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find out which words are best suited to your products. Carry out random searches to see whether your site appears on the first page of results. Re-visit your site and change product keywords so you can appear higher. 14. Send Out Emails

  5. Pick out your best content and organize it in the form of an email. Group your subscribers by their interests and other characteristics like age. Send emails tailored to each group and gather feedback. 15. Invest In Google AdWords Set up this feature so that your website can appear high up in search results as an ad. You will then be charged whenever people click the result. Make sure to set a limit on your ad budget before the ad goes live. This helps you not get charged more than you have. Conclusion There are three major areas to address if you want to drive website traffic to your store: · finding out where traffic can be gotten from · changing parts of your site to get it more visible in searches · creating a presence for your site in other places that have traffic Sources of traffic keep changing, and so do keywords. New social media platforms, groups and forums keep springing up. You have to keep updating every method you use so that you don’t get left behind. Once you have developed a routine for increasing traffic, you can then focus on converting it. To turn that new traffic into sales, download the free Debutify theme- it’s the top-converting theme on Shopify.

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